
Get over it!
TP9431M 33 Reviews 121 reads

Believe it or not, providers have lives outside of this job. She was busy with a personal issue.  She returned your deposit and later explained why it happened. It’s not like she stood you up for a kidney transplant. Had you been more gentlemanly about it, she would have made it up to you. But now I doubt she’ll ever see you. A little understanding goes a long way.  


Pretty disappointed since I set up an outcall date a month in advance with Mickey Foxxx through her assistant Jess. If it was a timing thing then we could have made other arrangements. Considering I sent an email earlier in the week to confirm the date since it was set up so early and didn't hear anything back, seems like she never planned to make the date at all. After 15-20 minutes past when we were supposed to meet, I sent an email to the assistant about the no show and stealing the advance that was asked for. The advance was immediately returned, so it wasn't a communication issue.

Thanks Mickey and Jess, enjoy your weekend.

Like I mentioned in my email, I have a family emergency and I’m out of state. I am totally focused on my family right now.  
And to paraphrase you “thanks for not showing up and stealing $100”.  
You didn’t  even give me the benefit of the doubt and you accused me of being a thief.
I did apologize and refunded you the deposit.  

Best regards,

Timeline is important:

1 month ago, I go through screening and set up time for today and pay advance.

4 days ago I email to confirm appointment since this was booked a month in advance and I know stuff happens. No response of any kind.

Appointment day/time comes and goes with no communication from you.

I email about your no-show and money. 5 minutes later I get refunded, but still no communication.

You see my post here on the discussion board, THEN you email me to apologize and explain what happened.

All you had to do was message that you couldn't make it, but you didn't.

Wow! N yet STILL you aren't getting that Mickey has a FAMILY EMERGENCY going on! She literally had to drop everything and is out of state to be there for HER FAMILY! You really believe that your appointment and you getting off should be more important than her needing to be there for her family in an emergency? It would be different if she were just being flakey.... but this is not the case here! Most gentlemen would be a little more understanding, considering the situation.  Your deposit was refunded immediately. I'd seriously love to know what more you are expecting from her. I hope you never have a time that you have to drop everything to be there for your loved ones. Oh n then you tell her to "GET OVER IT" and submit a negative review of a meeting that never happened!  Please don't leave that out in your time-line.  

She has an emergency, yet she has time to come on here and try to rebuke this guy's story?  C'mon, there's no emergency that's 24/7.  Everybody keeps their phone on them 24/7.  I seriously doubt she went 24/7 not checking texts, emails, social media, etc.  She stood the guy up, it's cool, it happens, she refunded him.  But don't make her out to be the victim here.  Like he said, all she had to do was text, "sorry, had an emergency, can't make it".  If the tables were turned and he no showed and didn't respond, she would call him a time waster, even if he said he had an emergency.

What is it with you first time posters here? 🤣 THIS is your only post ever 😂She came on here in the middle of a family emergency because people were blowing her shit up about this post. I  was even messaed about it! Theres no emergency that's 24/7? Seriously? Do you have a family? Well, I wouldn't leave mine family's side in an emergency and yes I suppose she could have reached out sooner... If she hadn't been going through what she was. No, not everyone's at a beckon call holding their phones, waiting for dick. This guy then told her to "get over it" and tried to submit a review of a meeting that never happened.  
She felt awful about what happened but at the same time, some compassion in certain situations, goes a long way.  
Stop trying to stir shit.... It's just not working.  
Have a fantastic night 😘

Posted By: billbixby
C'mon, there's no emergency that's 24/7.
Only one person in this set of posts knows if there was an emergency. Regardless, for whatever reason, if a provider is non-responsive and then doesn’t show up for a planned event, they’re not tending to their business. If you live, you learn. Or, you should.

No one is denying it could have been handled better but in a traumatic situation,  sometimes it's not so easy.  I understand she should have reached out to him... and so does she. It's still no excuse to tell her to "get over it" n try to submit a fake review.... then to call her a thief after his deposit was returned.  
Then there's the 1st time posters coming here to stir more shit... when this is done and over.
Ok, I think everyone needs to just get laid 😜 I think we all could support that 💕

vintrexx104 reads

Mickey Foxxx no-showed me as well.  We agreed to meet at the Hilton Atlanta Airport just this past Nov 21st & she never came.  I emailed her assistant, messaged her several times & no communication back whatsoever.  It’s unfortunate b/c she has a lot of positive reviews but that’s just bad business leaving clients in the dark.  Definitely left a bad taste in my mouth & I hope other guys don’t experience the same thing I did.

You canceled on me a day before.  
As a provider and as a woman, safety is my priority.  
Some things you said didn’t make me feel safe at all to see you.  
I don’t have to give you any explanations why I didn’t feel safe.

