60 and Over

You do not have to put lube on outside...
Sinful1 See my TER Reviews 8118 reads

But they do have some lube already there.  Not much.

Have you tried silicone lube?

Now obviously most gents don't like them, and wish that there was no valid reason to wear one, but they also realize the risk in not wearing one is great.  STDs are no longer just a nuisance and no longer curable with just a shot of Penicillin.

So, since this is an age specific board, I will pose my question tailored to the audience.

1.  Do you prefer standard or extra thin condoms?

2.  How difficult is it to maintain an erection using a condom?  Obviously we know that they reduce sensitivity, but do they severely impact your performance?

3.  Have you ever had a lady use the FC2 FEMALE condom, which is worn inside of her?  If not, would that interest you?  If so, how was it?

I have used the female condom but rarely and the client brought it with him  have heard  both good and bad things and I too would be interested in hearing from our mature gentlemen ....I do find with the more mature guys its seem  best if we finish with bbbj due to the meltdown  we have with the condoms..... guys would you be willing to try the female condom ?

Your are correct. I'd rather not use one. But for the reasons you state I always use them, No question about it.
1. I prefer thin but use whatever the lady has and have never had a problem with them. I like the Durex thin ones (purple box) since a favorite lady introduced me to them.
2. I have no problem maintaining an erection while putting the condom on and continuing the activities. (Full disclosure here. I use Viagra prescribed by my Urologist)
3. I have never been with a women, provider or civvie, that used a female condom. I wouldn't mind giving it a try. Posts I have read on TER make me think the logistics of putting it on/in and lubing it etc. could really kill the mood. I guess we have all gotten use to dealing with the male condom and that doesn't pose the same issue for most.

I have no direct experience with female condoms, but do suffer from the adverse effects of droop- inducing regular condoms.
I think that female condoms could be the answer!!!!   I think it would be great if this option/ availability was linked to providers' profiles.

I do have some questions however, how quick and easy is it to insert them....is it a big production aka buzz- kill...or can this be done surreptitiously and without interruption to the natural flow of things....are they unsightly when in place, like a plastic baggy flopping out, or are they not too noticeable?

I think this is a great topic and perfect for this board.  Thanks!!!!


Maintaining erection is not that much of a problem, but getting off is.  I usually need to pull out and get off on a gal's body, or in her mouth.

I tried the FC once, and liked them very much.  I wish more gals would use them.  I'd even bring them except so many gals are leary of using a condom brought by the client.

... I think they will get more business.  I see one provider because she uses the FC.  That's not the only reason of course, but if I had the choice of two equally sexy women, I'll take the one who uses the FC every time.

The FC is the closest thing to bareback.  Yes, it is a little more difficult to insert, but it's worth it.  If she's experienced, using the FC doesn't take much longer and it is more exciting watching her do it than struggling to get the droop-inducing male condom on.

One reason it's not used is that it costs more than the male condom which women can often get free.  But the cost will more than be offset by the increase in business when men find out how good they are.

Male condoms should be extra thin and sized properly.  One size does not fit all.  Too small never works.  If it doesn't fit, the erection fades.  I can rarely finish in a traditional condom.

Female condoms are great.  I have used them a few times.  They are the best you can get besides being bare.  They are a little akward to use if you haven't ever used them before and you need to use lots of lube for the male.  The slippin and sliding on the male side is what makes it so great.

I have inserted them, I have had the lady insert  them,  I have heard that some folks put them on toys and insert them and I have heard that some folks put them on the male and insert them with it.

I have provided them and I know some ladies furnish their own.  If given a choice, go with the female condom every time.

Feel free to PM me with any questions.

G210118 reads

Now that I'm 61, I can honestly say that in my experience, any male condom adds the equivalent of 10 years to your chronological age- if you're 50 years old, your sexual performance is like you're 60, or if you're 40 you'll fuck like you're 50 etc..

The last time I had enjoyable sex with a condom was in my early 40's.  The last time I was able to maintain an erection and have an orgasm using a condom was age 50.  Since then, the considerable loss of sensitivity that I've experienced as I've gotten older has necessitated a HJ or BJ finish.  Unfortunately, now that I'm 61, I can't even maintain an erection with a condom, though I still have no problems without one.  I guess this means it's time to try Viagra or the female condom; two things I intend to do soon.

The female condom sounds like it might be the only solution for me since I've tried all the major brands/types of male condoms with zero success.  Thin, loose fit, magnum fit, Japanese, American, Martian, they all suck and leave me pissed off and very frustrated.

I've actually gotten up and ended sessions after 5 minutes of struggling with some awful generic condom a provider supplied- probably because they were distributed free somewhere.  It's why I've been on hiatus from the hobby for a while.  Why pay for something you can't feel.  And if you're just left with visual stimulation, well, there are a lot of cheaper and less frustrating ways to get that.  Like Mick sang, I can't get no satisfaction. :-(

The add 10 years rule is a great description, wish I'd thought of it.  It's a relief to hear I'm not the only one in this age bracket (62 here) with these issues.  Another great thing about being 20 in 1969 (as opposed to now) was all the great no-condom sex since STD's were a nuisance rather than a deadly menace.  I'd like to try the female condom, will put on the to do list as it can't help but be an improvement.

