Paid consultation? Worth it?
rdracing 5 Reviews 14758 reads

I think it made sense to start a new thread. I had a specific fantasy which required a "hybrid" provider.
With some good advice from Mistress Kiley, I did my research and set up a consultation with a provider who seemed to fit the profile.
I am on a limited budget for this so it was a huge help to discuss a role-play in advance.
I love the idea of being able to start the session in "character" as well as setting the right expectations.

I have nothing but positive things to say about TawneyDreams in MI. She was very cool and very hot, in the right ways:)

Interested to hear from both sides.

I think that it's entirely reasonable to expect that any pre-scene discussions about what the scene should entail, as well as scene negotiations (i.e., safe words, discussion of medical issues, limits, etc.) should be considered part of the provider's time and, thus, compensated as well.  I can definitely see the benefit of handling that separately beforehand, and going straight into your fantasy when you meet in person.

I was certainly happy to help :)

As LeChiffre says, talking about the what, who, why and where before a scene, particularly an immersive role-play scene, is soooo important. That is a big reason why I prefer email over telephone...I find a lot of guys are rather shy about talking on the phone, but can put their fantasies into written word very easily.

Good luck to you, sounds like you have found a keeper !!

Maybe Mistress Kiley can comment on this as well, but there are certainly a number of clients who will wastes a Domme's time by pretending to want to describe their session in detail, but really just using that like a phone sex session.  That's one more reason why it makes good common sense for a Mistress to charge for that sort of extended pre-negotiation (to discourage that kind of behavior).

Oh yes, I get those on occassion.

If a phone call seems like it is headed into a phone session, I either redirect their fantasy to email, which, not surprisingly, never shows up, or I tell them that in depth phone discussion requires scheduling a phone session, which generally never occurs! And even when sharing emails, unless we have agreed on an email type of session, I will respond to their emails in generalities and questions for clarification, without any real wank fodder (well, OK, maybe a little, but I am evil that way, LOL !)

I have gotten really good at recognizing the wankers ;)

Yep. Money was a concern easily solved. I wanted to make sure that any provider understood that wasn't trying to get a free chat session.
The other legitimate concern is discussing upfront what will be provided. A big no-no.

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