
Boston Int -- References Needed?
minddomma 5 Reviews 1111 reads

I have been quite pleased to hear about the quality girls at Boston International, especially the K-Girls. I was an active member of the now closed BostonTop10, but have stayed away from most escorts since they were either more expensive or reviewed worse that the girls of BTT.

Anyway, I started trying to join BI last weekend, working through their Telegram accouts, which is what they prefer. They gave me a form to fill out including real name and LInkedIn profile.

They also asked for an escort reference, and I said BostonTop10, even though they were no longer in business and, therefore, do not have any working phone numbers. Since then, I have not heard back.

My initial feeling was that agencies in particular used references as a protective cover, but were more than eager to take a paying customer over requiring a provider reference. I always felt that providers were sketchy about giving out references anyway, since it could well mean losing their clients.

So I haven't heard back from my inqiory. What should I do?

Did you request a specific provider, date and time when you first applied? Those requests tend to take a priority over general requests.

Under no circumstances reference BTT in your application. You list BTT as a reference, what are they supposed to do? Ask the DOJ if they have record of you being a client? Contact the BTT booker who is in federal custody?

If that doesn’t work, wait a few months and get an actual living, breathing reference who is not in police custody.

Question is why would you post this message?  

as in Solves a lot of problems ime, and not only with BI. I'm sure that mentioning Boston Top Ten also didn't infuse BI screener with a lot of confidence.

I'm sure that mentioning Boston Top Ten also didn't infuse BI screener with a lot of confidence.
I’m scratching my head wondering what he was thinking when he decided to use BTT as a reference.

I would've market your post with a lmao face if TER were to provide us that option lol

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