
What’s the protocol for leaving?
drbas 95 Reviews 2929 reads

I usually stick to reviewed providers, but some ads look too tempting

What’s the protocol, if you show up and the lady doesnt look like her pictures, so much that it kills the vibe and you dont at to go forward?

Do you call her out and say sorry and leave?

Just leave once you take a look at her?

Do you still have to pay?

This has only happened once to me, over 10 years ago.  It was a massage appointment - I went in and the woman looked like a grandma, although she was pleasant looking enough.  While I was taking a shower beforehand I was creeped out and decided to just GTFO.  I paid her the full amount (which was something like $150-200 so not a big deal) because I didn't want any trouble, and said I was leaving.  I didn't say why as I didn't think that would be helpful or productive.  She was pretty surprised but I just went on my way.

Say nothing. Just get the hell out of there.

If it's something I determined was not up to par I'd hand her a twenty and say something came up. If she miss represented herself See yah latah!

Townman47 reads

I did it all at various time. Paid $100 and split, just left without as much as saying sorry, left after saying sorry, or stayed and went through something I shouldn't have gone through.

Absolutely fake pics. She came in barefoot too. I gave her my slippers and robes and sent her on her wat moment she woke up.  

It's sad really.

-- Modified on 1/12/2024 12:08:26 PM

I’ve turned around and left a few times. Didn’t give them a penny. Why would you? Fake or misleading picts and/or ad? To hell with them

That's right. Just watch your back on the way out. I had a shoe thrown at me once.

Shoe fly don't bother me,
Shoe fly don't bother me.
Shoe fly don't bother me.
Well, maybe it really does!

Posted By: jazzman121847
Re: Turn around and leave  
That's right. Just watch your back on the way out. I had a shoe thrown at me once.

AllTheTimeBaby78 reads

I had a date set up with a beautiful Asian woman.

It was a "bait-and-switch." The lady was not Asian, and a dreary plain-Jane.

As I turned on my heel to leave, she snarled "Aren't you going to give me a cancellation fee?"

Speaking of 'not too plain of a Jane'. Jane simply is the prettiest k-girl I ever effed, save none. That includes my 3 months in Korea where I was hoeing nonstop - Pohang, Seul, and Shu's birthplace of Pusan, trust me I've done it all and Jane beats all the hoes back home. IM(very)HO of course.


If it’s their Incall , I just turn around and leave without saying anything or saying I’m not interested  
Now if they came to my house which is very very rare for a new girl, then it takes some negotiating. And usually requires paying for the full rate just to get them to leave.  
Which is why I don’t have untrusted friends at my house. But it can happen.  
Remember it’s fee for service and you are under no obligation to pay without service.

Just leave. No partial payment, no apology, just leave. Did this just a few weeks ago. Sick and tired of providers misrepresenting themselves. If more guys left, it would cut down on them doing it. Most guys stay hence why they’ll continuing doing it. You run the risk of being blacklisted, etc but I’m at the point now where I don’t care and enough is enough.

You're a big wisher, mrfisher.

Posted By: mrfisher
Re: Im a bit surprised nobody posted this song...

You didn't rhyme, slime.
Just get yourself free.

Posted By: mrfisher
Re: Wisher?   Or did you mean to write pisher?   8o)
Not interested in your bathroom habit, rabbit.
Just set yourself free.
(Yeah, yeah, ... pisher means more than just urination. I'm trying to think of another relevant couplet, schmuplet.)

Before I was an independent escort in College I worked for agencies & they always did the bait and switch it’s the worst. You can kindly refuse service and give the lady a voluntary contribution for her time, and travel. You choose the amount it’s totally up to you because your time was wasted as well it’s not fair. Sorry love.💗

It all depends  
Incall - I’d say I forgot the donation in the car. And get the hell out of there.  
Outcall home - I’d pay her for her time and transportation. And hopefully she would leave.  
Outcall hotel - I’d offer her half the hr rate and tell her to leave.

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