60 and Over

Starting injections
SNEAKY 23 Reviews 3 reads

Thank you all for your helpful advice.
My urologist started me on the lowest dose and I  
have had no response. Disappointing.
I’m going back to him today to make sure I’m injecting correctly. I think I am as I’ve given tens of thousands of injections.
I hoping he will increase the concentration of the solution.
I’ll report back on my progress. I leaving on a trip for 3 weeks so I’ll update upon my return.

Hello fellow gents.
I’m 71 and having inconsiderate results with pills.
I’ve decided to try Trimix.
My urologist advised starting at the lowest dose which is 10 units ie .1 cc and increasing the dose by 10 units until you reach a dose that works for you.
My questions is I’ve tried it 2 times once at 10 units then 20 units without achieving the desired result.,
In your experience how long did it take you to figure out what dose works for you?
Thanks to this community for your help.

StealthMode1310 reads

It took me 4 or 5 tries to get it worked out. (I'm a bit younger than 71 but not a lot younger.)

I tried 10, then 15, then 20 and found that 18-22 seems to be about right.

So, I'd try again with 25 and then maybe 30. If it's still not working, then I'd call the urologist and have them confirm that you're doing the injection properly before going too much higher. (My urologist guided me through a small dose in the office to make sure I knew what I was doing.)

Hope it works for you.

Thanks for the feedback.
It’s very much appreciated.

injecting that you massage the entry point for a few seconds.  I use 18-20 units.

Talk to your urologist about the strength of the prescription.  Mine is PROSTAGLANDIN E1 30 mcg, papaverine 30 mg, phentolamine 3 mg.     I've been injecting 10 to 15 units for 15 years and it always does the trick.  But I just learned that the ratios of these three ingredients make a big difference and that the 30/30/3 mixture I get is stronger than some.   Also you should have an Inject-Ease device to make injecting with one hand (while you hold your dick with the other) easy.

Then go back to your doctor and tell him each time it does not work

Thank you all for your helpful advice.
My urologist started me on the lowest dose and I  
have had no response. Disappointing.
I’m going back to him today to make sure I’m injecting correctly. I think I am as I’ve given tens of thousands of injections.
I hoping he will increase the concentration of the solution.
I’ll report back on my progress. I leaving on a trip for 3 weeks so I’ll update upon my return.

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