G29221 reads

Sometimes I feel really bad for the under 35 crowd that has never known a period when sex wasn't associated with hysterical preaching about STDs.  Sure, I understand the seriousness of the situation, but it's made sex about as much fun as going to the dentist in many cases.

I couldn't possibly explain to people in that age group what it was like for us in the late 60's and 70's.  I'm not usually given to nostalgia, but I sure am when the subject of sex comes up.

The only improvement I can think of today versus back then is, today you get to see what you're fucking.  I had sex with women hundreds of times and never got a good look at their pussy because of the thick patch of hair.  That is one thing I don't miss, because I love the sight of a beautiful vulva.

I actually miss the hairy pussies (and being an ex-hippie have some fond memories of hairy armpits too--damn, Free Love was a great era!).  As long as she was clean, I just loved working my face into a luxuriant bush, especially a dark one (being a sucker for dark-brown & black haired women).  One of my earliest instant hard-ons was catching a peek at a neighbor girl's pubes while we were hanging at the beach at age 14 or 15.  I'd pay extra for a provider with a nice thick bush, but I think those days are as gone as the album art on LP records.

I have all the sizes reg, thin, lrg, xtra lg, xtra snug for small, dental dams and FC's. I've yet  to try them out but I have them, ready and willing. I don't want to bring it up to clients but maybe I should.
I guess I was waiting for the right inquire to try them out with initally. All my research has great things to say about them and I've heard a few ladies say, they use nothing but them. Ok, I'm going to lay one out as a reminder to bring up in conversation with my next few appointments and hope the cat doesn't start playing with it lol.

All the previous comments are correct. I've been with a number of ladies who use them. It's like anything else, practice makes perfect. Insertion is an issue, but I've been with ladies who can insert a FC as fast as putting a male condom on me. For ladies trying them for the first time, I've been told use a dildo (glass if you've got one) to assist in insertion, also lube inside and out.   Where to buy, try www.undercovercondoms, www.condomdepot.com or even www.walgreens.com.  Walgreens is starting to put them in their stores. You can go online and by using your zip code to check, you can see if FCs are stocked in your neighborhood store.

might have the old original FC's.  Not nearly as good as the new FC2's.  They also have an expiration date just like the male condoms.  Make sure they are still in date.

Posted By: Sphinxnc
might have the old original FC's.  Not nearly as good as the new FC2's.  They also have an expiration date just like the male condoms.  Make sure they are still in date.

kd6910280 reads

I would very much like to try the FC2. As far as male condoms the right fit an a little lube in the right places also helps .

Posted By: Sinful1
Now obviously most gents don't like them, and wish that there was no valid reason to wear one, but they also realize the risk in not wearing one is great.  STDs are no longer just a nuisance and no longer curable with just a shot of Penicillin.

So, since this is an age specific board, I will pose my question tailored to the audience.

1.  Do you prefer standard or extra thin condoms?

2.  How difficult is it to maintain an erection using a condom?  Obviously we know that they reduce sensitivity, but do they severely impact your performance?

3.  Have you ever had a lady use the FC2 FEMALE condom, which is worn inside of her?  If not, would that interest you?  If so, how was it?

To those that have tried the FC, do you have to put the lube on the inside & outside for it to work properly? The reason I ask, is I'm one of those that is allergic to all lubricants... I have tried half a dozen, water-based, sensitive skin, hypo-allergenic, you name it, with the same irritating results everytime... so no longer use lube on myself personally... but if only had to put it on inside, & not the side touching me, might be willing to give it a whirl!

But they do have some lube already there.  Not much.

Have you tried silicone lube?

Not sure, lol... I'm at the point now, where I just avoid lube altogether... but the lube that comes already on condoms does not bother me, go figure?

Posted By: Sinful1
But they do have some lube already there.  Not much.

Have you tried silicone lube?

I just found this over 60 forum and Love it! I apoligize for dredging up old threads.. but if something is of interest I will reply.. and yes.. I find that condoms are something that really takes some getting used to (after 40 years of marriage and 28 years of sex in that marriage it is a real change !).. About 3 weeks ago, I saw my 1st provider.. since then I now have a total of 6 visits... I have been bringing my own condoms tobe sure that a superthin is available.. I have found that I like the Durex super sensitive model a whole lot better than others.. I was having to do a CIM to finish until I started taking Viagra and using these.. I have an appt tommorow with a new provider and I bought a box of the Lifestyles Non-Latex Skyns to see how that works.. http://www.undercovercondoms.com/readuserreview.asp?ID=259

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