
What made it the best?
Gracekelly See my TER Reviews 1078 reads

So I'm curious… If you think back to your most favorite time in the  hobby, In a few words, what stands out in your mind the most?

For me, that's kind of like asking me my favorite song. I love all genres of music and everything in relation to it so it's really hard for me to narrow it down to a favorite song, Th same with this hobby too many spectacular encounters  to narrow it down to one thought.  

What stands out in your mind about your favorite hobby memory?

I love all genres as well it’s hard to choose just 1. My ATF dream date just occurred this month. The man booked way in advance about 1 month notice, which I love as a single mom having something fun to look forward too! He prepaid in full & that just makes the time always way better when business is taken care of before. My dream date started as a FMTY to Las Vegas to see U2 at the Sphere. We had the most phenomenal dining experience for dinner prior to at X Pot it’s a fully immersive restaurant. My date smokes 420 & so do I so we indulged in edible’s & cannabis. We had chemistry it’s priceless. Our connection was organic the conversations were amazing. We clicked. Sexually we had sparks fireworks it was the absolute best. He surprised me with gifts. I made a friend for life. I felt, like a Queen because he booked us a couples massage before I had to fly out. We shared a common interest the love of music.

-- Modified on 2/26/2024 3:28:05 PM

There were a few meetings that were not only fantastic, but seemed to trigger the release of certain chemicals in my brain that left me in a great mood for up to 48 hours after our session.  I clearly remember walking around work and home with a big smile on face just feeling so much better than normal.
The other times that I vividly recall and cherish are waiting outside the door, kind of nervous, with lots of anticipation, not knowing exactly what the woman was going to be like.  I'd seen the online photos, but they are never perfect.  And you don't know how the chemistry will be.  But a few times the door would open and BAM, I knew I had a great hour ahead of me.

As I posted once under my alias I enjoyed a lunch and afternoon with you that was truly amazing. We did things I hadn't done before (or in some cases since) and I completely trusted you and was not disappointed. To this day when I need a mental reset when feeling down I recall you, an arm chair, blindfold and a view of Midtown from high above Buckhead - and like a long ago song it always brings a smile. Truly a lifechanging experience - thank you. Be well.

Been quite a few "damn good, amazing" episodes, but some that stick out and don't need too many details are when I clearly remember what the lady said just after.....  
     "Damn, it is not suppose to be this good, this soon"             "It's been a long time since I came like that!"
      "How did you do that?"

And some are what I said-  
      "Four times..... WOW!" After the lady just wouldn't give up. Only time I've cum 4x in a session, and only about the 5th time I have cum via BBBJ. (I'd rather fuck, then get sucked... can't kiss with a dick in her mouth either!)

      "Been doing your Kegel excercises, huh?"

The connection and the fact that I come in contact with people that desire my company which has spoiled me in my expectations in my personal dating life ...  but being treated like a princess and being wanted or better yet desired to some makes me feel so good!

My best memories are some trips I have taken with wonderful people and building connections with them! I have been places I never would of been able to visit otherwise and I cherish all those moments!

boomsucka28 reads

For me, it's when I really connect with someone as a friend, and everyone is truly enjoying themselves.  Things just seem to flow more organically at that point and with a few special ladies the clock becomes an afterthought.  It's rare, but awesome when it happens.

I've also had a few times where you weren't really sure someone was going to be as good looking as their pics in person, but you walk in and see their pics didn't do them justice.  They could see it in my eyes I'm sure which always leads to a huge smile from them when they realize how blown away you are.  Best way to start a session.

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