
Thanks Alli. Read the link on the post below this one...
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 64 reads

from a lady he terrorized, threatened to go to LE, call her apartment complex and wouldn't be satisfied until is was "living in a box on the side of the road".  Those are HER words not mine.

-- Modified on 8/26/2017 11:14:44 AM

Looking forward to returning and having several reunions with fabulous lady friends! Much has changed here by the looks of things I hope all of my favorites are still available?
   No private mail so please use email for contact that has not changed!
   To all those that have sent mail I apologize for not responding only because I could not read.

  Yes my darling Sloan you are in my thoughts and top of priority list


Glad you're back buddy. A lot seems to have changed for sure I'm sure there will be several ladies happy to welcome you back. Happy to hear you've got your health back!

Thank you very much appreciate that

Many happy reunions for you.

There are some newer ladies that weren't around then.

Steph XO

GaGambler132 reads

Some people, hookers and johns alike, thing time will erase their bad behavior and that we will simply "forget about it" and certain minor transgressions like a drunken rant or a couple of instances of NCNS when a person is going through a rough patch does deserve the "forgive and forget" treatment, but stalking is NOT a minor transgression, especially multiple stalking by the same person. That needs to be remembered "forever" as stalkers are very unlikely to ever change their ways.

Who cares what you think most folks around have varied opinions about your mental health.

GaGambler128 reads

Even though most of the worst of the exchanges were deleted by admin, the proof of your misdeeds is still there for all to read. People very well might not care what I think, but I am sure hearing it right from the women themselves is quite a different matter.

BTW, I spoke to TL just the other day and she is still "motherfucking you" after all this time. I guess you did make an impression on her, just not the kind of impression most men want to make.

Yes and I am not a lady that will just run and hide. I'll be waiting if he ever decides to make good with those threats.  I enjoy a GOOD TIME.... I refuse to go through anything like him again. I'm quite sure he'll be speaking all kinds of lies about me once again, just like he did Steph but I don't she or I are to worried about what he says. There are many ladies out there that he could and probably will hurt.... if he hasn't already!  He's barking up the wrong tree with my ass though.

Stephanie you had no reason to get involved back than or now! All I ever did to you was show u a very good time in the port city only to have you blame me two days later for your illness which I had nothing to do with! As I recall you attempted to extort payment from me to cover your doctors visits. Does term BSC mean anything to you.

That thread shows you to be exactly what and who you are. And now you are up here spreading out and out LIES. And yes having to go to the Spine and Neck center was because you paid no heed to what I told you. Yet I asked you for NOTHING and just told you I couldn't see you again. Then because you get nasty when in your mind you feel somehow rejected you. back channeled lies about me.  

Put a sock in it.

-- Modified on 8/26/2017 10:08:06 AM

BSC I still have your thank you e mail card you sent me after our date begging for another date  
I remember the number you asked for to cover miss working and no insurance to be around 2300 hundred dollars

GaGambler135 reads

I suppose it's just a giant conspiracy that all these different girls have come out in public, and at the risk of damaging their business, just to tell lies about you. Terrilynn, Steph, KatyMarie, they are ALL just making shit up, right?  

Face it, the days of being able to use your status as an "established reviewer" to cow these girls into silence are long over, I can only imagine how many more there are, waiting in the wings to tell the truth about you too.

Let me clarify a few things here. MC did contact me to apologize. I do appreciate at least that BUT.....I WILL NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN,  WE ARE NOT "GOOD"  The things he said to me will forever be burned in my brain. He is a danger to any lady that refuses him. I tried to let by gones be by gones, hell I even delisted but when this post went up he started texting me crazy shit again. Telling me he hopes me and MY DAUGHTER are ok? No, I won't see him. Yes, I will warn every lady I can. Also, if so anything ever does happen to me, his info is already in safe hands.  I installed cameras and a security system at my home BECAUSE OF THIS PERSON. It's not OK to be deranged.  I'm sure there are ladies he will be on the very best behavior for but the moment he's rejected..... it gets crazy. Just can't fix stupid but I can protect myself and my family.
Other than all this, I'm glad to be back and hope everyone is doing great!
GaG...... when are you bringing your ass back to town? You owe me a drink MFer  ♡

Not that there was any doubt that Mconnection was lying. As I said he eventually gets deranged and terrorizes ladies when he feels the slightest bit of rejection. This behavior also comes out when he tries to book ladies and they already have plans. That sets him off on a reign of insults, threats and scary behavior.  

