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Did anyone lose a couple balls?
CaitlinKincaid See my TER Reviews 512 reads
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Titties 69 balls!!  These dang pasties won't lay flat because my nipples stay hard..if you've met me and my girls you know.  
Next week should be open to all the fun and I can't wait to at least be taken to the driving range...I will be your cart girl. I have my own set of pings. Let's do this! Whoever wins buys all the drinks...I am still in training and we are only doing  9 holes.  
Let's have some fun and maybe a few mulligans for me. Are there cocktails named Mulligans or Bogeys yet? Have you had a Clit Splitter yet? Ooooh boy...buckle up in the golf cart, we are about to have some serious fun.

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