
Change of hosting site/Domain name...
Melanie Love See my TER Reviews 10030 reads
1 / 5

I want to apologize for those who have been clicking on and the page doesn't come up. I just went to a new hosting company, and I took the word "the" off the old domain name. So, for now on the new domain will look simply like this:

Thanks for your patience,

Mel :)

Aphrodisia 11759 reads
2 / 5
Melanie Love See my TER Reviews 11553 reads
3 / 5

I also have to agree with both you, and the gentleman's post above :) WE do care about each other, and try to be supportive through thick and thin. It's NOT about bashing, being crude, and being unsupportive with one another. Being that way, gets you no where in life, PERIOD. It's about accepting those for who they are, flaws and all (remember, we are ALL human, and there is no such thing as "perfect"), and just being there through times of good and bad. Anyways, I hope that EVERYONE has a great week :)

Love, Hugs, and Kisses

Mel :)

Grayeyed Nicole See my TER Reviews 11121 reads
4 / 5
Kathryn Rachel 14679 reads
5 / 5
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