
Re: The intensity of your emotions about this continues to be puzzling (e)
cannonballthud 2119 reads
1 / 29

Would advise anybody planning on trying to see Violet Cosmos to read the review from today. I had a very similar experience with her over even less of of what this reviewer describes and like him, have never had an issue with any lady like this after many years, whitelists, etc. Her 2 reviews from a year(?) before are solid which is even more confusing.

I don't know who ladies like this think they are to act so disrespectfully to someone...I mean, you're a hooker. It's not like you cured cancer or won a nobel prize...geez.

CantQuitWontQuit 87 reads
2 / 29

He claims to have hobbied for decades but this is his first and only review

AtlantaMan70 2 Reviews 24 reads
3 / 29

You are wonderful and this is not a provocation to argue…..but that is not true in GA…..or almost anywhere. I could pay you to kiss me on the Fulton County Courthouse steps and nobody would care or have legal grounds to do anything about it.  

If he said “do you require condoms” or so something stupid like that……problem!  

But kissing…..even for pay… totally fine legally.

cannonballthud 89 reads
4 / 29

That may be but either way, I had almost the same experience within weeks of his... which is too coincidental

cannonballthud 22 reads
5 / 29

Agreed on that but in my case, my message to her was purely admin related, thoughtful, and not covered on her site info.

CantQuitWontQuit 86 reads
6 / 29

You really should do a review tbh, rather than just calling attention to the other one

edinathens 20 reads
7 / 29

When an advertiser doesn't list her rates, I message her asking what she charges for her time and nothing else. How else am I going to find out a potential deal breaker piece of information? A few won't respond, maybe because my number is unlisted, and I move on.

cannonballthud 88 reads
8 / 29

Review of what, one text message? She got no deposit from me or anything else. This guy got ripped off of his deposit with appointment set and multiple message exchanges with her.

CantQuitWontQuit 83 reads
9 / 29

When you stated you “had almost the same experience” it sounded like more

edinathens 20 reads
10 / 29

So how would I get her rate information?

CantQuitWontQuit 19 reads
11 / 29

Lol no it wouldn’t

SATTV4U2. 13 Reviews 20 reads
12 / 29

For pricing (if info isn’t available on the providers ads nor via direct contact) may I suggest reaching out to one of her previewers here via the message service

mongo19621954 23 Reviews 94 reads
13 / 29

l don't have VIP - so I have no idea of the particulars.

I didn't review her - as I remember, she asked me not to - and I respect that if the experience was a good one - which it was.  Her business - not mine.  The situation would be different if the experience was a bad one.

BUT -  I can tell you I had a good time with her and I didn't get any "attitude" from her.  Nice girl.  Enjoyable afternoon.   Great looking, accurate pictures - beyond that ...  I am afraid you'll have to fill in the blanks yourself.

CantQuitWontQuit 89 reads
14 / 29

Good info

Frankly I smell a rat

We get a very trumped up review by a first time reviewer (who claims decades of experience). Then an alias starts a discussion thread shilling the review and claiming he/she had the same experience, which he later admits he didn’t at all.

Something strange going on ….

Freudian_Frolick 27 Reviews 86 reads
15 / 29

The review is possibly real.   Or possibly not.  We'll never really know.

After many years on this site, all I can say is to expect the unexpected.   I usually take one bad review with a grain of salt... although it's technically NOT a review since they never actually met and had a session.  

I've had communication differences with providers that I am thankful for... if you can't communicate pre-session, why would you think the actual session would be good?  I've also had things happen that made me scratch my head and wonder why this occurred.

If I had to guess, this reviewer was angry that the session never happened.  Interpretations of what he said in the emails will vary between him and Ms. Cosmos as I am sure there are 2 sides to this story.    

CantQuitWontQuit 24 reads
16 / 29

Good post, Ginger, this fool embarassed himself with the review if you ask me (if it is real which I doubt)

cannonballthud 84 reads
17 / 29

Ah, it’s a conspiracy now because another hobbyist happened to have a good time (and no review). I mean we all know that no providers have ever displayed inconsistent behavior!  

Instead of assuming you know what the truth is (which you don’t) and endlessly shit talk, why don’t you instead do what I did before making my original post (out of respect for him AND her before sharing)  and ask him about it? There’s a legit reason for him only having one review and was very open about it. He knew things only an experienced hobbyist would know.

Or maybe you’re white knighting for her in the hopes she’ll like you for protecting her honor…right. You’re not the only one that can smell a rat, smart guy

3330008 1 Reviews 96 reads
18 / 29

The review is legitimate.  I had to send TER a screenshot of the deposit receipt before they would post the review.  Most of the review is a copy and paste of the email she sent at 2:00 AM the day of the appointment.  

As for your trash talk, there is no rule that requires a review.  I don’t write reviews.  The only reason I a wrote this one was to warn other members about her behavior.  This ended up on the message board because another member read my review and had a similarly rude encounter with her.  

3330008 1 Reviews 19 reads
19 / 29

The review was real.  I don’t know what the motivation would be for posting a fake review, but my motivation for posting this was to warn others that might consider contacting her.  TER made me send a copy of the deposit receipt before they would post the review.  Frankly, you’re the fool with all of your trash talk and conspiracy theory nonsense.

3330008 1 Reviews 84 reads
21 / 29

Calling a review fake and trashing the reviewer is puzzling to me.  

cannonballthud 83 reads
22 / 29

Your pointless posting on this thread which has literally added zero value to it (just like the one above) only proves my point more. Of course you couldn't rebuttal any points that myself or the actual reviewer in question put up, just more non-sensical bullshit.  

You're a clown and since you can't handle the converse, head on back to the kiddie table and leave the adults alone.

CantQuitWontQuit 86 reads
23 / 29

You embarrassed yourself by your “review” - decades of experience and you text her “do you like to kiss?”

Oh, and nice first board posts ever too

CantQuitWontQuit 80 reads
24 / 29

You started the thread by angrily stating you “had the same experience” as the reviewer

It turns out you didn’t at all, based on your own posts  

You now say you texted her once and you’ve been sputtering in anger for days here about it

Nice thread, you really “added value”

3330008 1 Reviews 76 reads
25 / 29

You embarrassed yourself by claiming the review was made up and that there was some kind of conspiracy going on.  Go crawl back under your rock, troll.

CantQuitWontQuit 107 reads
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3330008 1 Reviews 86 reads
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Okay, enough of the trash talk Scooter.  Go back to watching Sesame Street and sucking your thumb.  You’re repetitive and boring.

open2suggestions 8 Reviews 85 reads
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I just saw this and must admit as I read through it seems the "sputtering" is in response to the antagonism not the reported experience. Which brings to this... One might pause to consider how many experienced hobbyists there are with decades of helpful information that the readers here do not have access to as they do not wish to post and suffer the aggravation.  

open2suggestions 8 Reviews 89 reads
29 / 29

Posted By: CantQuitWontQuit
Re: Weird review iyam
He claims to have hobbied for decades but this is his first and only review
Not that uncommon. The vast majority of the TER community pays for VIP, uses it primarily as a research tool, and posts only and if they feel some provocation. Regular reviewer/posters are the tip of the iceberg.

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