60 and Over

Proscar vs Avodart
mibfig 4 Reviews 973 reads

For those, like me, dealing with prostate issues and the impact of the meds for it, I made an accidental discovery recently that may be of use to others, so I thought I would share it......

I was on Avodart for BPH for about two years with good news and bad news.  The good news was that it shrunk the prostate like it is supposed to.  The bad news is that it pretty much shut down ejaculation, one of the potential, known side effects.  

About two months ago I entered the so-called donut zone on my prescription insurance coverage and the next 90 day refill was going to cost something like $500, so I called my doctor and asked if there was a generic for Avodart.  There isn't, but he said that there was one for Proscar (which he considers equivalent) so he put me on it.  Lots less expensive -- something like $40 for a 90 supply.

A completely unexpected positive is that Proscar does not have the same affect on me as Avodart and I am back to my old self again on ejaculation.  This alternate meds was the only modified variable, so I think I can attribute the change to it.

I know that all of us are different and it may not work for everyone but, if you have a choice between Avodart (Dutasteride) and Proscar (Finasteride), you may want to try the latter.  OR, I suppose, since Proscar has the same side effect listed, if you are on Proscar and experiencing lack of ejaculation, you may want to try the Avodart.  

-- Modified on 11/20/2015 11:57:18 AM

Has anybody tried this?  Seems like a man could obtain an incredible side benefit with this med!

I have been on 5mg of Cialis for BPH about a year and, yes, it helps in all areas.  In this case, a very welcomed side effect.

I've been on Cialis daily for a couple of years...  for BPH...  since there's zero happening at home.  I have noticed a nice morning woody which is pleasant.  Also works for BPH.  While I have some insurance coverage, still a pretty steep copay.    

Posted By: Tartus
Has anybody tried this?  Seems like a man could obtain an incredible side benefit with this med!

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