
RDU Feb 9-13 ~ Go Duke!!!! ~ New Pics
Sexy Carolina See my TER Reviews 6154 reads
1 / 5

See you soon in RDU..I have new pics on my site..The "More Sexy" Gallery!

Please email me @[email protected] for some playtime!! Or call 843-997-0429

Kisses and Licks


skisandboots 6171 reads
2 / 5

Tale of the Three Dookies

Three Dook grads are stuck on an island.

One day, the three of them are walking along the beach and discover a magic lamp. They rub and rub, and sure enough, out pops a genie.

The genie says, "Since I can only grant three wishes, you may each have one."

The first Dookie says, "I've been stuck here for years. I miss my family. I just want to go home."

POOF! The Dookie gets his wish and he is returned to his family.

Then, the second Dookie says, "I've been stuck here for years as well. I miss my family. I wish I could go home, too."

POOF! The second Dookie gets his wish and he is returned to his family.

The third Dookie starts crying uncontrollably.

The genie asks, "My, my, what's the matter?"

The third Dookie whimpers, "I wish my friends were still here!!!"

Sexy Carolina See my TER Reviews 5513 reads
3 / 5

I just didn't get it!! Unless he was in Chapel Hill...I can understand that!!

Duke v North Carolina tonight on ESPN at 9pm!!

Go Duke!

skisandboots 5762 reads
4 / 5

...Are a bit slow on the take.  I'll spell it out for you:  When the third Dookie made his wish he cancelled out the first two Dookie's wishes.  Typical that a Dookie wouldn't get this.

HEY !! 7565 reads
5 / 5

Just substitute for the Dukie guy one of the following:-

North Carolina grad
Boston College grad
Boston College undergrad

whichever has the smallest IQ

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