
Geez CK...teeth_smile
roanoke1979 189 Reviews 7 reads
posted are the best of the best...period...adore you

Sir Cumalot

Everyone is different. This can be a question for the providers as well. Maybe I can play matchmaker here, lol.  

Gents, Do you like variety? Do you like to meet a few ladies to rotate out through the month, lol? Are you looking to actually date a woman in this hobby? Have you dated a woman in the hobby? Love them and leave them type scenario? ;)  
I love to hear other's experiences and what they have enjoyed. Let us ladies know what we can improve on. I always try to improve when I can and if I feel it's who I am. We all have our limits of course.  

Ladies what makes for your favorite kind of gent? Besides the obvious, what makes it special or good for you? Think out of the box. Your experiences and the really good encounters you have had with a really good guy. LOL, this can possibly go in another direction that I am hoping for as I am attempting to have more of a discussion other than who offers BBFS or what a client did to piss you off....come on, we all have our moments.

-- Modified on 6/10/2024 1:48:22 PM

I think ladies for me, we see you as an escape from the grind of daily life. I like an experience that is a blend of the wild and uninhibited to passionate girlfriend, sense of humor is a plus. We do like to laugh and feel mutually energized by the encounter. You know it when it happens because their is an energy that says with you several hours after the encounter and of course you want it again!

I always keep my cards from friends. Thank you’s are always appreciated. There have been times that I have considered giving something afterwards for my appreciation but then I realize nobody can take anything home.

That says a lot about you. I can tell both you value your clients/and they value you.

This is a great way to learn to learn how we can improve our services.  Thank you for asking it!  I'm hoping more gentlemen reply.  

My favorite meetings are the ones that stimulate my mind.  It doesn't matter what one's occupation is or their level or education, those things are actually irrelevant when it comes to the seduction of the mind.  This can't be faked, it comes naturally. I love to learn and many people have a lot to teach, even if they don't realize it themselves.  

Another favorite of mine is regulars.  We create a type of trusting relationship.  I know I'm safe with them so I relax more, become a bit more seductive, open and adventurous.  The intimacy gets better and the trust grows as we get to know each other, one wonderful meeting at time.  
Appreciation and Gratitude should be a daily practice for us all.  Each gentleman that blesses us with his patronage has chosen us as worth the risk that comes with this hobby.  The least I can do is be trustworthy back and respect him, be thankful for him and give him no reason to regret his decision.  I'm grateful for my hobby friends and have received wonderful thank yous in the past and that truly makes me feel appreciated.

Sometimes after a meeting I'll get a text or e mail that just says "Thank You".  That's it. Those two little words.  
It makes me smile and feel warm inside :)

Actually, my encounter with you is exactly what I look for. You met me in the parking lot of the apartment complex and made me follow you to the apartment. The whole time I'm watching that perfect ass of yours thinking that I would be enjoying it soon. Once in the room I opened a nice cabernet and we sat and talked to break the ice and get to know each other a little. After pouring the second glass of wine we retreated to the playroom where you proceeded to destroyed me. I still think of our encounter with a lump in my pants. In summary, you were sexy, engaging, good conversationalist, not in a hurry with great skills in the room. You're the epitome of the saying class in the streets and a freak in the sheets. Plus, you enjoy a good cabernet.

Honesty and appreciation are my big two. Drinks and a conversation are always welcomed here.

Oh boy, where do I start? I'll try and keep it short. As an admirer:

What I like:
Communication!. I love to flirt via texts. I can learn a lot about the lady I'm about to meet
A nice, safe incall or high-end hotel.
A well groomed lady. I try and look my best for the date and I expect the same. I love a woman who dresses smart and classy. Has her nails, hair and makeup done professionally
Conversation foreplay. I like to spend some time talking and getting to know one another prior to getting physical. I love to laugh and make her laugh.

