60 and Over

Age Management Program Warning...kinda long
scb19 10 Reviews 1359 reads

I just wanted to relay my experience (so far) with an Age Management Program.  I went to a doc that provides this service which is really no more than HRT for men.  The claim is they get your hormone levels back to what they were when you are 30.  Not really what I was looking for but couldn't get my regular doc to prescribe the testosterone.  Long story short, I have received 2 EOBs from my insurance company (so far) for labs that were run and as it turns our are not covered.  Out of pocket expense for this little dalliance?  Just under $8K.  I notified one lab and they said to send them the EOB and they would adjust it.  Haven't talked to the other yet.  

Lesson learned?  ALWAYS check with your insurance company and find out costs BEFORE doing something like this

is to avoid uninsured medical costs; they'll kill ya every time.

..the fountain of youth was in Florida. Not that anyone has actually found it but maybe you will.

As for any other medical procedure, i.e., whether it is medically necessary. This would be an "elective" treatment, like plastic surgery and would not ever be covered.  

The best way to fight aging and keep hormone levels as they were in your 30's is to hit the gym and continue to stimulate your cells to build muscle mass into your 50's and 60's.

And don't let your muscle mass deteriorate. I gets harder and harder to rebuild them.

Is there evidence that working out increases testosterone?

Not that we shouldn't work out in old age.  We lose fast twitch muscle more so that slow twitch, so weight lifting, rather than marathon training is advised as we age.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
As for any other medical procedure, i.e., whether it is medically necessary. This would be an "elective" treatment, like plastic surgery and would not ever be covered.  
 The best way to fight aging and keep hormone levels as they were in your 30's is to hit the gym and continue to stimulate your cells to build muscle mass into your 50's and 60's.  

You didn't say how old you are but I presume by posting here you are progressing in age.  I think you made the mistake of going to a men's clinic mill.  They are going to take your money any way they can.  I visited one several years ago.  Their whole program was very expensive.  What you need is a good, legitimate, sensitive main line physician.  All my care comes through a major academic medical center.  I get great support from my PCP through several specialist urologists.  My PCP has run testosterone blood level tests for several years.  All have been reimbursed most recently under classic medicare.  My natural testosterone level was down to 100 (on the old scale if you know what I mean - normal is 250 to 450.)  I was on androgel for a few years but that got very expensive on Medicare Part D.  It was covered for a while but drove me through the donut hole.  Then in consultation with my PCP I switched to testosterone shots.  The shots have proven to be very effective.  The shots are about $90 for three months.  Interestingly they are not on my current Part D formulary, but that carrier has a discount agreement with a supplier for the $90 for a three months supply.   After some practice I self administer once a week.  Under recent reimbursed blood tests I was spot on at 450.  

Recently I went through some prostate problems.  My specialist urologist with outstanding credentials and I discussed the testosterone therapy.  He had no reservations.  He thought the suspicion that testosterone shots (as you say male HRT) might contribute to prostate risk was completely unfounded.  He advised me to continue.

I am now seeing another urology specialist in the practice about trimix shots.  That's his specialty. More about that later.  Deserves a whole post of its own. You need to find a better set of 21st century, science based physicians.  Good luck.

for quite a few years has included topically applied testosterone lotion, prescribed by my PCP and partly covered by insurance.  I've heard those ads for the magical men's clinics and always thought there was something fishy about them, now I know. And the best Age Defying Treatment of all is to fuck lots of beautiful young women on a regular basis!

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