He can't control himself and he certainly hasn't changed his pattern.  

BTW welcome back girlie!

Steph XO

GaGambler129 reads

Nice to see you posting my favorite slut, I wish it was for a purpose that was more fun, but it really needed to be said.  

Now lets see if he continues his lies, or if he slithers back into whatever hole he crawled out of. Guys like him are beneath contempt

Well said! A person can't just be NOT a psycho when they are just that. Killers are nice to their victims or they'd never have a victim  unless they just grab them. It's pretty easy to be on good behavior to a few just so one can flip the fuck out eventually.  Crazy can only be contained for a minute. I guess me not being on here, he just got bold. It was well worth it just to call his ass out really. In 16 years in this busines, I NEVER experienced such insane and scary behavior.  
Btw, you're my fave manwhore too ♡

I just hope the ladies of the Carolinas are careful. And for the record, I'm REALLY hoping no one tries to mess with me, If I get some crazy review or harassed in any way, I'll be contacting TER immediately.

I wonder what happened to that post of your with the link?

Steph XO

GaGambler131 reads

I guess it's a LOT easier to lie about someone when you think they can't come here and give their side of the story.

Kudos to my favorite slut for coming back here to set the record straight and hopefully saving some other woman from having to go through the same thing. Knowledge is power. This site is all about the sharing of information to protect both the ladies and the gents from bad actors, I like it when the system works. Cockroaches can't stand the light of day, thank you TL for making sure the light shines brightly on this particular cockroach.

Something had to be said. Thank you and Steph too!  
It's good to be back 😚😚😚

I NEVER asked you to cover anything. NADA. I gave it as the reason I couldn't risk seeing you again. It wasn't worth what I had to go thru financially to take care of pain. Injections in my neck, back, shoulders  and hands. You kept on about me saying I couldn't see you again so I broke it down for you. To say it wasn't cost efficient for me is an understatement. But I NEVER asked you for a dime. You obviously didn't take it well because that's when you started back channeling about me. That's you pattern.

 That pain was unbearable in my tendons and joints.  You know, all I did was thank Gambler for posting the link. I wasn't going to get into it with you again. But when you start your lies again, I'm not going to be quiet. Why don't you just stop digging!

Here's a post from that thread that best describes what you do.

-- Modified on 8/26/2017 11:05:47 AM

-- Modified on 8/26/2017 11:07:45 AM

GaGambler163 reads

Do you think he will crawl back in his hole for another year or two, hoping that 'eventually" we will forget what a vile and dangerous person he is, or do you think he will eat his own words and call TL a liar, despite having gone on record claiming that "all was good" between them?

Good deeds are never forgotten by me and I do owe Steph, Mature GFE more than I can ever say. Her actions speak huge volumes to me. My credit cards were cut off and I was locked out of my room when I went to Tijuana in 2015. I was in Mexico by myself for alternative back surgery called PRP. Plasma Rich Platelets. I was alone, could speak only minor English. She wired me $500 and also contacted one of my friends to see if they could help me. I was able to get back in my room, contact my brother who also wired me $1000 and was able to pay my bill, get back in my room and fly home safely.

I still owe her this money. Thank you Steph. With her actions this does not sound like a desperate person trying to extort money out of anyone. I totally do not believe what was written.  Steph, I will forever be grateful to you and yes, I do owe you more than I can say. You saved me in more ways than one. sincerely, Kellie/Kelley White

I do have to point out it wasn't $500 it was $300 plus I paid for you to have a place to lay your head on the night you were locked out of your room down there. I was so relieved when you back across the border in Cali and even happier when you were back in NC. I never give what I can't afford to lose. Tijuana  is no place to be stranded if you are a "gringo (or would that be gringa since you are a female?).

This guy lies and has terrorized ladies. And doesn't take "no" for an answer well.  

Big hugs,

Steph XO

-- Modified on 8/27/2017 2:31:19 PM

TL is my best friend even out of the hobby and I know for a fact she is very detailed and on point and would not make anything like this up.  
I know I have never had any thing but absolutely pleasant dealings with Steph. She seems like a total sweetheart..  

TL glad to see you posting. I love you and miss you.

Thanks Kerri! It's good to be back and I love n miss you too love! 😚💝💝💝🥂

I've met both TL & Steph, and couldn't see them doing anything irrational.  As the saying goes, where there is smoke, there must be fire.  

Maybe the poster should continue his vacation........



Thanks Sparky!! You're a sweet man that I really enjoy! 🙄😄☺
Hope you're well  

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