60 and Over

Skid Marks
alabama1963 7 Reviews 425 reads

I have never heard of this.  My heart goes out for this fellow.

You did exactly what you should have done, and it shows me what character you have.

I'm posting this question here because I've typically only noticed this with gentlemen who are more developed in years. ;-)

It happens every now and again; after a gentleman friend gets up from lying on his back, there will be a brown streak, or even a medium-sized circular stain. on the bedclothes.    

I'm not speaking of men with less-than-perfect hygiene who have smears on their backsides, but rather those with Leaky Ass Syndrome.
My response has always been to ignore it, saying nothing, as I don't want to embarrass someone for something he cannot control.  

However, just recently, it was clear that HE noticed it immediately and was then looking at me, waiting for me to say something.  
He was obviously disturbed, but I pretended nothing had happened and continued chatting as he got re-dressed and left.  

Several minutes after his departure, I received a couple texts: "Thank you for a wonderful time"  then "And being so nice".  Obviously, he knew/assumed I'd seen it.  I simply replied "You're very welcome, hope to see you again and happy holidays!"

But should I have said something more?

If YOU were to notice you'd unknowingly left such marks/stains on the bed, is there anything the lady could say or do to lessen the awkwardness or embarrassment?    Any way to help the situation?


kennred57577 reads

Maybe have a towel down?

Posted By: Debra_Hollander
I'm posting this question here because I've typically only noticed this with gentlemen who are more developed in years. ;-)  
 It happens every now and again; after a gentleman friend gets up from lying on his back, there will be a brown streak, or even a medium-sized circular stain. on the bedclothes.    
 I'm not speaking of men with less-than-perfect hygiene who have smears on their backsides, but rather those with Leaky Ass Syndrome.  
 My response has always been to ignore it, saying nothing, as I don't want to embarrass someone for something he cannot control.  
 However, just recently, it was clear that HE noticed it immediately and was then looking at me, waiting for me to say something.    
 He was obviously disturbed, but I pretended nothing had happened and continued chatting as he got re-dressed and left.  
 Several minutes after his departure, I received a couple texts: "Thank you for a wonderful time"  then "And being so nice".  Obviously, he knew/assumed I'd seen it.  I simply replied "You're very welcome, hope to see you again and happy holidays!"  
 But should I have said something more?  
 If YOU were to notice you'd unknowingly left such marks/stains on the bed, is there anything the lady could say or do to lessen the awkwardness or embarrassment?    Any way to help the situation?  

If I have a towel laid out on the bed for every guest, they might think I'm a squirter.  Which I'm not. LOL.  ;-)

Having one ready for friends whom have already shown this to be an issue?  Well, wouldn't that make some feel I'm SHAMING them?

They could see it as my saying, "You're a dirty boy, so I have to lay this towel down in case of poo-poo accidents!"  

Yeah, that's really going to make 'em comfy.  NOT.  LOL.  ;-)

You wouldn't have to tell them why. Some people sweat during sex and the sheets get a bit sweaty. Then there's the usual sexual fluids. My fwb always puts down a towel and I know it's all for me. Between me sweating and how wet I get, a towel is very helpful. I'd just tell clients it makes cleanup a little easier.

something else to look forward to....  Leaky Ass Syndrome ? Please just shoot me before that happens.


It's not an age issue.  
Happens to lots of younger guys too. And women.  
Usually a result of an incomplete bowel movement  
Leakage after the fact, if you will.
I'm sure you've seen that pic of the NFL cheerleader kicking up her leg showing the deep brown stain?
Same concept.  

You did the right thing. He's embarrassed and doesn't know how to handle it.

I have never heard of this.  My heart goes out for this fellow.

You did exactly what you should have done, and it shows me what character you have.

Something else to be grateful I don't have

I was with a lady, in the act grinding away when she farted! She immediately began apologizing profusely. I told her don't worry baby, I usually make 'em shit!

...about a guy who can tell his wife's been cheating on him with an older man because of the brown stains he finds on the bed.  It's the answer to this song about a man caught cheating by this telltale sign:


Posted By: Debra_Hollander
I'm posting this question here because I've typically only noticed this with gentlemen who are more developed in years. ;-)  
 It happens every now and again; after a gentleman friend gets up from lying on his back, there will be a brown streak, or even a medium-sized circular stain. on the bedclothes.    
 I'm not speaking of men with less-than-perfect hygiene who have smears on their backsides, but rather those with Leaky Ass Syndrome.  
 My response has always been to ignore it, saying nothing, as I don't want to embarrass someone for something he cannot control.  
 However, just recently, it was clear that HE noticed it immediately and was then looking at me, waiting for me to say something.    
 He was obviously disturbed, but I pretended nothing had happened and continued chatting as he got re-dressed and left.  
 Several minutes after his departure, I received a couple texts: "Thank you for a wonderful time"  then "And being so nice".  Obviously, he knew/assumed I'd seen it.  I simply replied "You're very welcome, hope to see you again and happy holidays!"  
 But should I have said something more?  
 If YOU were to notice you'd unknowingly left such marks/stains on the bed, is there anything the lady could say or do to lessen the awkwardness or embarrassment?    Any way to help the situation?  

Many older men have a very slow form of prostate cancer.  It's not life threatening and they are better off living with it than having surgery.  My father in law had it which is how I learned about it.  As his doctor explained you'll die with it, not of it.  But one of the symptoms is anal leakage.

