
claire16 See my TER Reviews 55 reads

I was going through my drawers and getting rid of things stuck in there over the years.  In an old wallet I came across the business cards of Gemma Derossi (Lauren) and Aleece.  Both cards indicated doubles with the other were available.  I also had one from The Erotic Advocate.  It all brought back memories of that M&G so long ago.  Met a lot of great people that night and it led to a lot of fun afterwards.  Guess it's time to put them in the shredder before someone else finds them!

Every once in awhile I'll go through an old bag and find my old buisness cards or old Xcitement latenite magazine ads

I was literally saying the other day I'm going to make business cards and I hope I end up on someone's throwback thread one day! Lol

An old excitement magazine!! I used to advertise in there years ago 😊 Never did business cards though. I was always afraid someone would find one that I wouldn't want finding it 🤣🤷‍♀️

I still have a few put up. The good ol days meeting up with sypher to write her a check lol

That's so awsome!!! Let me know if you find any multiple copies. I'd be willing to buy one!  
Good ole days for sure.  Remember creative loafing ads too?  

I truly do miss those M&G's.   I was fortunate enough to host one of the very first ones with my partner in debauchery "Santa-Lite" and few other friends.  Then my friend JPW took them to another level that was a lot of fun.  

Gemma was my first. "sigh"

She was Lauren when I saw her while she was with ER (an agency). I saw her a couple more times after the agency as Gemma.  

extra points if you get the "sigh" reference.

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