
Lilly legit?
lpc2112 1 Reviews 861 reads

Hi, couldn't find much on Lilly, but she she seems legit to me and I find her very attractive. Opinions?

Off topic, but what does the oxymoron "slim thick" mean?

Lol, I was wondering the same thing. She also describes herself as having a thin and petite figure

A few years ago, I asked that same question regarding slim/thick. It was explained, thin upper torso, thick on the bottom. Things have changed these days, but maybe it thin/thick hasn’t changed in meaning.

durran42114 reads

It's like jumbo...shrimp! 🤣🤣

On a side note I don't see anything at all resembling the thick part. I see slim... slim. Usually that's a no, and no for me!

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