-- Modified on 11/25/2023 10:55:26 AM

Muffcookie96 reads

If you feel that you don’t have to explain to him why you don’t feel safe that is one thing. But that has nothing to do with at least letting him know you are cancelling his appointment. The cancellation you do have an obligation to let him know. No showing without any sort of communication especially when you have an assistant that can do it for you is not cool. Is it ok for a client to no show on you and not even let you know?

She did let him know and refunded the deposit did u not read that part

DrCooperPHD95 reads

I think he is responding to Vintrex, not the OP.

DrCooperPHD95 reads

I think I must have missed something?

This is my first time actually reading thru the whole thread as I normally shy away from things that seem to be too negatively charged. Maybe some things have been deleted or context missing but it seems from the way the thread reads now that even in the case of the OP, there was no response or refund until after the no-call-no-show. Is this true or not?

Also, seems like a good time to point out two things.

1. Back before I was retired I used to take vacation time off from work to see ladies. There were no deposits during those days so If a lady no-showed for a last minute personal emergency there was no reason to communicate further beyond an explanation/apology. However, once the appointment time passed, I had no way to recover the vacation time. It was just gone. This only happened once but if the lady had called even an hour prior to our meeting time, I could have gone on to work and saved that vacation time to reschedule another day. In fact when she asked me to reschedule the next week, stating she was trying to put together some cash for a trip, I explained this and why I couldn't see her and it seemed to make her rather unhappy with me. I think this business has a history of women being allowed for good or bad to be rather cavalier with the gentleman's time. It is the truth, but not new.    

2.  What should the expectation be? I flew for a major parcel carrier for over 20 years, even before everyone had a cell phone, and that company had a very strict and well publicized zero tolerance for no-call-no-show. You could have any tragic emergency you wanted and they would give you all the time and support you needed to work through it including time off with pay IF YOU CALLED before you were expected to be at work. However,  If you just didn't show up, don't bother coming back. Your final check will be sent to your last address on file. But, that's the real world, not the hobby world.    

Believe it or not, providers have lives outside of this job. She was busy with a personal issue.  She returned your deposit and later explained why it happened. It’s not like she stood you up for a kidney transplant. Had you been more gentlemanly about it, she would have made it up to you. But now I doubt she’ll ever see you. A little understanding goes a long way.  


Man you aren’t going to get any sympathy on this. She has a life and you got your deposit back. Try to be just a little understanding. I’ve had providers cancel last minute several times and just let it go. It happens we all have family and lives. It happens!

edinathens114 reads

Never count on having an appointment, especially one planned far in advance, without receiving positive confirmation a day or two before the meeting date. As an aside, most K agencies will only schedule one day in advance to avoid any mishaps.

Posted By: edinathens

Never count on having an appointment, especially one planned far in advance, without receiving positive confirmation a day or two before the meeting.
Best advice. Plan, but seek confirmation. No confirmation? Then, for whatever reason (good or bad), the provider is not tending to her business and a client is best advised to ask for a refund and make other arrangements. If you happen to agree to an advance, you may or may not get that back (as cash, or credit toward a future meet).

I get it's easy to jump all over the OP here because of the reason behind the provider not showing up (Family emergency). But let's put this into perspective. All the provider (Or her assistant) had to do was send a quick note "Family emergency, not going to make it." Done. Period. It seems the OP tried to reach out. I think any person in his situation would too, especially given he forked out a deposit. The OP would have known and may have even been understanding (don't know the guy so don't know his personality, but I would have been and likely any understanding person would have). Mickey, I do hope your family is doing okay and I send thoughts your way. For me personally, this reinforces why I don't pay deposits.

I would have to agree with this one. The OP is not complaining that the appointment was missed and the family was picked over the appointment. He is saying that if there was a family emergency then it should have been communicated prior to him reaching out to see what happened after the appointment start time. I don’t think that is unreasonable especially if there is an assistant that is doing the coordinating and communicating.  

Mickey, I do hope whatever you had to deal with, everyone is ok. Sending positive thoughts your way and I hope whatever you had to deal with turns out with the best possible outcome.

Why not it was refunded  i know i personally refund deposit every time a girl cant make it but most guys like to dry Inquire hrs and days in advance to no avail so deposits is a great way to know a client  os serious and not LE especially considering alot of guys dont want to be screened. it also helps to prioritize if u have 3 guys Inquiring simultaneously. Sure be hesitant sending deposit to a new random hot pic on listcrawler with 0 reviews but to say never send deposit is problematic .... oh yea a guy texted me yesterday and said Hershey is in his top 5 head givers

I just find it to be a bad practice.  for me anyway

I'm speaking in general principle to not do a deposit.

If you require a deposit that is your business.

Johnhobby134 reads

But, completely stood up is uncool. I was also stood up by Mickey with no note and no deposit return.

Mickey could have just come here and said sorry. But instead there is her gang attacking the OP, twisting it as if it is his fault.

She has an Assistant, why couldn’t they get a note to the guy? It takes one minute.

I read on another forum that her screener is actually a man, so maybe we dodged a bullet dealing with some Eastern European pimp? No thank you.

