
I remember that thread and it wasn't just her that got run out of town
GaGambler 149 reads

All "Three Stooges" involved were shunned by the community and rightfully so.

I remember she continued to make delusional posts about her many imagined exploits, I always found them amusing in a rather sad way.

When my VIP expires this  time ( in about 3 weeks) I don't intend to renew. Not fond of the current trends of the board and just getting too damn old. Had Parkinson for 3 years now. Had to give up work. Living on social security only so no hobby budget anyway. It' been 14 years watching this board deteriorate. Some friends I will miss and the M&G's if they ever pick up again.I'm sure most here won't give a crap about me leaving but tothose I call friends I just wanted to say Good Bye.

-- Modified on 8/8/2017 10:42:21 AM

Woody, we have been BUDS for a LONG time.  I will miss you and many others will also.   Try to make the last one. Invite has been sent.

BTW,  who are you leaving the bag of toys to ? Someone needs to carry on your tradition.  LOL   Not me tho!!

You will be missed. I'll never forget that "board" meeting at the Pink Pony when the dancer came out of VIP wearing your shirt. What a night ! I'll also never forget how good Terri and Keri looked when they walked in.

WoW  That memory came from the "Way Back" machine. I lost my shirt in more ways that one that night

Make sure to check in with us in the future. time is coming to an end as well.....soon.  Good luck in your life and stay happy and be good to yourself.  You are a treasure to us all...take care.   XO

I'm very good at quitting. I've done it several times

My sentiments about this board also.  My VIP is expiring soon and I will no longer participate!! This board is not what it should be.  Good luck to all

I too had decided I was done with VIP. I spend little time contributing to the reviews or boards anymore. Seems to have changed and with limited exceptions, not for the better.  I'll leave it to elect0nicrealm to carry on.  
Have fun. Be safe

Thanks Larry for the vote of confidence.

I do need some adult supervision however.

As long as Gambler still drops by from time to time to keep an eye on things I think we'll manage.


I've come to the same decision. My board presence had decreased to almost nothing over the past several months, especially since TER, for no apparent reason, changed the board format. I'll miss Ginger and Leslie, but I'm sure I'll see them on the side in the near future. Fair winds and following seas.

GaGambler118 reads

Did you know your PM to me about "Tye" way back in 2004 was my very first PM?  and yes she pulled an NCNS on me just like she did everyone else, but she was so hot and so good in the sack that just like everyone else, I "got over it"

My how time flies. You'll be missed.

Could someone define "NCNS"?  


I think. Only happened to me once. Have had a couple late cancellations. But hey, life happens.

Lslarry, Khori AND 1Woody?!  I truly am saddened.  Y'all can't be replaced!

Yes I agree about the new format , it is very difficult to follow and enjoy, but maybe I'm too old or tired to learn to like it.  Also with the past area problems many stopped posting, afraid of being chased by LE,  I presume.  

 But I am not quite ready to quit and throw in the condom, oppps I mean the towel.   MAYBE the admin reads and maybe alter the site again or go back to the "OLD" way.  

But not having VIP should not keep you from posting and having some contact here.

I have made MANY friends and I can and will stay in touch with them in other ways if they disappear from here.   I have lost contact with many tho , as they have deleted or changed their email addresses.  

Till later, and hope to see many of you here and in person again soon.


It has changed as all the boards have. There are so many great characters here that I have followed for many years. I do miss the old days when there where many active boards to follow. I use to spend hours trying to keep up with all the local news. Participation is down and not sure if the boards will revive themselves. I have been a TER member since 2007 and have seen many changes in those years. I wonder if any of the changes on TER really where in the end, good for the community as a whole.

Thanks to all the Atlanta community who made my daily morning coffee entertaining and enjoyable for years. I'll still drop by to read as always.

Kisses Haley

was the best board on TER. People from all parts of the country chimed in. It was entertaining and even polite in a good humored way. It was by far the most popular  regional board.  Remember the post when another Teri than the one we all know announced her plans to publish a book similar to "The Happy Hooker" I asked her if she wanted me to rub it by the board and she said yes. I posted without trying ti influence the reaction and she eventually was run out of town by the crowd. That post got over 2000 replies and as far as I know was the longest running post for years and might still be. I caught some flak from some saying I was trying to cause trouble but I was only trying to give the community a chance to express their opinion openly. I did ask her if she wanted me to let the word out so I didn't feel bad at all even though I wouldn't have cared if she had published . I bet there would have been some funny stories in there.

GaGambler150 reads

All "Three Stooges" involved were shunned by the community and rightfully so.

I remember she continued to make delusional posts about her many imagined exploits, I always found them amusing in a rather sad way.

Depending on my personal needs, I have been under the radar, and I have still checked out the boards here many times and posted too back in the "good old days"  (Not to thrilled with the new board myself, as an ornery old dude.) You can do the same if you want and keep in touch with people.  I don't know how many more years I have left on here myself, but I hope a can hang in there a while longer.  As long as I can "keep it up" - bad pun intended.  I had hoped to go to the Meet and Greet this month, but my 5 day trip to Vegas has me worn out.  Be safe and happy!

I have another serious health issue I facing surgery for in the near future. Not cancer so don't worry I don't plan on pulling a PT on you but it will be an extended recovery time. I'll post to let everyone know I'm still kicking. I've lost40 lbs in the last 18 months without trying. Meet the surgeon in 3 weeks and don't know the schedule from there. I'll post before I go in and update then. In the past I have beat arthritis, heart disease and Melanoma. This should be okay too. My biggest problem is that I can't work and have to make do on SS and that leaves zero hobby budget.

Damn I miss the ATL and the ATL board of about 10 years ago.  

Did I mention I got a call from Hotrix, a week or so ago?

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