
Copley Square....angry_smile
Montero1510 See my TER Reviews 867 reads

Hello, Bostonians!!!  

I LOVE your city....and I love the Boston MEN even! Question: How many of you have had sex in Copley Square? (Asking for a friend) lol  If not Copley Square, where is the strangest place you have done the deed...

Wow! That was ballsy (pardon the pun).

This isn't 1915 or 1965 or even 1995. No matter where you think you're unseen in public, you ARE seen. There are cameras all over the place. Remember the Boston Marathon Bombing? Tons of video in that very area helped to generate leads and a conviction. Do you think there are fewer cameras today or more cameras today? ... Ding!

Remember the elevator camera that nailed Ray Rice nailing his fiancee?  

If you are caught on tape, it could go viral on the internet or it could end up in a charge of public lewdness or something else.  

I don't care what consenting adults do behind closed doors, but keep it behind closed doors.  

(Unless you're giving me a freebie in which case I say, "Smile for the cameras!") :-)  

Posted By: Montero1510
How many of you have had sex in Copley Square? (Asking for a friend) lol

Under a willow tree, near the pond :) ...had some good times with that ex :p, nothing like a dress for easy access.

fucking the brains out of my girlfriend while her husband was across the hall in the bedroom sleeping... With both doors open. Man was she a good fuck

My paramour at the time was very adventurous, she hopped onto my lap facing me and we did the tandem dance to completion...the truck driver to my right enjoyed the show......when I think back that was really fucking nuts.

I've never done it outside

but if your friend wants to fuck me in Copley Square....I'm In!

... plenty of times... but if you mean in the square itself forget it you will get arrested quickly.

Woods are my favorite.  Sometimes those boring suburban hotels are surrounded by stretches of fantastically undisturbed stretches of wooded area (no cameras in the woods lol).  Of course nothing compares to truly being in the wild far away from civilization where the trees are so wide you can use a fallen trunk as a surface to play on... ;)

I'm also fond of having sex in yards, on balconies, and rooftops.  Generally private ones because being closer to civilization comes with risks.  I love getting naughty on hotel balconies if they are discreetly located and my partner is game.  :)

Restaurants: under the tablecloth games are super fun!  Another arena where I require a sane and discreet partner who has no desire to get caught and every desire to be secretly naughty.  I love to refill my lover's glass of white wine with my own natural golden juices beneath the table... when I'm well hydrated, the color matches very well!  Sometimes it confuses the waitress when she comes to offer a refill and the glass is already full again!!  ;)

Cars are a classic too of course.  Although I know I'm slightly taking my life into (out of) my own hands by blowing the driver while the car is in motion, I love it too much not to be willing to take the risk.  :P

The bathroom of a modern art museum... I was confused by why a lot of the art was considered "art", but the bathroom sex was well worth the price of admission...

Under the pews at church... during a late night dress rehearsal for a play.  Lights were on the stage and not on my naughty friend and I!  This one's from wayyyyyy back in the vault as I haven't been to church in a long time haha.

The "back room" of several gay bars.  Also I've snuck into gay sex clubs before.  They are surprisingly full of bisexual men despite the stereotypes about bisexual men "not existing" or something.  I had sex at an underground piss party once.

I cater underground art events in places like NYC and SF sometimes which can get very sexual late at night. I've often had sex in front of hundreds of people in the art gallery spaces.  Of course half of them were too busy having their own sex to watch whatever I was doing...  One time I hooked up with this couple and we had three threesomes in the same night, all with very different settings/activities/configurations.  Variety is the spice of life!  ;)

I had sex in the milking room of a goat barn SEVERAL times when I was living in the forest with some friends who were organic farmers... No goats were involved/harmed.  ;)

The sauna of a bathhouse... WAY too dark and steamy for cameras.

On a boat in Calcutta... There is a covering over the seating area of the boat which blocks the view of the guy who pushes it along with a pole thru the river.  Tipped him the equivalent of $2.50 and asked him to take us for a very long private ride.  Apparently this is super common because he took us to a part of the river where we were floating by other boats with people doing the same types of things!

Unfulfilled fantasies of mine:
~ private compartment on an Amtrak train
~ airport
~ airplane (ideally with a flight attendant but I'm flexible lol)
~ on some boulders by the sea
~ kitchen of a very nice restaurant (there must be steel countertops involved!!)
~ snow sex
~ sex on the moon or in space

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