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EmmaDupree See my TER Reviews 987 reads

Ten seconds. You slide through the door, looking left and right, but eyes only for me.  
Fifteen seconds. We embrace, exchange a laugh, I take your jacket and hang it in the closet while you walk into the room.
Thirty seconds. You pull the collar of your shirt out, convinced I’ve turned the heat on because the temperature is escalating. Your rub your hands on your slacks, the fibers soaking up the nervous perspiration you’ve acquired in the minute it took you to walk from the elevator to the door.  
Sixty seconds. We banter back and forth as I walk across the room. You’re standing by the bed, anxious, excited, your heart speeds up as I get closer and my lashes lower as I finally step up to you.  
Three hundred seconds. I wrapped up in the texture of your shirt as I slowly undo the buttons, and work the knot free on your tie. I lay them both over the back of the desk chair, and run my burgundy colored nails over the slight bit of hair you have on your chest before I run my smooth palms over your rib cage to repeat the process on your back.  
Five seconds. My lips part, your head descends, and the first taste of me on your tongue elicits a groan so deep and primal as I sink into you.
If this can happen in the first few minutes, just imagine for a moment what an hour, two or even a night would be like. It’s the breathless rush right before our eyes meet and our lips touch. A delicious experience that will leave you satiated and pleasured beyond measure. Let me ignite you. Explore me, if you dare.

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