How do you know if I apologized or not???  
I have never stood anyone up, I have always contacted the person and refunded the money.  
 I have never had a pimp, I do not have a pimp. I’ve always been independent. I would be glad to give you her number. You are welcome to call and see she is a woman.  
What board did you read  all this nonsense?  
You say that I stood you up, and didn't refund the deposit. I invite you to contact me directly to discuss it.  It’s interesting and revealing, that this is your first post on the board and drop similar malicious hints.

-- Modified on 9/17/2023 7:59:35 PM

Posted By: MickeyFoxxx
It’s interesting and revealing, that this is your first post on the board and drop similar malicious hints.  

-- Modified on 9/17/2023 7:59:35 PM

Yeah. It’s pretty glaring that whoever wrote that posting has a history of just that one comment, which comment is at face value offensive to the senses. (I.e. “East European” pimp) On top of that, there is the loaded allegation of having been stood up. Not very credible.

I couldn't agree more! Trolls making derogatory, unsubstantiated, allegations, should not be tolerated on TER.  Mickey has eight pages of excellent reviews. I recommend weighing them against a slanderous, racist, single post.  I'm sure you will arrive at the correct conclusion.  

Johnhobby126 reads

I was not being racist. I’m European myself. I’m simply saying that people have talked on another board and what they said was that you have an Eastern European male screener or pimp. The same one another lady worked with. If your screener is male, why not just admit that.

Posted By: Johnhobby
…If your screener is male, why not just admit that.
I just had to laugh out loud when I read that. I mean, what the hell difference does a screener’s gender make? Who are you spending time with? The provider or the screener? Do you need to know if the screener uses a wheel chair too? Their favorite color? Their color?    

Me thinks this thread of discussion smells. Of what, I’m not sure. But there is an odor.

I was thinking the same thing.  There's also a few first time ever posters on this thread 🙄 including this guy you responded to lol

Posted By: Johnhobby
Re: A cancellation is no big deal
But, completely stood up is uncool. I was also stood up by Mickey with no note and no deposit return.  
 Mickey could have just come here and said sorry. But instead there is her gang attacking the OP, twisting it as if it is his fault.  
 She has an Assistant, why couldn’t they get a note to the guy? It takes one minute.  
 I read on another forum that her screener is actually a man, so maybe we dodged a bullet dealing with some Eastern European pimp? No thank you.
So the simple question is, can you prove you paid a deposit ? Do you have the emails/text or other communications concerning the supposed meeting in which you were stood up?  If you don't know if she has or does not have a "pimp" it's hearsay and we all know thats worth less than zero.  

And Mickey, I met you years ago socially not profesionally.  Hopefully your family situation is improving, but you've been in the middle of 2 drama's lately....It's best to handle things like this privately not in the discussion board whenever possible. (free suggestion worth less than zero)

Now when and where is the next M&G ???

Johnhobby124 reads

C’mon man! Why would I post any identifying information? So Mickeys little gang of bullies can attack me?

You said it yourself, drama again.  

Or so her pimp can come after me? They’re discussing it on another board. She has the same pimp another popular lady has and everyone knows it. She has a reputation of attacking people and stalking people and that is probably why she is now Mickey. She retaliates on people. Believe it or not, I don’t care.

Buyer beware.

Posted By: Johnhobby
C’mon man… Buyer beware.
In this hobby, that’s always the case. So what have you added to anyone’s life?  

Plan, but verify. Deposit? Take the risk; sometimes you lose.

You are something. If you claim that I didn’t give your deposit back, then why don’t you contact me so I can refund you???
Obviously you’re a troll who likes to stir shit.

Show your real handle If you have the balls, but you don’t have any balls and I know who is hiding behind the alias…

Mickey does NOT have a freaking pimp. Attacking and stalking people? Wtf? Wow.... Nothing you've said is true in the least.  The "other board" has always been shit stirring trolls, sweetie.

This troll will hide behind an alias and will fuck with you because he has neither balls, nor character.  
He’s a keyboard warrior, hiding behind an alias.  
He accuses me of not refunding him the money and so far I haven’t heard from this troll because he is LYING!  

Ladies beware!

He brought it to the board. Not her. She refunded him while going thru a family emergency.  

Steph XO

Exactly.  We'll said! Nuff said.  
Much love,  

ThomasVI134 reads


My hometown board is typically pretty boring. Next time y'all are going to have a knock-down street brawl, could somebody message me?

I'll make a Costco Jiffipop run!

-- Thomas

Not only are they entertaining but you get a lot of insight into people,
the ladies and schedulers/pimps, the wk hobbyist , the angry hobbiest maybe we can get a posting
from a lady or dude with a grudge

The OP posted a thread, lots of people responded (including myself). The OP has not been seen since he started this. It has become infighting amongst ourselves. Maybe time to move on from this one.

True theres way better  things to do instead of arguing online like check out Galore and Chanel lol

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