It was hard coded in me
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What a great question!!

I grew up in a very small proper town.  My first real boyfriend was on the wrestling team and LOVED it when I put him in the holds he taught me and other kinky things.  None of my friends and I talked about sex so I (feel free to laugh) thought kink exploration was what everyone was doing.

My next boyfriend was VERY confused by what I thought foreplay was.  

At 18, I beat feet to Chicago and became a dominatrix.   Things were different back then, kinky gfe was not really a thing. You were either an escort or a Domme and the two didn't cross.  I did though because kink exploration is very erotic to me.

There is something about a person's openness to trust me with their kinky thoughts fuels my sexual dominance.  It is my kink, lol.  To take control knowing they have given me the key to their submissiveness.  Same with fetishists.

What tittilates you?  

When you think back to early adulthood, what inspired you to explore and enact your desires to be sexually dominant? How do you feel the life you lead beyond BDSM informs why you're inclined to be dominant? Are there dynamics that emerge in your life or people you know that intensify your desire to be dominant?

I'm curious to know what titillates you! Recently I've been reading more about subspace so now I'm left wondering about the other end of the spectrum.

I have older brothers & an identical twin sister. At a young age I always wanted to be a boy because of the double standards. I wore my brother’s underwear as a kid. I was on the boys wrestling team in middle school & high school. I’ve dominate for as long as I can remember it’s in me. I am naturally dominant by nature. Alpha Female with divine feminine energy.

-- Modified on 2/17/2024 10:17:50 PM

First off, hi Lena! So lovely to see you on here :)

I've found myself experiencing DomSpace more frequently and have been doing similar reflections. I've always been a very strong person (ask me about my bench press lol) and grew up riding horses and competing regionally and nationally. The power, strength, and confidence it takes to control a 2000lbs animal was intoxicating to me. The deep emotional connection, clear communication, and consent based dynamic is what had me hooked. All the beautifully crafted leather was a great bonus!

In my early 20s I accompanied a friend to a random rope workshop at a members only dungeon and was so excited to feel those strong emotions come back to me. It turns out the skills I cultivated with horses could be applied to two legged mammals as well! I became a member, signed up for every workshop, attended play parties, and began my BDSM journey.  

I feel so at home in my dominance and I've even started redesigning some of my tack (leather accoutrements for horses) into wearable pieces for myself and my subs. As someone who is  very friendly, warm, and laid-back, I find so much maniacal joy in also being sadistic and dominant. The juxtaposition fuels my desire to cultivate my sadism and to take myself and my subs into more depravity while smiling and cracking dad jokes the whole way!

Thanks so much for asking this question. It's always fun to look back and to reflect on the skills I've developed and the ways my dominance has shaped who I am as a person.

What a great question!!

I grew up in a very small proper town.  My first real boyfriend was on the wrestling team and LOVED it when I put him in the holds he taught me and other kinky things.  None of my friends and I talked about sex so I (feel free to laugh) thought kink exploration was what everyone was doing.

My next boyfriend was VERY confused by what I thought foreplay was.  

At 18, I beat feet to Chicago and became a dominatrix.   Things were different back then, kinky gfe was not really a thing. You were either an escort or a Domme and the two didn't cross.  I did though because kink exploration is very erotic to me.

There is something about a person's openness to trust me with their kinky thoughts fuels my sexual dominance.  It is my kink, lol.  To take control knowing they have given me the key to their submissiveness.  Same with fetishists.

What tittilates you?  

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