
Getting back in the game: Any good agencies
GrassIsGreener 38 Reviews 1708 reads

I'm getting back into the hobby.  And good agencies people would recommend?  Seems like there were more agencies 10 years ago.  Did Vice shut them all down?  

Great question!!!

I hope this thread gets a lot of action and everyone provides their own unique insight and experience to this topic of the absence of agencies (or very few) in the Carolinas and the mystery behind it.

I can only speak from the "Provider perspective" and one who's only been in the Carolinas about a year....  I have searched high and low, asked clients, others on forums, retired providers, and everyone in between and I have yet to find ANY what I consider "good" or reputable, legit agencies....  

I'm from Dallas, where there are 2 kinds of agencies --- the ones that frequently get busted for trafficking, typically exploit their workers with low pay and deplorable working conditions, and then, there are the high-end, reliable, legit agencies considered "high-end" with well-paid ladies that enjoy their work, their clients, and the environment they get to work in, with their friends, in a nice, clean establishment, and respectful, deserving gentlmeen.  These agencies were often times in large houses or unsuspecting, high-end ofice buildings or spas and they also offered outcall options.  

Yes, the agency takes a cut but they also handle all the screening (which is strict and thorough), the marketing, scheduling, communicating details beforehand, and providing the high-end, clean, and modern incall... And now that I'm working as an indepedent provider, handling and paying for all of that stuff myself, I believe the "cut" I paid the agency was more than fair and saved me a lot of headaches, so I could focus on the fun parts of this "work"! :) ITo me, agency work seemed like a win-win for all involved--  easier for clients to find and book visits with girls they liked, more safe, consistent business for providers, and most important to me -- the opportunity to not feel alone in this crazy, sometimes isolating and confusing, industry and feel a real sense of comrodory and "family" in the work environment.  

Sadly, I have found nothing even close to that out here in the Carolinas and I've struggled to even find providers to connect with.  As I've heard many providers on the boards share, this way of life and business can be difficult due to social stigma and having to be careful how much you share with others.... So, it gets lonely, and I truly  miss having a place to connect with other like-minded workers.  Although I make more independtly, I miss having friends in the biz.  The only things  even close to "agencies" here are of course the AMPS and a few other shady establishments in seedy areas or strip malls with underpaid (and sadly, underage) providers that don't seem to be working there by choice.  Nothing sexy about that.

Sorry to go on a tangent, but it's frustrating as someone new to the area to not have any way to really connect with other provider or work for a successful agency.  I would take the opportunity in a second! :)

I know I didn't give a great answer to your question, but I thought I'd share the "provider's perspective" once again because it's something I've really been puzzled by since moving out this way.... :)  The Carolinas has plenty of business, lots of gorgeous and amazing providers, and tons of money to be made and fun to be had for all involved if some reputable agencies run by decent people would only emerge... If anyone knows of one that already does and is interested in hiring a friendly, experienced, hard-working bell that loves what she does, I'd love to talk to you!  Message me if you're interested or can provide me with some guidance.... thanks!  


Thanks Madison, a decade ago when I was really active, I knew vice was coming down hard and I heard that directly from men.  But it seemed they were after the men and not the women.  So I assumed the good agencies would outlast that.  Honestly, I'm really glad the bad agencies are shut down and I wish they'd shut down some of the bad strip clubs pushing drugs.   I'm sure we are all glad when any trafficker and low-end pimp gets what is due to them.  That said, I didn't expect to find NO agencies.  I really hope others weigh in or private message.  

On a separate note, I think what you share is very important.  I have been reading about the legal changes mainly in German and Sweden related to the Hobby and the impact (good and bad) it is having on society and the women in particular.  Even if you work independently, having a community who values you and understands you, especially other women, is important.  I will also private message you and I hope other women read your response and message you as well.

There used to be a number of good agencies years ago.  Now there are very few agencies left, but not none.  I believe the main reason for their disappearance is the FOSTA and SESTA bills which became law in 2018.  My impression is that most agency operators felt it was too risky running an agency after the changes in law due to the potential penalties involved.  I am aware of two agencies still around in the Raleigh area, XO Club and Best Known Secrets.  I believe both have good reputations from what I hear.  XO Club has an ad periodically here on TER.  Good luck.

Never heard of Best Known Secrets, they have a website?

Thanks for the info, I was not aware of the FOSTA bill and other legislation.  I can see how that would impact Backpage and other sites, but not sure why that would impact an agency, especially if their providers are all over 18 years of age and not advertising questionable content.  Good to know though.

for the promoting the ladies on their sites. It's insane.


Angel4Life231 reads

Miss Sexy By Raven… agency ever!

Can you private message me a link.  For some reason it wont let me PM you so I must be doing something incorrectly.  Thanks

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