
Clever, nice use of artwork, brief but a bit light on click thru potential
Advisor2008 212 Reviews 1149 reads
1 / 40

In spirit of shill Friday, I thought I would create a valid excuse for ladies to post thinly disguised ads as thread commentary.

Be whiner, witty, wacky, or wonderful ladies.  It's a freeby to you only on shill Friday, just play within rules so entire thread doesn't get pulled.

Best case, no one can rip you for a treAD post, because you are only responding to me, right?

But you may be rated and critiqued for content, it is a discussion board.

Anyone out there brave enough to test the limits of appropriate behavior?  Come on ladies, I dare you, hech I even double dog dare you to ThreAD me.

Oh an please note, I am extremely shallow and vain, any threAD that panders to my ego, automatically gets very high score.

ExecutiveCompanionsAtlanta See Agency Profile 502 reads
2 / 40
GaGambler 629 reads
3 / 40

well played. lol

but you are nowhere near as shallow as me, Did you know that the GaGambler river is at least a mile wide, but only and inch deep, Now THAT is shallow.

Good luck on your threAD, it was shameless, self serving, and shallow, and I only wish that I had thought of it.

electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 554 reads
4 / 40

Starting an obvious troll post/reverse threAD to assuage your own self serving goals and base instincts?
How dare you sir!  I call you out for the cur, the cad, the curmudgeon, and the charlatan that you are.  And possibly some other choice "c" words I can think of just as soon as I find my dictionary.

Next thing you know you will be shamelessly flirting with ladies, posting absurd PSA's, and telling bizarre stories.  Oh wait, that's me...

Anyway - you have my ire, sir.  Well, that and my great respect.  ;-

Advisor2008 212 Reviews 508 reads
5 / 40

One of my best ATF ladies is a legend on her ability to show up on time.  I thought I had the record for how late she showed up, and I still kept the appt, until the meet and greet when I found someone who beat me by 30min.

In fairness though, she is equally as bad on time management when leaving.  And she is totally amazing lady to spend time with, so it all balances out.

There used to be another blonde time bomber in our our group, now retired, appt times were approximate guidelines, but when she showed up, OMG what a party.  I miss her, both on the board and for the private dancing, but oh well.  Actually most of my best memory ladies were terrible at time management.  Hmmmm perhaps I like abuse.   Hmmmm

My advise, to you my dear ditzy friend, everyone loves a two-fer.   Consider changing your rate structure.   Declare your time failure and be proud.  60min-400, 90min-400.   Etc.

If you are connecting so well with the client that 120 feels like 60, you will love al, the 10 scores you will earn.

Just avoid the trap I got caught in once with a lady where 30 min felt like 120.  That is one nice guy review I wish I could take back.  I gave her a 7, as soon as I hit the enter, I really regretted not declaring the 4

StinaValentine See my TER Reviews 495 reads
6 / 40

And, Veronica your post sounds exactly like something I would say. When I first started last year, I didn't know threAds were a "thing", so I thought I was so clever. All while everyone else, I'm sure, was chuckling at my lack of shame. lol Not having access to the PO board at the time didn't help though....I genuinely did have questions (like if I should iron the bedspread because the previous client left wrinkles). Hahahaha My lack of bedside manner doesn't help either.

-- Modified on 4/24/2015 11:33:20 AM

Advisor2008 212 Reviews 430 reads
7 / 40

Body part, well the inch long and millimeter wide part?  Lol

What an interesting thread poll, who has the worst over inflated ego on the board?  Mine is up there, I know, but damn if I would not have to vote for you as well.

So are you willing to be the rating judge for my thread?  Say a scale of 1-10 for every ladies posting?  This way we keep it fair and impartial, because all know you never shade an opinion

Skylar Raine See my TER Reviews 583 reads
8 / 40

Is is it a way to get attention?  I need to know these things... Pretty please wise "advisors" ..

foguete69 38 Reviews 358 reads
9 / 40
Advisor2008 212 Reviews 437 reads
10 / 40

A ThreAD is a posting, by a lady, to draw attention to thier profile, disguised as a request for help, rant about a review, etc.

My issue wu pith the standard definition is that nearly any post by a lady or agency could be labeled as this.  But the examples usually called out are real clear.

Your post below could be argued as a ThreAD, well done btw, or legitimate posting of a concern.  My initial feel was it was a valid post of concern asking for help, that would and did effectively get attention.  It was in some of your replies that I flipped to clear cut threAD.  One of the best I have seen in awhile.

