60 and Over

change is coming to TER in a big way
azvictoria See my TER Reviews 6437 reads

please see th GB  for details maybe some one could  put a link here? I would like to hear from 60  board how they feel ...my feelings are it will not affect us as we play well together and allis  have never been a big issue nor has rudeness or foul language penny for yor thoughts?

these changes involve the Atlanta and Florida boards. I put the two links that have the Admin position stated.

I tried to put both links, Didn't get it right obviously. Here is the 2nd one.

broadening the number of folks who would have access to IP addresses and so forth of members. now i understand that the "cruise directors" might not have access to that information, but the prospect, the possibility of that has folks upset.

i've attached a link that with few exceptions gives a precis of what can happen to a board if someone misuses the information that a mod can see. i disagree with the sentiment that women are more prone to abusing that information than men. there have been a male mod or two i've thought misused information and promoted a personal agenda. but i agree with the notion that giving access to too many people is going to increase the chances of misuse of information.

a lot will depend on how much information about posters the new "cruise directors" will see and whether there are incidents where priveleges are abused,

i think that rotating mods will discourage participation. the style of moderation needs to be predictable.

The new positions will have no way of looking at your personal info. That's not what their here for anymore. Have you ever thought of what would happen if a moderated got caught up in some legal battle. How about if their favoritism was looked upon as a part of "a continuing enterprise to facilitate prostitution" .  Did that come out of my mouth.

I'm a real dumb blonde but very street smart and for me this is a very smart move on TER's part and all of us are much safer for it. They come down on a Mod all info available to them could be in serious danger. Oh, that's right brother love. But what happens when the car is towed out of the driveway, all bank accounts are frozen and your house is no longer a viable asset for you to get money for legal expenses. All this because you volunteered your free time.

The times they are changing and new rules are coming for all on the internet and TER is smart enough to look ahead before it happens. All the bumps in the road will happen before the chaos of those laws take effect.

Kisses Haley

G25903 reads

If you owned this business, would you want the GD Board to be the first thing people see when they visit your site?  How many visitors would read those threads and say "Yeah, I want to be part of this."  

They had to do something and this change on the two regional boards is probably just a beta test in the process of developing a solution for the other boards.  It may not be the final plan, but I think Admin recognized they had to do something to improve the situation.

You can't let a couple dozen guys suffering from arrested development dictate the direction and tone of your website.  Given the carnage of the last couple years, I think the owners of TER have been VERY patient- probably more so than they should have been.

Thank you Haley and G2 both of you are spot on target with your observations

LP and Gambler are still the active mods on that board.  the changes being talked about are just (for now) the ATL and FL boards.  Today, they are running like they have in the past but with Admin acting as the moderator.  

The 60+ Mod

Interesting they seem to think   different .....kinda like  over 60 is out to get them  kinda crazy  thinking....  I was hoping they {GB} might compliment each other{us}..... as we are all on the same site its not like you have to choose a team to be loyal to  its a group effort on TER's part  to bring us together and make it all a much nicer place to visit  the fact most are afraid to post there due to possible attacks  is sad,,,,,the way over the top reaction  to some new ideas  was blown way out  as the mod said the TER GB board was not even going to affected by the change  yet they cried the loudest  without knowing all the facts first  it was.... count em  2 boards that would of been affected and for a reason  that is TERS right to  fix if they feel it need to .....I let myself get a Little  to involved by trying to bring harmony  between both boards   lesson learned the hard way  caused me stress  and right now at this time I need peace in my life .....heading back home tomorrow had a wonderful time in the windy city  the Midwest folks are some of the most kind  people I have had the pleasure of knowing....God willing and with a speedy recovery  from surgery I will be looking forward to coming back  in march  As I have heard its quite a party on ST Patty's Day !

I can understand how incited people can become without all of the facts.

GD board seems like a HS locker room...  from 30 years ago.   It is TER's front door...  making it a nicer place would be a good thing.

The majority of reviewers on ter never visit the GD board. They do not participate in bored discussions. Pun intended.
While I don't happen to like the tone of the GD board at times, I don't see it as an eye sore. I think in every environment there needs to be a place for people to blow off steam(hot air) and the GD board is where they let it all hang out. I think the Mods have policed it enough lately and it actually is cleaning up well. If you visit any forum you will find the stench of a locker room. Why should a sex forum be any different?
It is my opinion that ter is what it is today because of REVIEWS. Reviews are what keeps this boat afloat.
Second to reviews are the regional boards. With the expansion of the regional/regional ad boards, it appears that some regional boards need cruise directors.
The Mods we have on the regional boards do a fantastic job, moderating. But I guess some boards need a boost. A Sexy Spokesmodel and a GQ to titillate conversation and get the juices flowing. When the juices get flowing, everyone is happy and smiling and the details are revealed in reviews.


Posted By: harbor_view
GD board seems like a HS locker room...  from 30 years ago.   It is TER's front door...  making it a nicer place would be a good thing.

