Re: Daddy Dominants
mrfisher 108 Reviews 16194 reads
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Elisabeth See my TER Reviews 19143 reads
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Although not completely within the realm of BDSM (but could certainly have some components of it), what are folks thoughts about age play and mothering?  I'm interested and feel that I actually have an unique ability to be very good at it but a lot of people have a "yuck" factor when I mention it.

It isn't for everyone but I was curious about the thoughts of others.  

Warm motherly hugs,

MistressKiley See my TER Reviews 17319 reads
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Story time, cuddles, even diaper changing (except I don't change poopy diapers ;) )

I have a couple of Adult Babies come visit on occassion, and they are some very fun, entertaining sessions. Discipline is usually a big part of it as well, so that works perfectly for me.

Then I have my spankos who prefer I be the strict stepmom, but that might be a little different!

Elisabeth See my TER Reviews 17795 reads
4 / 13

Yes.  I don't understand the allure of vomiting, either.  Although .... different strokes and all.

Glad to know that being spoiled and cuddled isn't that off-putting.


luckykat 24 Reviews 15335 reads
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Hi Ms Elisabeth,

Just chiming in to share my thoughts on the subject.  Its of interest to me too, and over the years many folks I have known.  How popular it is relative to other interests I can't say, but its not all THAT rare.  Among other interests and kinks, I'm fond of this kind of play because I enjoy intense emotional play where I feel very close and warmly connected to someone who's engaged in caring and loving play with me.

Yes, there are other times I like to be slapped in the mouth and spit on, but I run a gamut that definitely also includes what you refer to as 'mothering'.  As for 'a lot of people', they'll always thing SOMEthing is 'yucky'.


LeChiffre 3 Reviews 19668 reads
6 / 13

I'm not sure why mrfisher steered this topic towards Roman showers, but let's get back on topic . . .

What I believe Elizabeth is discussing is a subculture in the world of BDSM that has been growing a great deal over the last few years.  They are known as "Ageplayers" or "Littles".

There are many different subsets within this group with there own distinct fantasies.  Without naming them all, probably the most commonly known subset to those in the Vanilla (non-BDSM) world are the "adult babies" and diaper lovers.  That one tends to even creep out some of the kinkiest, most seasoned BDSM players, because it smacks of pedophilia, but it really isn't.  (I could do a whole dissertation on that, but there isn't the space here.  Just trust me that it's not.)

The next big subset is "Kidz", who roleplay being school-age or teenager.  (For those who might laugh at age-regression roleplay, have you ever asked your girfriend to dress up as a Catholic school girl or high school cheerleader?)  

And then there are many different kinds of "grownups" who love them, such as Daddies, Mommies, Uncles, Aunties, Nannies, Sitters, etc.  Since these ageplayers are "Littles", these grownups might be called "Bigs".

Almost all BDSM play is about TRUST and the exchange of power.  While I don't pretend to understand age regression play -- and Elisabeth, maybe you can expand on this from your perspective to enlighten us -- I would assume that the appeal is being able to temporarily surrender your adult responsibilities and, for a time, have those loved and cared for feelings that you have as an "innocent" child.  

LeChiffre 3 Reviews 19557 reads
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Further to that post, I wanted to also mention that there is a domination style that is increasingly becoming popular, and that's known as a Daddy Dominant.  This link might give you a sense as to how it differs from the traditional (non-Daddy) Dominant.

Elisabeth See my TER Reviews 21505 reads
8 / 13

Posted By: LeChiffre[/username...
What I believe Elizabeth is discussing is a subculture in the world of BDSM that has been growing a great deal over the last few years.  They are known as "Ageplayers" or "Littles".
While I don't pretend to understand age regression play -- and Elisabeth, maybe you can expand on this from your perspective to enlighten us -- I would assume that the appeal is being able to temporarily surrender your adult responsibilities and, for a time, have those loved and cared for feelings that you have as an "innocent" child.  
I had clients in the past that wanted to do this and I really didn't like it at all and well, just wouldn't do it.  And then one day, I was with this client and we really clicked.  So ... I let him nurse.  And then I tickled him.  It was very sweet.

So I started to study it a little bit.  And I've done a lot of experimenting in all different forms of this play.

I haven't yet put an actual name to it although many suggest that it's age play and the others that you've mentioned.  For me, it's just "Mommy Play" for now.

What I have found so challenging about it, which is why I started this topic, is everyone (and this is true for all of BDSM) are just SO VERY DIFFERENT in their wants and needs.  It's not like a regular escort appointment where a man is going to probably want some kissing, foreplay, oral sex and if I'm lucky, intercourse.  It doesn't work that way.

Each person is completely different.  I have found that most want a sensual aspect to the experience.  A few do not.  MANY want a punishment or a teasing type of element to this.

I am trying to figure out the best path to take to really present me as someone who sincerely likes this type of play without running off my vanilla client base, who most will think that it's yucky to the extreme.

Any thoughts?  And my final thought is this ... for those who are concerned about this type of erotica, isn't the bond between mother and son just filled with emotion and a certain sort of tension anyway?  


CaitlynKennedy See my TER Reviews 17112 reads
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Wow! great link! This is SO close to home on how my D/s relationships go :)

I never cared for Sir or Master, it was always Daddy.... I am forwarding this to a close friend :)

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 19722 reads
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I love role-playing, and am a mother by nature!

maturebridgette See my TER Reviews 17299 reads
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and also done the aunt too. I enjoyed myself to the fullest extent.


Elisabeth See my TER Reviews 16569 reads
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Yes.  I had actually mentioned to a very sensual friend of mine the idea of him being a daddy while I was being a mommy.  In a way, it was almost overkill in the way that I present myself but I appreciate all ideas.

The naughty aunt, or neighbor, is something that men do like in role play.  But with the mommy role, it's completely unique in the sense of ... well, I'm not sure how to explain it.

Maybe someone is feeling more literate than I am this AM!


RaeMonroe See my TER Reviews 17301 reads
13 / 13

Relationships in my personal life exclusively for years. I don't even date "vanilla" guys, and if they are vanilla they are naturally dominant and it turns into a Daddy/babygirl relationship fairly fast. It's 100% the way I enjoy my relationships. Daddy's pretty submissive little babydoll.


Rae Monroe

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