
Attempting to tour Atlanta...
beccablossoms See my TER Reviews 827 reads

I love Atlanta.  I'm there on FMTY dates 2 to 6 times a month.  I have had many requests to tour so I tried a few times.  I just can't seem to get enough bookings for an Atlanta tour.  I'm very low volume so it doesn't take much to fill my calendar. Recently I cancelled a tour.  My calendar filled up then I had 3 cancellations.  

I'm still trying to figure Atlanta out.  Which hobby websites are popular?  What else can I do to have a successful tour?  I do very well in St. Louis, Milwaukee and a few other cities. What am I missing?

Any info is greatly appreciated!

Becca Blossoms

boomsucka75 reads

I know you from your porn career, but that was like 15 years ago.  Do you feel you still resemble those videos or are they no longer a fair representation?  I've heard of similar scenarios creating some disappointing confusion with other ladies from that era that can be tough to put behind you.

Upon attempting to navigate to her cuties site, I bomb out with "This site can’t provide a secure connection"

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