Boston Buzz

This week at RSGteeth_smile
sexy1jill See Agency Profile 8065 reads

Hi Everyone,

This week for visitors I have Alina (last day today) and Mimi here. Locals, Alexa, Alexandria, Andie, Bobbi, Reyene, Mia, Li, Nicole, and Sabrina. Janel and Maria are no longer with us and Sarsh is on vacation this week.

Have a great week, play nice and stay safe


Perhaps with the elimination of "Who is in Today" option, you may want to consider labeling who is a Visiting Lady and who is a Local Ladies.

At least, then we won't keep asking about a Visitor since you generally label a week before they are expected to arrive.

Still the best.

Hello , what happened to Mia after all these years

and are you saying that eleven of the locals including Mia and Bobbi
are no longer with Roomservice?

Mia and Bobbi are still here, their pictures are still up. I dont know what you mean by 11 people gone?

i guess i miss read or am not understanding
this is what i am read

Hi Everyone,

This week for visitors I have Alina (last day today) and Mimi here. Locals, Alexa, Alexandria, Andie, Bobbi, Reyene, Mia, Li, Nicole, and Sabrina. Janel and Maria are no longer with us and Sarsh is on vacation this week.

Have a great week, play nice and stay safe


Related Link: RSG (Mimi in pic)

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i thought you were saying "Locals, Alexa, Alexandria, Andie, Bobbi, Reyene, Mia, Li, Nicole, and Sabrina. Janel and Maria are no longer with us and Sarsh is on vacation this week."

Posted By: frawley
i guess i miss read or am not understanding
this is what i am read

Hi Everyone,

This week for visitors I have Alina (last day today) and Mimi here. Locals, Alexa, Alexandria, Andie, Bobbi, Reyene, Mia, Li, Nicole, and Sabrina. Janel and Maria are no longer with us and Sarsh is on vacation this week.

Have a great week, play nice and stay safe



Didn't you see the period? It was pretty clear to me

Related Link: RSG (Mimi in pic)

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i thought you were saying "Locals, Alexa, Alexandria, Andie, Bobbi, Reyene, Mia, Li, Nicole, and Sabrina. Janel and Maria are no longer with us and Sarsh is on vacation this week."

I was looking forward to seeing when she would return. Is she gone as well?

Anjoli is an Indy from Canada. She was only here for a short trip and I dont know if and when she will be back so I took her down for now.

There is a period after the word "Sabrina"  Jill was just listing the locals in that sentence. The next sentence lists two who are no longer there and one who is on vacation. Thanks, again. I can't wait to get an opportunity to renew my patronage.

looks like yulia is no longer with rm either

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