
Oh, Muddy, you are a hoot!
augustwest 46 Reviews 893 reads
1 / 46

Myself and fellow Mods, Crystal, MltBob, Codpeace, Uni and Huki appreciate everyone coming out this week for our Spring party. As usual, lots of familiar faces plus some new ones. We take it that everyone enjoyed themselves and look forward to the next party in October.

And it didn't rain!!!!  Let's hope this is the start of a trend and not an aberration.

Thanks again, without all of you there would be no party!

Foodyguy 29 Reviews 452 reads
2 / 46
Calvin88 894 reads
3 / 46

Angel said she was cold and some poor john offered her his jacket. Now, she is accusing him on trying to strangle her with his coat!

augustwest 46 Reviews 634 reads
4 / 46

.... and it was a pleasure to have her as a guest. We hope she comes back to future events!

mrfisher 108 Reviews 442 reads
5 / 46

You even arranged it somehow that the Sox would beat Toronto.  Not sure how you did it, but thanks so much.

The grub was tops, too.

And even the weather was fantastic.

Foodyguy 29 Reviews 441 reads
6 / 46

Too bad there are still idiots that like to start something on the board without an ounce of truth

octovert 596 reads
7 / 46

Who are you? No one on these boards refers to a hobbyist as a john. Go home to your stuffed tiger, troublemaker

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 227 reads
8 / 46

Your composition would suggest one who is illiterate. At least you finally admit you live for the 'likes.' I wonder what Angel thinks about your comments towards her on the GD?

Arovet 62 Reviews 217 reads
9 / 46

all the likes and GD/regional posts in the world aren't going to change that.

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 337 reads
11 / 46
angelexotic See my TER Reviews 292 reads
12 / 46

these days i am certain i havent read it. thankfuly.

I put any one who is drama on my ignore button asap. or who is looking to cause it.

              I also rarely read gd any more I am gonna be on here for meet n greet info and to post ads basically only..........
thansk for the heads up i will steer clear the gd board, I d rather not read it, I dont wanna get stressed or upset for no reason. Over people who dont matter.

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 219 reads
13 / 46

He claimed Nicky coerced your participation on the GD board a week or so ago to confirm the 'address for baby gift' stalking story. He threw you under the bus. Shocking I know.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 274 reads
14 / 46

Rehashing things that have nothing to do with the topic. The M&G!

I know how that feels believe me.


GaGambler 214 reads
15 / 46

As you know he does this from time to time, usually right before he has a total meltdown and gets tossed off the board for a month or two. Tick Tock, I think we are getting close.

Dr Who revived 160 reads
16 / 46

I win.

His posts commenced on 4/ 14 days was the O/U and I took the over.

You do have my updated PayPal info...right?
Posted By: GaGambler
As you know he does this from time to time, usually right before he has a total meltdown and gets tossed off the board for a month or two. Tick Tock, I think we are getting close.

GaGambler 172 reads
17 / 46

You are the only guy foolish enough to bet that Rodless would make it two whole weeks without getting the boot, which means I collect from everybody else but you, woo hoo, cha ching.

Now all we have to do is hope he doesn't melt down and do something dumb enough to get kicked off tonight.

Dr Who revived 205 reads
18 / 46

Don't bother with another moronic reply.

Of course this is how you treat the women of TER.  You've shown over and over that you'll toss any/all of them under the bus.

Don't fret...your ill will towards the women here hasn't gone unnoticed.  You've accomplished what only a few in the history of TER have accomplished...congratulations!
Posted By: RodTidweLL
Because I was really nice in the response. That's why I was initially trying to contact you. Because you didn't have to harass me using ban alias if you were upset. You could have just talked to me.

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 162 reads
19 / 46

Sometimes it's best just to keep your lips zipped. Please.

-- Modified on 5/3/2015 1:26:39 PM

Arovet 62 Reviews 182 reads
20 / 46

Lie big, lie often and eventually they'll believe it? What a despicable pucking futz.

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 139 reads
21 / 46
Arovet 62 Reviews 149 reads
22 / 46

you did.

BTW, a LOLish post under another comment does not constitute harassment. Incessant emails followed by demanding a response to said emails on a message board would be closer to what a reasonable person would call harassment. Do you know any petulant man-children who've done anything like that?

Dr Who revived 291 reads
23 / 46

But in your inimitable fashion of blaming (and shaming) others for your ineptitude...once again it's all about you.

