
Urgent message for female providers
Aphrodisia 8884 reads
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There is a man who has been asking to see me, however he is trying to do everything in his power not to verify with me, including not disclosing his last name.  Says that another provider passed along his personal info over the internet to everyone and will not even give me a provider reference though he says he has seen many. His emails are suspicious, and so is he.  I have more information that I wish to disclose privately and encourage others to please email me.


[email protected]

Kathryn Rachel 10800 reads
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I am having an IDENTICAL correspondence currently - probably the same guy.  

After several e-mails offering to meet me in public and chat and then go to a hotel room (bypassing the verification all together), he wrote, "The 'process' really seems much too complicated. I think that I'll save both of us some time and just pass.  Quite frankly, I have found quite a few Providers willing to work with my terms."

I didn't ask him, but I sincerely wonder who those providers are!

If you would like additional info on this gent, please feel free to e-mail me.  BE SAFE LADIES!!  

TraceyME 11954 reads
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Well it isn't me, I am also getting the same exact thing.Stating he will meet in a public place yadda yadda yadda.I don't understand how you can feel comfy with someone after 20 mins and have NO idea who he is.Thanks but no thanks.

Aphrodisia 12578 reads
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I believe your letter probably reads like this:

"As much as I would really like to meet you (you still do intrigue me!), this is getting far to complicated and tiring.  There are many other Providers out there who are willing to share the risk and trust their instincts when meeting new clients.  We both have the option to make many other choices as to the people we choose to trust.  It is clear to me that you will never be comfortable with me, and quite frankly you have greatly diminished my interest in you.

I suggest that the best course of action might be that we each go our own way and work with partners that we can each be comfortable with." Yes, same person and I am wondering whether or not this is somebody ELSE we all know..catch my drift?

Brooke04330 9714 reads
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I have received two e-mails that are identical to Tracey's and another providers e-mails from this loose.

Take Care,

Bodyoasisgirls 11487 reads
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Ladies there are too many safety oriented wonderful men out there if you find yourself considering seeing someone like him based on the email I received and the one I was forwarded call me and I am happy to introduce you to kinder gentler hobbyists.
Be safe out there he is a definite nono , I have a friend who learned the hard way from a gentleman very similar .

Aphrodisia 7576 reads
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That is a GREAT message and we all can learn from this experience and individual.  VERIFY LADIES ALWAYS and in ALL WAYS!

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