What I don't like:
Too many rules and threats in her website. Huge turn off. Don't threaten to block or blacklist. There are softer, more friendlier ways of letting us know what you want/need without interjecting threats.
I don't want to be attacked as soon as I walk in the door. A simple hug, peck on the cheek and eye contact is all I need. I don't want her tongue thrust down my throat before we say hello.
I don't want the experience to be strictly transactional. I would like to develop some chemistry and respect. If all the lady can offer is her vagina, I won't repeat.
Smoking or doing drugs during our time.
Clock watcher. I understand the need to respect and compensate for time.
I will not pay a deposit.
Last minute cancellations. I understand things come up. But communicate.  

What I try and will do:
Make her feel special and that she is the only woman for me. I will move mountains to fulfill her.
I'll will respect the lady and her boundaries.
I will make her feel comfortable and safe.
I will provide drink and snacks of her preference if she so desires
I will include a personal thank you note with the donation.
If after a few encounters and we establish some chemistry, I'll reward her with gifts such as her favorite perfume, jewelry, gift cards,  and some accessories.  
I will book longer engagements including dinner and some events.
I will promote her with great reviews and direct other gentlemen to her.

To answer some of your other questions, I do not care for variety. When I first started out, I saw a lot of different, highly rated women. But over time I have pared it down to now I see only one lady. I did not enter this hobby looking for a relationship. However, I have developed some deep feelings and I could see myself dating someone in this line.  I'm not possessive or jealous. I could share her with others as long as there is honesty, loyalty and trust.

I get a thrill planning & preparing for sweet escapes that give me butterflies. 🦋 I absolutely love paying attention to special details when packing lingerie & adult fun toys in my goody bag. My favorite kind of gent is the one who truly cares about me… Bia & he has read everything he can about me in order to make me happy during our time together. Living in the moment & making memories to last a lifetime is the passion that I thrive on. Romance. Falling in love. a woman who is comfortable in her own body & profession. I'm in a bit of different category as a hobbyist. I'm in my mid-70's with T2D, ED & limited mobility. So the best I can hope for is intimacy. Any woman I see I am totally upfront with my limitations performance wise. But what I lack in the use of one part of my body, I make up for in another part. Like a blind person may have better hearing, I have a talented tongue & digits. But I have women get upset that they cannot get me going in more traditional ways.

So what am I looking for? A good sense of humor. A willingness to experiment with alternative ways to achieve joy if not climax . A woman who will let me be me. I have found that difficult to find.

That's when us ladies try different things as long as you're comfortable with the out of the box ideas.  

I have had a handicap gentleman that Brittany from Dynasty Companions sent me to see in Atlanta back in the day, like 10 years ago. No info given, brat, lol. I believe he was a quadriplegic and he focused on me. Great guy and I did what I could and he continued to see me quite a few times after that.  Not to say that you are a quadraplegic!!! Mine is more of an extreme scenario, but I understand.  

My style is that I let the gentleman set the pace and then take over when he allows me to, unless he wants me to set the mood. There is an art to finessing that when you just meet someone.  I have always been able to adjust. I LOVE intimacy. Many times people want to rush in and get it done. I take my time and want to enjoy myself with the teasing and watching a man get worked up. Mmmm, I am getting turned  

Great answer! Thank you for replying. I think this helps us ladies.

First meeting, you don't know anything about the other person, except the research you have done on each other. Reviews, google, profile info sometimes can be a guide. BUT! How long do you like for a woman to engage in conversation when you FIRST meet? Or even after you have seen them a time or two?  

Like I said below, I let the gent set the pace. If he signals to me in various ways, I will take over.  
Also what refreshments do you like a lady to provide? Obviously depending on the length of the time spent together. are the best of the best...period...adore you

Sir Cumalot

I appreciate that. Thank you stranger.

Text me back already..I know you're busy and traveling all over the world. Love to live vicariously through you.  Miss you handsome!

You are just amazing person ❤️  
Thank you for being real 🙏 ❤️

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