Keep on're also the # 1 narcissist on TER

Blowing Chunks 224 reads
24 / 46

So that would mean Rod isn't exactly her type.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 173 reads
25 / 46

If ALL of them got pulled it wasn't my doing. And I had lil Roddy blocked from contacting me via PM and thru his hobby email. So what does he do? He hits the panic button and starts emailing me from what must his personal email. So I get email blasts which I chose to ignore and not answer his questions. At first, lil Roddy   was acting like he was someone else, taking up for "Rod". I didn't respond, so THEN he confesses it's  really him (Rod). I still didn't respond. I didn't ask him to email me from his damn personal email. He has no self control then he panics. I blocked him when he lost it right before his LAST suspension. He asked me some crazy way out crap. I blessed him out and blocked him. So he just couldn't help himself. Then he posted on the Carolinas board on an unrelated thread (sound familiar?) TWICE saying to contact him. Um NO, I didn't want to talk to him, that's why I blocked him.

So here he is doing his thing AGAIN! He's delusional and ridiculous. I TRIED to help him way back and then again but this guy is bullheaded and just keeps doing the same thing over and over, expecting different outcome. I believe that one of the definitions of insanity. And anyone who doesn't agree with him, or thinks some of his posts are LAME gets PM blasts about betrayal, harassment and a bunch of other stuff.

He needs help! Here he is bringing up crap about Angel when she's only weeks from her delivery date! Does he care about that, hell NO he doesn't.

And I have no intention of going down the crazy road with him again.

I'll include the link of him coming on the Carolinas board when I ignored his emails. Anyone see a pattern? I do

Blowing Chunks 165 reads
26 / 46

I'm curious why he needs to constantly send you so many emails... after all, didn't he say that he's the one who rejected you? lol

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 167 reads
27 / 46

So since he continues to lying...NEWS FLASH, I blocked him because he is so delusional and paranoid and actually said...wait for it...He thought MASTERZEN ( one of the really nice guys on the boards) and I were conspiring with the "board boys" to somehow find out things about it. I guess he saw my review by MZ and his paranoia once again got the best of him. That is CRAZY, I mean insane talk.  

And a WHILE back I really thought lil Roddy was a decent guy, just overly concerned about the TER boards and a bit childish. I really felt fir him. He asked me more than once to have dinner together and talk about things. I'm in no way "upset or mad" with him having anything to do with any "rejection" by him. Damn this guys pulls shit outta his ass and thinks it's going to fly. He's getting more outta control by he minute. And get this, on a social date that may have been talked about a while back....The other reason I blocked him was because I told him I'd need to verify him for any kind of meeting, SO he also accused me of only wanting it to give it to the "board boys". Unfrigginbelievable.

NEWS FLASH I never had his name or anything of a personal nature until lil Roddy wrote me from his personal mail acting like he was someone else taking up for "Rod" and asking me why a nice person like myself was being mean to him. I had him BLOCKED for a reason, but he just HAD to send me an email from another email addy. When a lady has you blocked  TWO places, she doesn't want to be bother by that person anymore.

What a load of it. I swear this guy is the biggest drama queen on TER, male or female, hands down! Then he wonders why it always goes wrong for him and it's never because of HIM. Sorry Boston folks. You know I love ya'll...but I[m not going to sit here and have this person peddle his crap like this. He seems to be once again trolling several boars looking for a new home.

He needs to leave Angel alone and me as well. Steph has weighed in on his crap on the  Boston board now. Nuff said.



What an embarrassment to me that I ever felt bad for him some of last year.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 146 reads
28 / 46

I have no info "on him and did not ask TER to remove ALL of my alias posts. Of course he can always bug them about it demanding an answer. That usually goes over real well with them. And is he REALLY talking about someone going from board harassing him? REALLY?!? Maybe he doesn't *get it* that the Boston and Carolinas board aren't his home board and he went to both looking for trouble and found it.

Please TRY explaining to him that he's just TSTTT. Good night...

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 134 reads
29 / 46

And why would you email her from your personal email? Kinda proves her point no? You really are TSTTT.

Calvin88 189 reads
30 / 46

Rod, you are learning how small this community can be, your "board boys" have friends, including women. You failed to realize once the story is created, it must now become fact to the creator. If they were to say they made it up, offer an apology, they would lose all credibility in what they write. I have seen this play out in a similar event. You can not win, you do not need victory to be correct. I have seen this play out on other sites, a gang of men and women attacking each other until all reputations are ruined. Please leave, for your peace of mind. You must know any avatar with the name Rod, will be attacked by them. Do not remain a victim any longer.

We share a woman in common, you have friends as well. She speaks volumes of the quality guy you are. You took care of her after she was robbed in DC. If you are looking for someone to say they believe you. I, believe you. Do what you must, detach yourself from this place. You will lose your sanity, explaining to those that do not want to listen.

