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Aspen Edwards - Back to School with Your Busty Headmistress - Accepting Students Today thru Saturday
aspenedwards See my TER Reviews 1604 reads

Hey everyone!

Time for a new post from your blonde bestie! So let me first start off by saying WOW! Wow and thank you everyone for all of the cards, emails, wishes, phone calls, gifts, and smiles for my birthday this past week! It was AUH-MAZING! So Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! You guys are so beast (Yes I said beast, not breast, breast comes later in the post) at making me smile. I couldn’t ask for a better circle of friends! I have so much love for you all and I am absolutely smiling as I write this post! Comparatively, if I were a unicorn I would be exploding into rainbows and sparkles right now!  

Okay … on to the post. What topic to chat with my favorite friends about today. Well, I have two as a matter of fact. Both I think you will equally enjoy! First up – 2 years everyone! This September marks 2 years on TER! (I love you TER… you cuddly, smiley, and friendly little elves behind the doors of hobby happiness!) It feels like it was just yesterday that I stumbled upon this world. Quite often I am asked how this began, for more about that be sure to stroll on over to my (Shameless self-promotion) amazing website where you can get the inside scoop. As a note – the site is poised for a major overhaul based on all of the interviews I have been doing for the show I host online. Through the past few years I have made connections that will honestly last a lifetime. I couldn’t wish for anything better.  

First topic down, on to the fun stuff! SCHOOL-FAPPING-GIRL! That’s ALL I have to say!

Fapping is such a great word isn’t it? I totally laugh every time I hear it. Have you Fapp’d today? My good sir are you a Fapp’r? She’s Fappable to the 10th degree I must say? Oh that’s a Fapp’ing good time? Fap-tastic? (Starting a trend on that one). I digress…  

While I was in town about a week ago I swung by the comic book store and trolled through their latest collection of manga and hentai and came across what turned out to be an outrageously erotic graphic novel about a few schoolgirls all competing for the same teacher. This immediately brought to my attention that we are in the first of my four favorite months. (September – December for those studying for the quiz later). And what happens across the country in September (mainly)? BACK TO SCHOOL!!!  

I actually just started jumping up and down with joy … which is a site considering my huge bust loves a great bounce. And now I ask of you, what would make the celebration of all things Back to School a fappably amazing time??? Celebrating with a hot blond named Aspen Edwards of course!

I’m sure by now you have all seen my previous posts on the lessons I instruct at “Aspen’s Reform School for Naughty Gents”. If you haven’t had your chance to take your dose of instruction – now is the time! I will be offering a slew of new classes and components to fit the fancy of any spry lad. Along with my collection of travel ensembles will be a selection of repertoire specific items that inspire well laid instruction. You know … the stuff every good school lass should have. Skirts, Corsets, Stockings, Stilettos, paddles, floggers, and a teddy bear … You’ve been warned. ;-)  

Remember... Tardiness will not be accepted and will be punished in only the strictest of ways. Believe me, I wouldn’t wish this torture on myself! Could you imagine having to sit and listen to my delectable screams as you have only your eyes to enjoy the visual onslaught transpiring in front of you? No TOUCHY! Paddles for you naughty gent! Bad!  

For those of you who are punctual students I will be offering a new selection of reform school specific modules. These tantalizing subjects include:  

- No Ma’am I swear I wasn’t peaking at your garter! Punishment 110.
- Workplace Misconduct (Formally known as “May I photocopy your Bum Ma’am”)
- Stockings, Knee Highs, and Ankle Socks … Oh My.  
- Phys Ed 205 – advanced squat and thrust.  
- Round Peg, Any Hole – The investigation of physics and fit.  
- The O Course ( Waiver required )
- Intro to the Yard Stick
- On Your Knees … A Headmistress’s Delight  
- Over Your Knee … Intro to Plaid Skirt Discipline  
- (And of course) Detention … it’s not just for the naughty ones!

All classes will be instructed in blocks by your wonderful busty study buddy ASPEN! Please remember that you should always strive to keep your eyes on the subject matter and concentrate on the objective in hand. (Errrr .. at hand)  3D glasses are not required due to the busty nature of the instruction, however, you may wish to bring a poncho as you my get wet. (Particularly those who enter the designated splash zones). Certain objects are as big as they appear. All classes are Hands On. Please be medically cleared for strenuous adventure activities and excitement. Mouth to Mouth available should you pass out. Eat your Wheaties. Be Prepared.  

For a full bio on your instructor please be sure to visit my site!  

Until then! Onward to adventure my wonderful students! Have you book bags ready and your smiles on your face! We’re about to bring education to an entirely new level! Much love to you all and SEE YOU IN CLASS!!!!  


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