
Deep Purple - My woman from Tokoyo, Hush, and ...
Advisor2008 212 Reviews 855 reads
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2 huge events this week in Pop Culture.  

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame announced several well deserving groups.   Opinion?  Any group you love or hate on the list?  Anyone big still overlooked?

Star Wars was released.  Personally I think it is a fun addition to the franchise.  Nice homage to the prior movies and stars, great into to new heroes and villains, and while predictable, you can't help but love the story.  Are you a Star Wars fan?  When do you plan on going?

foguete69 38 Reviews 503 reads
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of Steve Miller Band.
NWA pioneered a whole genre of music.
Deep Purple outside of smoke on the water I could not name another song
Cheap Trick Makes Live at the Budecan (sp?) come to mind

Star Wars theme as sung by Bill Murray on SNL 'nuff said

lol good topic

TSTAYLORATL See my TER Reviews 463 reads
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It was fantastic.  As someone who grew up watching the old films, the movie was very emotional.  Highly recommended if you're a fan.

OliviaCorvisart See my TER Reviews 435 reads
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I can't say much about Star Wars because I never really got into them but I think many of the muscians being inducted into the RRHF definitely are deserving. Chicago, Cheap Trick, Deep Purple...even though I was not a child of those times, the music is classic and there is nothing like it! It signifies and speaks to the great political and social change and upheaval that was taking place in American and around the world at that time.

Alexandria Fox

electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 481 reads
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I'm excited about the new Star Wars - I'll see it soon.  Like many I loved the first trilogy, hated the second.  Of that second series (as well as the Lucas doctored original trilogy rerelease) debacle I only have two things to say:

1) Han shot first
2) Give one man unlimited creative control, tell him he's a genius and can do no wrong and all his jokes are funny, and surround him with "yes" men and you get "The Phantom Menace".  Well, that whole second trilogy actually.  Sometimes reality checks are a good thing.

Speaking of reality checks - Is it just me or does a light saber blade guard seem like a reeeeeally bad idea?  I think that's a white hot circumcision just waiting to happen...  Anywho, I suppose that's why I'm not a Jedi or a Sith.  I suppose he's a Sith as he's in black.  *SPOILER ALERT*  Bad guys tend to wear black.  I think it's in the bad guy union bylaws or something.

As for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, I've never been a big fan.  It doesn't seem to know what it wants to be when it grows up (is it rock, is it pop, is it heavy metal, is it new wave, is it indie, is it hip hop, etc. ?) nor does it usually have a good voting ballot for its members.  Is the criteria a good, solid, consistent body of work or is someone that has a short but brilliant career also eligible?

Of those new inductees I would say I agree with Janet Jackson as she has had a very long, solid, and influential musical career.  Followed by Chicago, who I am a fan of their early work (but clearly sold out to the bubble gum rock devil later in their career).  But, my musical tastes have always run more to the eclectic and not the mainstream.  So what do I know?

And there are many, many worthy candidates that don't seem to make the cut.  Def Leppard is an excellent example.

To the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee committee-

Dear Sirs and or Madams:

Let me just point out that Def Leppard is not in your little clique yet.
Def Leppard.
You know that band that defined a generation of MTV music?  Big hair?  Rocked the house down.  "It's better to burn out than to fade away?".
Rock and Roll.
Like in the title of the thing you presume to know all about.
Ah yes, that Def Leppard.

Please get your collective heads out of your collective asses.  
PS:  You are an embarassment.
PPS: Don't even get me started on the Cure, Yes, the Smiths and the Cars.

Thank you for your attention.


-- Modified on 12/18/2015 12:59:31 PM

LillianWest See my TER Reviews 474 reads
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The atmosphere in the theater makes it worth going.

xyz23 45 Reviews 449 reads
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...the aforementioned Smoke on the Water. Album "Machine Head". The lead singer of Deep Purple was the lead in the movie of Jesus Christ, Superstar.

-- Modified on 12/18/2015 1:53:44 PM

ga_kosh 22 Reviews 424 reads
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The easier one: I don't care about the R&R Hall of Fame. There's nothing Rock & Roll about Motown and Disco and Alternative Rock.  After all, if these were R&R, they wouldn't need different names to describe the sound, right?

Star Wars:
First, it's revisionist history from somewhere else!
I saw Ep I: A New Hope before it was renamed Ep IV. Ya know, the one where a whiny kid got coerced to join a violent overthrow of the government by a bearded hermit in the desert.  
I remember bad guy in a black suit being a bad guy - choked the lives out of a few guys - only to become some BS version of Paradise Lost who did not recognize his own daughter (though they had seemingly met before).  
I saw a strong enslaved woman in a metal bikini kill her master and blow up his barge! I never thought of her as a sex object as she was forced to wear it. Choice matters.  
I saw a metal moon being blown up and utterly destroyed over a forest moon and not being an Extinction Level Event for the Ewoks. The Ewoks should have been evacuating the planet, not celebrating.

I saw the limp wristed Ep I then I walked out of Ep II: Attack of the Clones when I realized that the Jedi were ok with slaves, being created via clones, fighting their battles. I have yet to be interested in watching Ep III.

