Keep looking or keep trying?
rdracing 5 Reviews 18872 reads

Thanks for the new forum. Like a few of the recent posters, I have been on a quest for "something in-between" a dominatrix and an escort. I have been pretty disappointed so far. For me, the excitement is about creating a believable experience. Escorts want to get down to business and doms can be very clinical. I keep trying different providers thinking I am going to find the "just right" one. Here is my question;

Am I wrong? Should I just pick one and work with that provider?
Do repeat clients get treated differently?  My budget is limited so a lot of thought goes into each pick.  

On a personal note, I am in the midwest, but travel for a living so I have multiple options, MN, Il, Mi, In, Oh, Wi, San Fran.
My ideal would be a busty mature neighbor in vintage lingerie who catches me doing something embarrassing.

Keep trying!

There is a phrase we use: "service Top".  The person dominating you will hopefully get to do a few of the things that they want to do, but they are really there to realize YOUR fantasy.  To the extent that you feel comfortable doing so, why don't you draft a "Letters to Penthouse" version of your ideal roleplay scenario, and then you can send that to the provider as the blueprint for how you'd like your session to go.  For example, should she catch you trying on her clothes?  Should she make you worship her feet?

If you create a script, still try to be a little bit flexible if it doesn't play out exactly like it did on the page -- in some cases, that might be for the best; the provider might think of something you'll enjoy that never even occurred to you.  By having it in written form, it's something that you can send the provider ahead of time to give her as much of an opportunity to prepare for the scenario before you arrive (with props, costumes, etc.), and it won't be as embarrassing for you to have to say all of those naughty things out loud since it was e-mailed or PM'ed in advance.

In lieu of going the repeat customer route (although I'm sure that helps, too), maybe you should make the provider aware before you meet with her that you appreciate her going to extra effort to realize your fantasy, and that you will tip her above the hourly rate in recognition of that extra time and effort she spent.  If she sees a lot of clients, you might want to remind her again about the roleplay "on the day of".  

I would have to think that most providers probably enjoy anything that is a little "different", as I'm sure job fatigue sets in with everyone, so they'll probably welcome roleplay.

So happy to hear that you are enjoying the new forum!

Dont send a script...In my (10) years experience anyone who sent me a script was a bullshitter...just wanted to exchange is dialogue and never had any attentions to meet. Its best to call directly, discuss your level of kink briefly and make it happen. Upon your visit you can express what your looking to explore in greater detail as well as work up to your ultimate experience. If you do write a script use it for your own reference and yes the more you get to know a lady the more intense and embarrassing it will get...Good luck with your search.

I love that "naughty young man who lives down the street" scenario ;)

If someone is interested in a very specific role-play scene, I want them to get very specific with me before we meet, particularly with something like you are describing. When you get out of your car at my place the scene is this time we have discussed what you are hoping for and I like to immerse in it immediately.

So yes, keep looking, you are bound to find someone who enjoys creating a scene for you that will satisfy all parties!

Yep. You get it.
What would be a reasonable amount of time to discuss a scenario. I understand that some guys try to get free phone or chat sessions. If I offered to pay for a 15-20 min consultation, what is reasonable?

Well, because setting the right type of scene is very important for me, and I enjoy the planning and the anticipation I know is building in the bottom, I am happy to exchange emails or chat online, or even talk on the phone until I am sure I know what he wants and what I want to do.  Then I assure my that I am prepared and he just needs to be patient. For instance, I have a Gent I see once a month...during the month I will email him hints and teases about what I have planned for our next scene. I like to do that even if it is someone I will only see once, but their session is scheduled far enough in advance that I have that ability. But that is just me...lots of Dommes don't want to talk about things on the phone (which I don't understand) and they have no interest in exchanging emails or chatting unless what you want is what they want.

I might suggest that you offer to pay whatever the going rate is for a phone session with a Domme...make it clear you are not interested in a phone session but a real live session and you'd like the phone time to discuss with her your desires and what she can do for you. That way, she is still getting something for her time and you can be assured that she is the one you want to see for real, and if not, you are not out 200 or 300 dollars and unhappy and unsatisfied. Keep in mind that we Dommes also have our own desires and we will want to incorporate our own little twists in your session, so don't be rigid in your desires, allow a little wiggle room ;) Finally, remember that what you have is a fantasy, and fantasy and reality are not always the matter how confident you may be in the Domme you finally choose, you may still walk away feeling disappointed and unfortunately there is nothing we can do about that.

Hope this helps and I hope you find exactly what you need.

A big thanks to Mistress Kiley for some private advice. ( a small greendot otw)  

Posted By: rdracing
Thanks for the new forum. Like a few of the recent posters, I have been on a quest for "something in-between" a dominatrix and an escort. I have been pretty disappointed so far. For me, the excitement is about creating a believable experience. Escorts want to get down to business and doms can be very clinical. I keep trying different providers thinking I am going to find the "just right" one. Here is my question;

Am I wrong? Should I just pick one and work with that provider?
Do repeat clients get treated differently?  My budget is limited so a lot of thought goes into each pick.  

On a personal note, I am in the midwest, but travel for a living so I have multiple options, MN, Il, Mi, In, Oh, Wi, San Fran.
My ideal would be a busty mature neighbor in vintage lingerie who catches me doing something embarrassing.  

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