60 and Over

Let me know if they call you 5 times/ day to reorder
Myskyns 47 Reviews 543 reads

I made the mistake of using US Pharmacy once two years ago. I still get multiple calls every week from US Pharmacy for refills.  I've been paying the full price from KwikMed because the product is real and they do not harass me by phone.
Let me know if this company is less intrusive. Emails are fine but I'll call them if I want something.  
Do you need a prescription with them?
Hope your experience is positive!

I researched several sources recommended to me.  Thank you to everyone.  

AllDayChemist had best pricing.  When I got to the checkout & was entering my information...  the site kept hanging up & had to start over.  I got all my information in correctly... suddenly the total price doubled.  WTF!  I zeroed the purchaase & erased my data... hadn't gotten the CC entered yet.  I'm not playing those games!  

Sundrugstore.  Next best pricing.  Site seemed to work smoothly.  We'll see if the order goes through.  I used my seldom used CC...  & called the CC to verify the one time purchase.  My AVG didn't like the attachment on the confirmation email.    

-- Modified on 1/15/2017 8:27:50 PM

no problems.  They usually send me special codes for discounts.


Considerthis399 reads

-- Modified on 1/16/2017 8:04:28 AM

Considerthis533 reads

CIPA is a Canadian association of licensed, retail pharmacies.

We sell pharmaceuticals and maintenance medications (but not controlled substances) in 90-day quantities to both Canadian and U.S. citizens. Each CIPA pharmacy member is licensed and regulated by the government for safety.


I've had a positive experience with this Canadian on-line pharmacy. Recommend.

at SunDrugStore.  :)    

PS:  AVG didn't like the attachment again...  cleaned it fine though.  

PS2:  Appreciate the feedback & have noted sources for future use.    

-- Modified on 1/16/2017 1:15:14 PM

from SunDrugStore.   Same day.   :)   Good service.  Will keep you posted.  

PS AVG alert with this message also.  

-- Modified on 1/16/2017 5:38:15 PM

In my research all sites that I checked, add a separate shipping charge at checkout.  The cheapest price might not be.  Most of the shipping charges are flat fee so larger orders shrink the unit cost.  You really need to recalculate the cost per unit factoring that in.  
Even after that, I did bite on yet another upcharge $5 for insurance (SunDrugStore)...  I thought it was worth it for the value of the order.  The tracking shows it as shipped registered mail.

There IS money to be saved...  but there is effort involved.  Like any on-line purchase there is risk too...  

I just asked my primary phys to write a script for sildenafil.
Picked it up from CVS $15 for 30 20mg
I use 100's  
so that's $2.50 each   GREAT!!!!
After I have been spending $435.00 for 10 Viagra's
So excited...!!!!

I made the mistake of using US Pharmacy once two years ago. I still get multiple calls every week from US Pharmacy for refills.  I've been paying the full price from KwikMed because the product is real and they do not harass me by phone.
Let me know if this company is less intrusive. Emails are fine but I'll call them if I want something.  
Do you need a prescription with them?
Hope your experience is positive!

Posted By: Myskyns
I made the mistake of using US Pharmacy once two years ago. I still get multiple calls every week from US Pharmacy for refills.  I've been paying the full price from KwikMed because the product is real and they do not harass me by phone.  
 Let me know if this company is less intrusive. Emails are fine but I'll call them if I want something.  
 Do you need a prescription with them?  
 Hope your experience is positive!

If they call my hobby phone...  they'll get no answer...  

I used Canadian pharmacy several years ago and they still call me t least once a month despite my requests to be removed from their call list.

I used them 8 years ago and they do the same with me at least once a month with me repeatedly asking to get off the call list.  
  One time I was bored when they called and tried to place a huge order. Every option they gave me I asked for 200 of those. when it came time to put it on the card I told them to use the one that I canceled years ago. When it would go through I told them I no longer have credit cards. It was pretty fun and wasted a good 20 minutes of their time.

