
Aphrodisia 11846 reads

I have rectified this situation by instituting a 24 hr cancellation policy, which is clearly stated on the Etiquette page of my website.  If a client cancels within 24 hrs., then everything is fine, however if they do not, they are invoiced for 50% of the donation, via my Paypal account.  This is strictly enforced for new clientele, and on an individual basis for returning clients.  For all first time out - of - town clients and or extended dates of 3 hrs or more, a 25% deposit is necessary to reserve the time.

My rate of no show is virtually zero now. And by-the-by, I consider myself to be a first rate provider, NHughty.  Sounds like you have been hangin' on the the wrong side of the street ;-).

hottstacey11660 reads

Consideration is a two way street. Hobbiests and providers both need to have it. I had my day all planned only to get stood up. It is bad enough to be stood up on a one hour appointment, but to book up a 4 hour early dinner date, and not have the person show is not right.
    What is even worse is that some hobbiests have no idea how greatly they impact us providers. I have had to cancel on some clients because of the lack of consideration of other clients. I've had to book a room whether I have a client or not this week and then wing it because too many times I have had to say I can't meet because I was cancelled on at the last minute. This is a real job for me. This is how I make my living. I cannot perform it efficiently, nor can any provider, if we are not respected. I respect all of you. I respect your need for discretion as well as try my best to make you happy. If you can't make an appointment, why can't you call and let me know? I want to stay busy, but I can't do that if people don't have the courtesy to keep me posted on their schedule changes. I understand that things happen that might prevent us from meeting, but is it too much to ask to get a call?  I love to work, and just as your time is valuable so is mine. These events interefer with my reputation. If you are reading this please be more considerate to the next women.

"Consideration is a two way street"?????
  I can't tell you how many times I have set appointments and followed up to confirm, on the morning of the appointment, only to get no answer at appt. time and no courtesy call to cancel.
  I once extended a visit with "quality" provider after inquiring if her next hour was available, "no problem I'm available 'til dinner" she said. That night when I turned on my computer there was a post by an irrate hobbist about that same provider not calling to cancel his appointment that afternoon! The guy had travelled over two hour to get there.
  This is not directed at you Stacey, as I have never met you, but their are many prominent providers out there (and you know who you are) that do it to first time bookings alot. Taking the sure thing instead of gambling on the next one being a no show.
  My personal opinion is it sucks both ways. I understand that most providers earn their living based on keeping their schedule as full as they see fit, and booking hotel rooms for no shows can get pretty exspensive. It's also hard for some of us to set aside time, to get out of the office, away from the spouse, or whatever personal arrangement ones situation lends itself to, only to be left hanging out to dry. I just think to many people on both sides take the courtesy issue to lightly and use it to JUSTIFY their behavior.
  Can't we all just get along!

sexymegan11738 reads

Why can I ask ... would you boo a 4 hour date with someone you dont know...and if you dont know them I always setup a free half hour the day before...just to talk.. so you establish a rappture with the person...and then at that time you knida get a feeling for the person... and also at that time you get a partial deposit...then thhese thing dont happen...I get guys booking 12 hour dates ALL the time...if they have never met me I assume they are full of shit... and are using me in place of a 900# know... I ask them : are you ok you sound outa breathe.... I think mabye if your not busy ...and your having problems you should work for a agency...parttime just to get established.... please dont take that the wrong way...its just your always saying how you wish you were busier...just a suggestion....either way the guy was a jerkoff...those are the guys that you send all their info to us other we dont book em.,

Aphrodisia11847 reads

I have rectified this situation by instituting a 24 hr cancellation policy, which is clearly stated on the Etiquette page of my website.  If a client cancels within 24 hrs., then everything is fine, however if they do not, they are invoiced for 50% of the donation, via my Paypal account.  This is strictly enforced for new clientele, and on an individual basis for returning clients.  For all first time out - of - town clients and or extended dates of 3 hrs or more, a 25% deposit is necessary to reserve the time.

My rate of no show is virtually zero now. And by-the-by, I consider myself to be a first rate provider, NHughty.  Sounds like you have been hangin' on the the wrong side of the street ;-).

Aphrodisia my post was not meant to expose anyone, just rattle a few consciences on both sides, so mentioning names would serve no purpose at all. I will however say, unfortunately those that I speak of are some of the most highly rated and respected providers in the area, not just high volume, high profile board contributors.
  I certainly spent my time "hangin' around on the wrong side of the street" when I first started in this hobby. It was a hard and expsensive lesson. I think with the resources, community of people, and the volume of information now available there is no need to jump in blind anymore.
  My personal experience has been that, although the quality of my encounters has vastly improved the frequency at which they get cancelled really hasn't changed much. The unexplained or no courtesy calls cancellations just hurt alot more now because the work involved with advanced planning is more difficult.
  I'm not defending either side 'cause it just ain't right in this age of cell phones and e-mails NOT to make contact, no matter how bad the excuse may be.

Aphrodisia10244 reads

Agreed.  Engagements may cost but courtesy is free.

tjrenegade9351 reads

hmmm I seem to remeber driving an hour and forty five minutes to see you and you didn't show....sorry no sympathy

Shy_N_Jewish8298 reads

In the past 3 years of occasional hobbying, I've only done that once.  About a month ago, I called an out of town provider and she told me I should come into town/Boston (45-55 minute drive) and try her again in "maybe an hour".  I took that as a "if I'm free" instead of a definite situation.  That coupled with her strange attitude on the phone at noon turned me off, so I never called back.  I ended up seeing (surprise) Stacey a day or two later instead.  If I did ever need to cancel with a woman, if I were sure I were her only appointment, I'd be sure to pay her for the room if it were my fault.  If I were only one of a few appointments, I'd feel guilty and probably tip nicely the next time.


Aphrodisia12538 reads

You drove to see ..whom?  the thread indicates me, so be careful as I do not know who you are..

tjrenegade11492 reads

yepp I am talking about you!

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