Atlanta Buzz

Nedster 61 Reviews 516 reads

Hi Ava!

Welcome to the Atlanta hobby scene. I hope you enjoy it!

Quick question, do you plan to get an incall location anytime soon?  

Posted By: AvaRaleigh
Greetings fellow Atlantians! From my window it's a beautiful morning (especially since I'm still snuggled up in bed). My name is Ava, I'm a 24 year old lady of substance who recently realized being a companion combines many of my talents and attributes in an absolutely delicious way. Being new at this, I'm so glad TER exists. It seems like a lovely community. Please check out my website, $50 off for TER members. Thank you all!  
 xoxo- Ava  
 -- Modified on 2/5/2015 10:04:22 AM

-- Modified on 2/5/2015 10:40:20 AM

Greetings fellow Atlantians! From my window it's a beautiful morning (especially since I'm still snuggled up in bed). My name is Ava, I'm a 24 year old lady of substance who recently realized being a companion combines many of my talents and attributes in an absolutely delicious way. Being new at this, I'm so glad TER exists. It seems like a lovely community. Please check out my website, $50 off for TER members. Thank you all!

xoxo- Ava


-- Modified on 2/5/2015 10:04:22 AM

-- Modified on 2/5/2015 10:40:20 AM

Hi Ava!

Welcome to the Atlanta hobby scene. I hope you enjoy it!

Quick question, do you plan to get an incall location anytime soon?  


Posted By: AvaRaleigh
Greetings fellow Atlantians! From my window it's a beautiful morning (especially since I'm still snuggled up in bed). My name is Ava, I'm a 24 year old lady of substance who recently realized being a companion combines many of my talents and attributes in an absolutely delicious way. Being new at this, I'm so glad TER exists. It seems like a lovely community. Please check out my website, $50 off for TER members. Thank you all!  
 xoxo- Ava  
 -- Modified on 2/5/2015 10:04:22 AM

-- Modified on 2/5/2015 10:40:20 AM

Posted By: Nedster
Hi Ava!  
 Welcome to the Atlanta hobby scene. I hope you enjoy it!  
 Quick question, do you plan to get an incall location anytime soon?  
Thank you for the warm welcome Ned, I'm quite excited. I will certainly look into getting an incall location once I get my feet wet and some cash flow, I estimate it will take a few months though. It's probably ideal for me as I am one of those rare birds who lives in the ATL (quite happily) without a car. I'd be happy to message you when I do get one though!

If you have any questions and don't want to go through the contact form on my site, you may email me directly at [email protected] :D

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