Even though I have non-hobby use of C...  MD & SO know I take it.   I still routed everything through my hobby email & phone.  Except the real (spare) CC.    

Since it is a seldom used CC & I wanted it to go through without denial / phone comfirmation...  I called the CC company, confirmed my ID, informed them of the single out of country mail order purchase (not WHAT!).  Similar to if you are traveling out of country.  

The correct charge is now showing on that CC Account.  :)    

The mail order purchase from the source mentioned above, a "6 month" supply was about $140 with all shipping charges.  

I noticed BC has changed mail order pharmacys.  I had been purchasing at local CVS Rx prior.  So I started asking questions.  
Got the following (exerpts) from the mailorder Rx:
Our website XXXXXX.com does not let you view the status of your prior authorization. Our records show you do have prior authorization on Cialis 5mg.  
Cialis 5mg one per day- the estimated cost for a 90 day supply through  
XXXXXXX is $540.00. This is a combination of your $250 copay and $290  
deductible.  Once the deductible is paid you will move into the Initial Coverage Stage where you only pay your copay.    
The math:  250 > 83.33 / mo.  Or 2.77 ea (after the 290 deductable is paid).  
Through the mail order, the annual cost would be over 1850. (That's only 11 months... because once I fell out of the donut hole, there was no way I was paying full rate.)    

My copay through CVS last year was $47. (Or 1.56 after the deductable is paid.)  The deductable is the same since that is with the insurer contract.  The first couple of months were pretty crazy costs.  Through the local CVS the cost is over 1000 a year. (Again, only 11 months...  stretch the med to cover the last month.)  

Going off the reservation is a big step.    

As others have suggested, Sildenfil (Viagra), only as needed would be a much cheaper option IF it was only for recreational use.            

I hope no one falls for this much higher mail order pricing.  

paradiddle73544 reads

...I've been using mail order sites for ED meds for over 6 years and never had a problem.  These aren't CVS, Walgreens, etc. pharmacies where you use your deductibles!  The cost is what it is.  The pharmacies I've used don't require a script and only send me what I ordered, and in some cases throw in a couple of free samples! Guys, don't over think this!

Yes! Thank you! Do a LITTLE research (hint: TER search function!), pick an online pharmacy, place an order. No big deal. And the detailed price calculations are also irrelevant. How many providers do you see a year? How much is that total cost? Now, add up the viagra/cialis/levitra costs. Are those two numbers even CLOSE, even the same order of magnitude? So, just order a years supply and be happy.

Not rocket science at all...

IF you read my original post, because I'm taking primarily for medical reasons, not for recreational purposes...      

Had my dr submit a prescription for 20 mg sildenafil fir 30 tablets, $39. Its in the mail.

in about 14 days.  Note that I had bought the extra $5 insurance.  Package is an almost flat brown folder cardboard mailer in clear cellophane.  So think it seemed more like a letter than a parcel.  Had customs sticker on it & India shipper address.  It came in regular mail & didn't raise any eyebrows...  I get mail order stuff regularly.  I set it asside to open ptivately.
Inside, the product was in sealed blister packs of 10, a yellow oval pill a bit larger than branded product.  I see this as an advantage as I use a pill cutter to split doses & the regular shape will be easier to cut in equal halves.  
Included was a "free" sample of 10 blue pills (100mg) in their own blister pack... color slightly off branded product but same pill shape.  I could have chosen lesser number of 20mg Cialis but that is too far from the dose I take to cut accurately.  
All the blister packs are marked with the mfg name & expire date coded.  

I was nervious, first time dealing with mail order meds... well, not really...  I get my regular meds by mail order all the time.  Just first time out of country.  I feel empowered.  No more paying crazy co-pays.  

PS  I never got asked for a prescription.  I have a legit US Rx prescription but not a paper copy of it.      

-- Modified on 1/29/2017 10:49:50 AM

You didn't do many drugs in college, did you?  ;)

Kinda blows your mind when you first get away with it.  Sorrrrrrrt of like other...hobbies, say. :)

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