Perhaps this problem can also be caused by a benign enlargement of the prostate called BPH.  

In this thread, josulli mentioned a telephone type shower head for better frontal hygiene. That's not a bad idea for perianal hygiene as well. Sometimes in a shower (forgive me for this) the shower head can be used to GENTLY induce a much needed epilog to an earlier bowel movement.  

Very valuable on you way out for a date.

You handled it perfectly, but some of the other comments deserve a little exploring (with absolutely no criticism meant.)
The older you get the more likely you are to wet yourself if you don't act quickly when you need to.  There are a million causes of leaky ass syndrome. It can be dealt with.  
Making what is a small thing into a disaster is a big mistake.  (I had a friend who after prostate surgery had absolutely no bladder control. He was elegant, wore only custom hand made suits.  He had his tailor redo all his pants so he could wear a diaper.  He got a large button to wear that said (not making this up) "IF YOU SMELL ME PLEASE TELL ME" You really can't smell yourself and he wanted  people to know they were welcomed to help him by informing him so he could quickly change his diaper. (He was a successful Washington lawyer lobbyist.)
A little (or even big) ass leak can be handled.  First, keep the lower bowel empty if you are going into a situation like having sex particularly if you liked getting pegged.  A gentle enema before you set out with a touch up fleets enema + shower after arrival will help. Use of metamucil to bulk up the stools can help a lot. There are medications that really bulk up and harden stools if metamucil does not work.
Dear Debra,  I have been a fan of your posts so I would expect nothing less of you than what you did to avoid embarrassing him.  
Someone in a different position might have been able to tell him gently and lovingly about the leak so he could talk to his physician (assuming the doc is not too embarrassed or jerky to avoid addressing it carefully.)
My life and and that of all of us and our pleasures and social contacts are too important to let an even very embarrassing problem ruin our lives and living.  
I for example never leave home without a spare pair of underwear in a plastic beg, just in case my bladder plays tricks on me and leaks before I make it to a toilet. I need it very infrequently but when I do I am not embarrassed to have it handy and I don't care who knows it. As many here have said: We're all human.

-- Modified on 12/17/2016 6:18:22 AM

Posted By: Dr. joe
You handled it perfectly, but some of the other comments deserve a little exploring (with absolutely no criticism meant.)  
 The older you get the more likely you are to wet yourself if you don't act quickly when you need to.  There are a million causes of leaky ass syndrome. It can be dealt with.  
 Making what is a small thing into a disaster is a big mistake.  (I had a friend who after prostate surgery had absolutely no bladder control. He was elegant, wore only custom hand made suits.  He had his tailor redo all his pants so he could wear a diaper.  He got a large button to wear that said (not making this up) "IF YOU SMELL ME PLEASE TELL ME" You really can't smell yourself and he wanted  people to know they were welcomed to help him by informing him so he could quickly change his diaper. (He was a successful Washington lawyer lobbyist.)  
 A little (or even big) ass leak can be handled.  First, keep the lower bowel empty if you are going into a situation like having sex particularly if you liked getting pegged.  A gentle enema before you set out with a touch up fleets enema + shower after arrival will help. Use of metamucil to bulk up the stools can help a lot. There are medications that really bulk up and harden stools if metamucil does not work.  
 Dear Debra,  I have been a fan of your posts so I would expect nothing less of you than what you did to avoid embarrassing him.    
 Someone in a different position might have been able to tell him gently and lovingly about the leak so he could talk to his physician (assuming the doc is not too embarrassed or jerky to avoid addressing it carefully.)  
 My life and and that of all of us and our pleasures and social contacts are too important to let an even very embarrassing problem ruin our lives and living.    
 I for example never leave home without a spare pair of underwear in a plastic beg, just in case my bladder plays tricks on me and leaks before I make it to a toilet. I need it very infrequently but when I do I am not embarrassed to have it handy and I don't care who knows it. As many here have said: We're all human.  

-- Modified on 12/17/2016 6:18:22 AM

Often I have had women start a period on me. We laugh and clean up
As we age many things can cause seepage or a shart  
I would have acknowledged it
On one occasion at my Incall the lady took my bedding and washed it after starting her period
And mailed it back. Clean and fresh

In my case i'm a brown-skinned woman so my face makeups (powder, concealer, foundation etc) is a caramel-to-milk chocolate brown. There have been times where there was streaks/skidmarks but no smell sometimes and I've said like "ohhh I THINK my makeup may have gotten on the sheets but just in case that's not it take a second to see if you might've had a bit of an oops. If you have don't worry about the time take another quick cleanup ... I have plenty of extra sheets". Text can't always indicate tone but when i'm with them I try to say it in a very forgiving it's not a big deal type of tone. Sometimes it's not what you say but how.

-- Modified on 12/18/2016 1:01:52 AM

oldwarrior308 reads

I think you did it perfectly.  He will likely do something to fix it himself.

souls_harbor247 reads

Seems to me that a guy with LAS would probably already know it.  After all, he changes he undies every day (or at least every week whether they need it or not.)

It's like someone telling me I'm bald.  Yeah, I noticed

ATLDAWG304 reads

You gal's sure have to put up with a lot of crap !!!    

Guy's-wash your ass - you give the rest of us a bad reputation !!

-- Modified on 12/20/2016 1:04:41 PM

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