I don't think the Florida and Atlanta boards need a boost. They are great boards with members who have fun participating and sharing information. The Atlanta board has had it's up and downs but it is looking like a shiny penny now! I think these two boards are the test pilots for the Cruise Directors. The Florida board has always been very juicy!!  :)
And the Carolinas board is juicylicious!

you better not pop over there now  see what happened  to G2  they do not take kindly to criticism of any kind positive or negative.... is is what is .....a chosen few   do not encourage  newcomers   as far as making it  a nicer place ,,,hummm not sure that would work there  stay here where you are safe  IMHO  I tried to join forces and got slammed  seems if you want harmony  your not welcome best to leave them be at least for now kinda sad we cannot visit with fear of being attacked but on the bright side we  have this safe haven

don't misconstrue a conversation for an argument.
I just reread the thread and you seem to be reading more into it.
You seem to have an attitude regarding the GD board....a chosen few...they do not like newcomers. If you feel this way, fine. But don't continue to make this a war between the boards.
When you do that you look and sound just like the chosen few.
Do not encourage....disparity.

Your photos are beautiful :)

did not mean it the way it came out .....behind the scenes I got my butt hurt  over this 60 board  I will not  let that happen again .....Thanks  Carolina  for the good advice ..I wish them well  over there I really do.....they are part of our family  just more like distant cousins for me !

I am very direct in my writing...plain speaking!! We wish everyone well and you could probably turn a guy's health around with a smile!!

is counterproductive and unhelpful. there are folks who need a free for all, folks who need civility and a small number of folks who are comfortable going either way.

it is good to know where you are comfortable and very wise to not turn a preference for a particular style into a requirement: either here or there but not both..... it reminds me of the dysfunctional polticians of both parties in DC. it also reminds me of "you're either with me or against me" illogic of cult leaders.

i'll digress a little on "artificial division" thinking since it is a pet peeve of mine. i'm certainly not saying azvictoria is doing the following. one can use false dilemma actively as a means of control or fall into it passively by honest mistake.

false dilemma and black-white thinking are tools that are used by folks who want to have power over others. the way it works unfortunately both gentlefolk and rougherfolk try to use that fallacious thinking in order to get the masses in line.

i've been on the internet since it was invented. (i even remember FidoNet and ARPAnet.) discussion groups have always had this tension between gentlefolk and rougherfolk. it always turns into a struggle. all that has been ever needed was a clear set of rules or posting guidelines and moderators willing to enforce them consistently but loosely enough so that the life isn't squeezed out of the board.  

lacking that, all too commonly an in-group anmong the gentles or the roughs tries to squeeze the other side out. the false dilemma gets deployed as a weapon to drive "other" folks off the board. the result is that you are left with a board that is so homogenous that there is nothing to say and so nothing is said.

the situationin TER is interestingly different in that there are two separate boards that have different paradigms in ascendancy. it will be interesting to see how that plays.

what will never play well with me is us versus them thinking.

MSHSEX5931 reads

I can agree with this. I'll also add the following:

What will never play well with me is the "Do as I say, not as I do" thinking. It's hypocrisy at its finest, not to mention that it easily leads to authority figures building their own little personal fiefdoms.

Posted By: Claudius42310
is counterproductive and unhelpful. there are folks who need a free for all, folks who need civility and a small number of folks who are comfortable going either way.

it is good to know where you are comfortable and very wise to not turn a preference for a particular style into a requirement: either here or there but not both..... it reminds me of the dysfunctional polticians of both parties in DC. it also reminds me of "you're either with me or against me" illogic of cult leaders.

i'll digress a little on "artificial division" thinking since it is a pet peeve of mine. i'm certainly not saying azvictoria is doing the following. one can use false dilemma actively as a means of control or fall into it passively by honest mistake.

false dilemma and black-white thinking are tools that are used by folks who want to have power over others. the way it works unfortunately both gentlefolk and rougherfolk try to use that fallacious thinking in order to get the masses in line.

i've been on the internet since it was invented. (i even remember FidoNet and ARPAnet.) discussion groups have always had this tension between gentlefolk and rougherfolk. it always turns into a struggle. all that has been ever needed was a clear set of rules or posting guidelines and moderators willing to enforce them consistently but loosely enough so that the life isn't squeezed out of the board.  

lacking that, all too commonly an in-group anmong the gentles or the roughs tries to squeeze the other side out. the false dilemma gets deployed as a weapon to drive "other" folks off the board. the result is that you are left with a board that is so homogenous that there is nothing to say and so nothing is said.

the situationin TER is interestingly different in that there are two separate boards that have different paradigms in ascendancy. it will be interesting to see how that plays.

what will never play well with me is us versus them thinking.

but as long as the MOD is separate...  why not.  Lots of boards have helpful members who help out...   this is just designating some people to help.   It's an experiment & who knows where it will go.  If it works, it might expand...  if not it'll be discontinued.

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