My hope is you take my advice.

MsNina See my TER Reviews 286 reads
31 / 46

Morgan, Hailey and I would like to say Thanks so much to the organizers ! We had a great time and y'all did a great job.... fantastic place, easy to find and to park. Yeah!

Plus, Its always fun to put a face behind the voice/handle.  And where else would you see such a bustling  party filled with such a diverse and interesting crowd?   I coulda stayed and talked to ya'll all night!  But alas..... 'Someone' had to take Morgan home to bed a bit earlier than intended  LOL

I wish I could've met everyone that was there!  I didn't get the chance to talk to many of you beauties, but hope to make your acquaintance next time.  Nice to meet you Angel, keep that chin up baby :) , Good to see you again Queeny, its been Way toooo long and thanks AW for graciously helping Morgan and Hailey mingle, and hey to the man across the room that I just HAD to meet, Im still crushing on you ;)   Call me  

Cant wait for the next one!!

TheOriginalFucker 275 reads
32 / 46

OMG!!!!, i hope she will, everyone just dying to learn your real info...
Like really? don't worry, you not that special, no one cares about you or your information.

inicky46 61 Reviews 164 reads
33 / 46

Also, Rod is lying again.  If he's actually been Black Listed there's no way for him to know who did it.  He's making an assumption and trying to smear someone.  What a nice guy.

TheOriginalFucker 129 reads
34 / 46

Well you where gone for some time, did rod again got you in trouble?

inicky46 61 Reviews 137 reads
35 / 46

I am sure Rod tried to cause me a problem but he doesn't have that capability.

TheOriginalFucker 124 reads
36 / 46

Let him enjoy, he managed to do that even for one day, that's already amazing achievement in his mind

JohnMilton_Esq 224 reads
37 / 46

I'm not a 'board boy”,  but I have been following the events posted about on this thread.  To me it has become evident  that Tidwell is actually becoming dangerous to the business of some and he has provided proof of this for all of us to see.  Yes, he is delusional, yes, he is a liar and now he is spewing conspiracy theories involving Curly and Steph.  Since we can't get him to stop, ladies, you need to pay attention to what he is doing here and avoid him.  Some have defended him, saying he seems harmless.  This thread provides proof that he is not.  He has gone after Steph with a delusional rant.  He has stalked her and others.  TER should ban him for these acts, but since they won't, you all need to protect yourself.

I also offer my apology to augustwest, the OP of this thread.  This kind of train wreck should not be happening on your thread thanking those who helped make your M&G successful, but, I hope these posts can serve as a warning to others about Tidwell.

TheOriginalFucker 238 reads
39 / 46
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 180 reads
40 / 46

I've NEVER put anyone on that site-ever. It appears you have really, REALLY done it to yourself this time, but it was NOT me.

That site isn't worth anything for being accurate. AND think about this when the steam stops coming out of your head... I have the email addy you panicked about after you chose to use it to contact me when I blocked you. So WHY wouldn't I use it if I was going to do something like that?

Whoever did it must not have the email you used to contact me from AFTER I blocked your hobby one. Before you go accusing someone of something like that-THINK. Someone alerted me to this today, saying you would think it was me. NOPE!

I do not appreciate your wild accusations and the lies you've told and the distortions you've hurled at me. Stop it.  For all I know you put yourself up there just so you could come on here, to accuse me of it. I wouldn't put it past you as much as you play the victim here.

Just chill out! This was a nice thread about a M&G until you showed up talking about Angel.


-- Modified on 5/4/2015 3:56:15 AM

-- Modified on 5/4/2015 4:16:50 AM

Arovet 62 Reviews 165 reads
41 / 46

wait, that's not news. Carry on with your lives people, nothing to see here.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 289 reads
42 / 46

I have known Stephanie very well for years now, and she never would do such a thing, yet here you are making the accusation without any proof at all.

Apologize and then go.

GaGambler 187 reads
43 / 46

I am certainly glad those over/under bets got graded this morning, because I see yet another epic meltdown of BSCTaylor proportions coming in the very near future. Anyone care to wager?

inicky46 61 Reviews 109 reads
44 / 46

Posted By: MuddytheMudskipper
It's so obvious...

inicky46 61 Reviews 128 reads
45 / 46

I'm going to spank you.  You know this.

GNO 249 reads
46 / 46

I just started to see Rods posts and I must say this guy is good.  

"It takes one fool to throw a stone in the lake and 10 geniuses to get it out"  

Why would you try to have him justify his being.

Good job Rod it's people like you that got the riots started in MD.

Keep up the good work Rob..

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