60 and Over

Question about frequency of visits
HaleyOrlando See my TER Reviews 7953 reads

Would you prefer an infrequent feast or a more frequent delicious snack.  I would think less time equates to more about the sexual act while more time is a banquette of romance and. If your personal time or wallet are the deciding factor would you rather short change your time or money up or have shorter more often encounters.

Would you ever consider a quickie ?

For me shorter visits are less about romance and more about creating and acting on your sexual needs.

Kisses Haley

I prefer the longer visit with the right lady.  Money dictates just what I can and cannot do.  I like the conversation and the feel of no hurry.  It is funny to some but I do find the time spent outside any activities to be just as special.   An hour is as short as I will go. And I do that sometimes especially on a first visit.  If there is chemistry then I will elect to go longer the next time.  Of course some ladies can establish more conectivity before I actually meet them and I have elected the longer visit just based on that.  But then again sometimes time is of concern, especially when you have to travel a distance and mix business with pleasure.  So there are a lot of factors with me.

and they were fun, but I'm definately for the more time the merrier.

Yes, more time together allows people with chemistry to really develop a deeper and more enjoyable relationship.

Personally, i enjoy longer times, two hours or more. I enjoy sharing some wine, talking and getting the feel of one another, kissing, foreplay, long sensual immersion, the flow of pleasure back and forth, the feel of giving your partner pleasure and feeling and being part of her response, letting her play you and take you to the brink and bring you back, taking breaks and return to  playing up and down the pleasure scale and finally letting go for the final explosion of pleasure. Then lying together, talking, sharing, feeling each other. One hour is to short and quickees miss most of the pleasure for me.

I like longer. I mix it up though because of time and budget.  I like seeing the ladies and will do a short visit (1 hour) just so I can. I'll save up sometimes when I want a longer time or for something special. Even in an hour I don't do the wam bam thing. I take my time and enjoy.

I general I love the long Feast. Usually on such a meeting in addition to the "play" time I like to spend it getting to know the lady. Dinner, lunch, a hike in the woods, long talks, a photo shoot, the zoo, the options are endless. But many ladies are not up for such adventures. And some adventures are just out of reach of my pocket book.

But I have come to understand that it is truly an acting job and a fantasy. For both, in the back of their minds is the reality that it will never amount to more than P4P.  SO sometimes I realize I am asking a lot for a date of several hours. I guess I will never know how the lady ever truly feels. What I hope will happen, is there can be some mutual friendship where we both enjoy each others company nothing more but perhaps FW"p4p"B.  I am sometimes slapped back to reality when I see a lady at a m&g that I have seen several times in private and she does not recognize me. Or when my ATF retires without a goodbye.

So I find now that my hobby activity now consists of several 1/2 to 1hr meetings with a new lady or someone who just provides a great service and the occasional longer date with someone I think might have a mutual friendship potential, FW"p4p"B.

I am sure we have all heard the arguments for the donations providers ask for longer dates. One point I would like to make is from my point of view if I am going to invest substantial $$$ over a long period of time I would hope it would result in some sort of mutual friendship. If the interaction is all a fantasy, I might as well see more ladies on a more frequent basis where the rules are clear and defined!

One topic that has come up is the monthly frequent pooner program where you get so many hours per month at a discounted rate and you can uses them all at once or spread them out.  I kind of like that Idea

I agree that it's lovely to reward frequent visitations with a substantial reward... that's why I introduced my "Fly Free on Air Tabu" arrangement.

Anyone who honors me with 4 visits in a one month period gets his 5th visit free!

Tabu of S Flrida

i have booked one one hour encounter.

most are for two hours and dinner engagements are common.

I really, really enjoy overnights and have had a few . Love holding a woman in my arms all night.

I definitely prefer longer sessions. Although I am relatively new to this, of my first 14 dates, all but 1 have been at least 2 hours and 8 have been at least 3 hours. I have found that the ones I enjoy the most have been even longer, between 4 and 6 hours. I think there are several reasons why longer is better for me. First, at my age I need a longer recovery time. Second, I really do love to cuddle. Third, I enjoy really getting to know each other and having dinner together before jumping into bed seems to enhance the pleasure for both parties. It is more lie a GFE than just a quick romp in the hay. But I can understand that for others the longer sessions with their added costs could be less attractive.

after that, it just depends on the chemistry. I'm not into overnights or for that matter, quickie 1/2 hours

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