
copy of mail i just sent to staff re: erotic stories
clarence37 37 Reviews 13459 reads

unless there is an angle to this melodrama that i am missing, your decision to disallow erotic stories is bizarre. you have naked tits and ass photos linked to your home page; reviews, available for all to read, are often far more graphic than the stories i've read. one of my own first reviews was disallowed due to "not enough graphic details" and i was very specific about her body and my orgasm.

the name of the damn site is "the EROTIC review"

if you don't want the stories on the message board, why not create a category for stories, as i believe someone else suggested here.... you have a board for dirty jokes, a board for legal issues... why not a TER FORUM?

I agree they have a important place here and should be allowed. If not on this board they should have their own area. Such a talent and willing to share with us is such a waste. And I for one do not want to do without them.

[email protected]

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