
Luna TER id 375698 wanted a
barrycade 1110 reads

Luna TER id 375698

I was in the mood for company and scanned some ad websites. I saw Luna’s ad. I liked what I saw and was pleased her ad contained her TER id. She had some nice reviews so I texted her the night before our scheduled meeting. She responded promptly. I confirmed a time with her in the morning and asked for her general location appx 90 minutes before I got in my car.  

We spoke on the phone and she sounded very nice. She texted me the location and off I went. After driving for appx 30 minutes and getting close to the incall she texted me asking for a “quick video” verification. I called her and told her I was driving and asked why she needed video verification. She told me she wanted to make sure I was not a cop. She wanted a “dick” pic.  

I had told her I was a TER member and p411 member. I gave her names of providers I reviewed and a lot of information to make her feel comfortable. As I arrived at the hotel, she texted she was not comfortable seeing me.  

I texted her that she should let people know her verification protocol in advance and not after leading them on for 2 days.  

Later that day I went on another national hobby website. I read a post about another longtime, credible hobbyist who was ghosted by Luna at her hotel that day.

If you want to send someone a “dick pic” and also risk being ghosted, then Luna is the girl for you.

She has a poor business model. Perhaps she should be better suited working at McDonald's.

-- Modified on 2/14/2024 4:06:39 PM

-- Modified on 2/14/2024 4:07:24 PM

albeit unviable form of "verification". I never understood the thought process as Uncle Leo can show you their dick???  

Sorry you wasted your time.


OlympicGold48 reads

Don’t sell yourself short, she may have heard good things about you and wanted a keepsake.

I wouldn’t be pissed about this if I was you. If a woman can’t wait to see my dick, it’s on!

barrycade38 reads

I respect a provider's verification protocol.

Is it asking much to know of the protocol before I start the drive to the incall?

If there are rules to meet, let me know in advance so I can decide whether I am willing to provide the particular requirements.

I never understood  where some ladies got the idea that a dick pic will prove you are not LE. It's really  the blind leading the blind. To be serious  for a minute  you were probably  ghosted because  you asked real legit client questions and that tend to scare girls that are used to less off they are more accustomed to the riff raff that text 1 or 2 word questions like "yo wasup" "ticket" "addy"

barrycade42 reads

I asked no questions of Luna other than time of availability and then her general location.

We were all set until I was minutes away.

I would like to know the verification protocol before we both agree to meet, not when I am minutes away.

I don't change the agreed donation, or activities that a provider is comfortable with.

Don't change the verification process after we agree to meet.

OlympicGold42 reads

Are you saying she didn’t do any screening before setting the appointment?

Hopefully she will see your post and respond because this sounds like a doozy

My screening process is more of trying to make sure I'm not going to be beat up, scammed or murdered literally for me it comes down to safety..  anything can happen obviously but my least concern is LEO and someone just sending me a d*ck pic doesn't mean much......... but that MY OPINION  everyone is different

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