Atlanta Buzz

So many things so little time...teeth_smile
katy shaw See my TER Reviews 1196 reads

There’s nothing quite like a great kiss, but add some spice to your liplock with a little sensual biting and it becomes much more than a kiss; it becomes a tantalizing and irresistible weapon of master seduction. Great lovers know the secrets of sensual biting, and now you can know them too. Adhere to the simple directions and tips below and have your lover aching for you tonight!

How to do it:
Start by kissing and running your lips over your lover’s skin.
Open your mouth and allow your teeth to graze their skin where you are kissing.
Grab some of their skin in your mouth. Be careful not to pinch little bits of skin or bite too hard.
Find the delicate balance of kissing while biting. Your lover should get chills, not sharp pains.
Kiss them again, making some kisses gentle and some hard before using your teeth again.
Pay attention to your partner’s reaction. Any jerking from them would indicate you are being too harsh.

Best places to nibble:
The nipples of course, are number one when it comes to sensual nibbling. Mixed in with plenty of kissing and licking, sensual biting is incredibly arousing.
The neck, in front, on the side and the back is probably one of the most sensual places for biting on both men and women’s bodies.
The inside of one’s thighs is a favorite among women as a place for sensual biting.
In the peak of a heated moment, being bitten on the shoulder can be highly erotic, but it is better reserved for gentle kisses until things get really hot. Try this from behind for a super sexy sensation.
The inside of a woman’s elbow and wrist are rarely paid attention to sensually, but they are extremely sensitive and sexy places for a nibble.
The hip is an extremely erogenous zone, and it's great for kissing, touching, and also sensual biting. Near the hip bone and down toward the crease where your lover’s leg begins are the places where you should concentrate your efforts.
The back and inside of a woman’s knees are another great place for sensual nibbling.

What not to do:
Don’t bite directly on genitals! Some enjoy gentle teeth scathing, but that is the limit.
Do not bite too hard. Being hurt, even accidentally, during sex is a major turn off.
Don’t stay too long in one place. Even if you’ve got the perfect touch and are mixing it up properly with kisses and licks, an area can get raw pretty quickly and go from sensual to painful.
Leave marks. Unless you have discussed elevating your sensual biting experience to include a bit of pain, make sure you aren’t biting them hard enough to leave a mark. If you have discussed this and agreed to give some pain a try, have a stop code word so that there won’t be any confusion about no meaning yes.

Don’t let the biting be your main focus. It should definitely be a sideshow to the main event, which is intimacy with your partner.

Don’t bite non-erogenous areas (like the calf or hand). The erotic shivers only come from sexually sensitive areas. Nibbling other places is annoying and sometimes painful.

Don’t get too animalistic with the biting. An obscene amount of saliva, noises that sound like you are actually devouring raw meat, and the absence of romance are all great ways to push your lover’s turn off button.

 Hello I am available this week, Tuesday thru Friday. I am offering a prebooking special for Wed and Thursday, 90 mins 300 , 2 hours 500 and 3 hours 750. If you are interested in learning the many wonders of intimacy please email me directly.  


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