
New Schedule and Website problems....
BigBlondie 9846 reads

First to all those gentlemen who called me last week for an appointment, I apologize.  I was fighting a cold and did not want to give it to anyone else.  I am feeling much better now, except I have been in bed alone for a week and am feeling very feisty!!!!

To those who have looked at my reviews on here, I did not know that my website link was missing, I have reported the problem and hopefully the wonderful people at TER will get the problem taken care of.  TER, you know I luv Ya!!!

My website is WWW.BIGBLONDIE.COM  

Monday shall be an outcall day

Tuesday I am thinking Waltham

Wednesday will be entirely up to you, tell me where you want me

Thursday  on the North Shore  maybe Peabody

Friday  anywhere you want me

Just a heads up, I will be heading back to springfield for a couple of days next week.  


BigBlondie10634 reads

Hosting incall in Peabody on Thursday Please schedule early!


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