I personally don't mind them that much, I think they tend to draw more fire from the ladies than the guys.  So that is why I thought I wouldcreate a ladies choice thread on shill Friday.  Why should you be dependent on just the guys for Friday free promotion.

Call out to GaGambler, do you have better examples or descriptions?

Btw, this is really another great example of a threAD posting, see, you will get guys to chat with you, look at profile, etc all while innocently replying.  😘😘

Advisor2008 212 Reviews 318 reads
11 / 40


So speaketh the East German judge, (ok you need to be a retain age to get that joke)

Thanks for playing

Advisor2008 212 Reviews 362 reads
12 / 40

You are not a provider and I DONT want to see pictipures of you nude R in Vickie secrets outfits

How you hanging?  Long time no chat

airmantroy 28 Reviews 539 reads
13 / 40

Hang on just a minute..
You missed seeing Skylar at the M&G, her concern is real in this case...The mention of her being talkative was brought up during a brief conversation among she, myself and at at least 2 other guys...Given that she would have had to plan on having that conversation at the M&G and then pose the same question to a broader audience, I'd say her post wasn't a threAD at all, if it was then she gets an 90 on the 1-10 scale...Don't even get me started on her legs....

Excellent self absorbing post BTW...

Skylar Raine See my TER Reviews 473 reads
14 / 40

Or is it?  

Packaging and delivery are important to conveying your message while uncovering a need and helping others.  

One thing I know is that creating "buzz" is never a bad thing, you just have to not shoot yourself in the foot in the process. It's a dance of sorts.

If you come into a biz networking group and you start handing out biz cards and talking yourself up you will quickly become annoying and any respect will be lost.  Nobody likes to be "sold" to.  So, instead be curious, learn, try to understand....By effetively understanding your audience you will learn how to "sell them" because they will tell you.  In addition you peak their interest about who you are and what you offer... Make them ask you for your card:)

This never really appears as selling because in the end you both win.  Understanding on one end and and engaged client who now wants to learn more on the other.

But, I still really have no idea what I am doing here... I just like to talk a lot. ;)

Advisor2008 212 Reviews 329 reads
15 / 40

I was at meet and greet, but missed seeing her, so accept the background insight

I  agree this one could fall either way, especially the op.  It is some of her replies that make it feel like a flip to me.  I gave her a 9 out of 10 for cleverness.  

Self serving post?  ME?  Why does no one believe I am doing this thread out of interest for the ladies, lol

Take care Troy, have a great hobby week

GaGambler 356 reads
16 / 40

Ok, well that last part is a lie. Of course I can be bought. Do I hear any offers???

GaGambler 404 reads
17 / 40

Hey, don't blame me. Advisor was the one who asked me to chime in, and you know what a prick I am. lol

Still, a score of nine is still pretty damn good coming from me.

GaGambler 326 reads
18 / 40

not just disqualified, but ineligible to boot.

foguete69 38 Reviews 394 reads
19 / 40

I will agree to the disqualification for the good of the community.

Hanging a bit to the left.  lol

Keeping it a little lowkey and within my zone.
We will have to hoist a few one of these days.

-- Modified on 4/24/2015 6:55:55 AM

GaGambler 447 reads
20 / 40

I was going to give it a five, but the trademark infringement cost you 2 points. Expect to be hearing from BBalls attorneys shortly.

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 540 reads
21 / 40

or too busy laying on the beach with some ladies.

This was a good idea and no one can get upset about it, it's on topic.

Not from the area..... but I do have an issue with letting "some" go over the time. Really depends on how much I am enjoying myself. I keep plenty of space in between appts so I can do this if I wish, plus I dislike running around to get ready. I have a thing with femme gay guys, oh wait, I don't think that really helps much for a ThreAD nor does it help me in RL, them being gay and me being a female lol. I am considering leaving my hair down for appts and then telling the guy to grab my hair for bbbjs, since I don't like my hair in my face during that. I think that may work wonders, but I wonder if it will mess my hair up too bad as I have curly, wavy, thick hair

GaGambler 340 reads
22 / 40

You my girl don't need to ever understand what you are doing in the ThreAD department, you seem to simply have an innate grasp of how to do it. Well done. and props for claiming you have no idea what you are doing, WHILE you are right in the middle of doing it. kudos. lol

Oh BTW, I obviously like to talk a lot as well.

exoticasianatl See Agency Profile 371 reads
23 / 40
Skylar Raine See my TER Reviews 399 reads
24 / 40

I just broke the Internet... Or TER discussion boards;)

Thank you, do I win a prize like a crown or a NECKLACE? - he he  


GaGambler 397 reads
25 / 40

Notice I didn't even discuss price. If it's you doing the buying, any price is fair IMO.