I'll admit that Clone Wars was ok and Rebels is not bad. Note the lack of slavery in these shows.

No, I'm basically an old school Trekkie. The future of Humanity. No slavery, no racial tensions, shorter skirts.... lol

It takes all kinds,

Bucky11 115 Reviews 457 reads
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I am also good with Chicago and Steve Miller Band. Sorry, but rap is not rock.

players2 9 Reviews 474 reads
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I think all were deserving. NWA made the most impact on our culture. As someone who grew up with Deep Purple and Steve Miller - cheers -was never a Cheap Trick fan. I might be wrong but I do not think Humble Pie is in the Hall-big miss if so. If your ever in Cleveland go to the Hall -enjoyed a full day -it was great great.

Star Wars will be seeing it next week- just an old kid - looking forward to it. Cheers from the lake. Peace-Love-Drugs and Rock and Roll.
Posted By: Advisor2008
2 huge events this week in Pop Culture.  
 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame announced several well deserving groups.   Opinion?  Any group you love or hate on the list?  Anyone big still overlooked?  
 Star Wars was released.  Personally I think it is a fun addition to the franchise.  Nice homage to the prior movies and stars, great into to new heroes and villains, and while predictable, you can't help but love the story.  Are you a Star Wars fan?  When do you plan on going?

players2 9 Reviews 453 reads
12 / 22

Their are plenty of groups and people-in the hall- who are not what you and I would agree are not Rock and Roll.Still turn it up- Better Played Loud! Can't Get every thing you want- but if you try sometimes-you get what you need.

bigdell 81 Reviews 377 reads
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The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is a joke and will continue to be until The Moody Blues are installed.  In this person opinion.  bigdell

ThisIsCaylee See my TER Reviews 440 reads
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Maybe they should drop the Rock & Roll from the name and just call it the Hall of Fame?  

Grandmaster Flash was the first of the rap genre to be inducted. Public Enemy, The Beastie Boys, and Run D.M.C. came after, and I'm sure that Eminem will be there one day too. All of these artists, including NWA, fit the RRHOF's criteria though...they really made their mark on the music industry and influenced a generation of listeners.  

Out of the nominees, I would have liked to see NIN get inducted. Trent Reznor, the one-man-band, is awesome. I heard NIN is putting something out in 2016, I can't wait.

I was surprised to see the Smiths nominated, I thought they were too obscure for the HOF. Morrissey probably wouldn't have shown up anyway lol!

Another band I hope to see there one day is Soundgarden, they've been around long enough, and they were the first grunge band to sign to a major. Maybe Chris Cornell will get in one day? I've got his newest album Higher Truth on repeat most days :-)

As for the Force...well, the last Star Wars movie I saw in a theater was Return of the Jedi LOL! But, I was a huge Alias and Lost fan, so maybe this one has potential...Han Solo is back so yeah, maybe. I'll wait until it makes it to Venture Cinema though, less crowds ;-)


ToniLove See my TER Reviews 502 reads
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Deep Purple and Cheap trick. I think it's great! I used to see Cheap trick at six flags when I was younger lol boy, times have changed!   I am going to have to agree though, Moody blues needs to be inducted in too. I know some rap bands made music history BUT that ain't rock and roll ;)

emsjhs2009 517 reads
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bigdell 81 Reviews 410 reads
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Thank you Terri.  It is nice to know at least one person agrees about the Moody Blues.  Sometimes I think I am an army of one.  Back when they were giving concerts backed by local symphonies it was something to behold.  The concert at Red Rocks with the Colorado Symphony was incredible.  Everyone have a great Holiday Season.   bigdell

Advisor2008 212 Reviews 405 reads
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But they seem to be an acquired taste

Logostuck 31 Reviews 469 reads
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...and this is coming from someone who worked in the music industry for 19 years and leans hard rock/metal.  

I didn't appreciate them as much when they were 'happening', but after Dr. Dre's first solo album, I went back and educated myself on N.W.A. and learned quickly what I missed out on.  

If you are on the fence about N.W.A. go see their movie - Straight Outta Compton.  If that does not make you a believer, you are beyond help.

Advisor2008 212 Reviews 463 reads
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The nay reason they got the nod this year?

Given that other rappers have made it, I think it was a factor, but who knows.

Never understood why some groups wait 30 years and others seem to make it in record time, when contribution is similar.  Often I think current hype is more important that real recognition.  

So did N.W.A earn it this year, or did the movie hype just make R&RHOF want to capitalize on them for vain attempt at relatable?

BukakeBri 19 Reviews 382 reads
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TL, agreed 100%; I think the rock n' roll hall of Fame has forgotten the R&R aspect. It has turned into all genre music hall of fame.

BukakeBri 19 Reviews 426 reads
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Caylee, I generally agree with you on the hall of fame deal. And I think one of their requirements is that they are eligible 25 years after their first record. Which for Soundgarden will be 2019.  I see you a Soundgarden Superunknown and raise you a temple of the dog. I know TOD will never be in because of a few factors, a tribute project in nature chief among them. But every time I hear Hunger strike I need to check my speedometer. And Say hello to heaven is such a wonderful tribute to a friend. Neither of those tunes ever get changed when I hear them.

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