GaGambler 427 reads
26 / 40

I am sure a pearl necklace can be arranged

Congrats on the perfect ten.

electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 361 reads
27 / 40

Someone told me once that a whisper gets much more attention than a shout.

And you should always leave your audience wanting more.

I have no idea what those have to do with your post but I thought they were cool sayings.  Oh, and I like your style.

But I am definitely starting to see the genius of Advisor's plan in starting this thread.  I will watch and learn...
Posted By: Skylar Raine
Or is it?    
 Packaging and delivery are important to conveying your message while uncovering a need and helping others.    
 One thing I know is that creating "buzz" is never a bad thing, you just have to not shoot yourself in the foot in the process. It's a dance of sorts.  
 If you come into a biz networking group and you start handing out biz cards and talking yourself up you will quickly become annoying and any respect will be lost.  Nobody likes to be "sold" to.  So, instead be curious, learn, try to understand....By effetively understanding your audience you will learn how to "sell them" because they will tell you.  In addition you peak their interest about who you are and what you offer... Make them ask you for your card:)  
 This never really appears as selling because in the end you both win.  Understanding on one end and and engaged client who now wants to learn more on the other.  
 But, I still really have no idea what I am doing here... I just like to talk a lot. ;)

electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 451 reads
28 / 40

Gambler - as our official judge I expect you to be fair and impartial.  No pearl necklacing or other euphemisms should be dispensed to our lovely contestants until after all the votes have been properly tallied.

Of course, what's the point of being in power if you can't take advantage of the situation now and then?
Posted By: GaGambler
I am sure a pearl necklace can be arranged

Congrats on the perfect ten.
-- Modified on 4/24/2015 3:59:06 PM

foguete69 38 Reviews 379 reads
29 / 40

and suit of armor as a white knight shill!

bballs 40 Reviews 372 reads
30 / 40
electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 427 reads
31 / 40

Ladies like bad boys, not white knights - didn't you get the memo?
I imagine Gambler isn't too fond of white knights either.  LOL.

Posted By: foguete69
and suit of armor as a white knight shill!

Advisor2008 212 Reviews 290 reads
32 / 40

You start the tread next time, I will be the judge,lol

Advisor2008 212 Reviews 245 reads
33 / 40

How you doing sweetheart?  Missed you at the meet and greet

Advisor2008 212 Reviews 459 reads
34 / 40

He is like Mikey from the old Life commercials.  He hates everyone

xyz23 45 Reviews 327 reads
35 / 40
AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 424 reads
36 / 40

Posted By: Skylar Raine
Or is it?    
 Packaging and delivery are important to conveying your message while uncovering a need and helping others.    
 One thing I know is that creating "buzz" is never a bad thing, you just have to not shoot yourself in the foot in the process. It's a dance of sorts.  
 If you come into a biz networking group and you start handing out biz cards and talking yourself up you will quickly become annoying and any respect will be lost.  Nobody likes to be "sold" to.  So, instead be curious, learn, try to understand....By effetively understanding your audience you will learn how to "sell them" because they will tell you.  In addition you peak their interest about who you are and what you offer... Make them ask you for your card:)  
 This never really appears as selling because in the end you both win.  Understanding on one end and and engaged client who now wants to learn more on the other.  
 But, I still really have no idea what I am doing here... I just like to talk a lot. ;)

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 420 reads
37 / 40

but I am pretty straight to the point and for a city I troll in to boot lol. Not good on luring them in. Oh well, got to be me.  

No worries Gambler, I give you a better score than myself on your postings When are we doing a guys fun time out of country?????????????????????????????? Don't go corrupt me now.
Posted By: GaGambler
not just disqualified, but ineligible to boot.

Skylar Raine See my TER Reviews 373 reads
38 / 40
Skylar Raine See my TER Reviews 308 reads
39 / 40
electr0nsrealm 45 Reviews 378 reads
40 / 40

Now where is that sticking out your tongue emoji?  Darn, can't find it.  Guess this will have to do...

Posted By: Skylar Raine
But thank you,  and they are great!

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