60 and Over

apainter 28 Reviews 6307 reads


the Kaiser-Permanente Medical Group.  If you are a member, of course.  
If not, try your own medical practitioner and insurer.

CIPLA (a major Indian pharmaceutical company) makes sildenafil, aka generic Viagra. They can't market it directly in the US, but it is sold through websites like Canadian Pharmacy even though it is shipped from Kolkata. It is the same thing as Pfizer's Viagra but at a small fraction of the cost.  Allow a few weeks for processing and shipment. They also sell generic versions of Cialis and other ED medications.

How you determine whether something is genuine CIPLA sildenafil, I don't know.

I have a bunch of Cipla product that I bought back before the feds took out Canadian Pharmacy.  The stuff does work and I am no chemist,  but it seems the USA bought products work a bit better.  

Your primary care physician should be able to assist you. Your discretion will be protected and you can be assured you won't be getting bootleg drugs.

Good luck.

I'm currently on the blue pill but I have never been fully happy with the results. Cialis even more so -- just never has worked for me.

What has worked very well in the past is Levitra but it's super expensive -- even when bought from overseas outlets -- and my health insurance doesn't cover it (it does cover generic Viagra and Cialis).

Any thoughts? Thanks!

Steve_Trevor60 reads

for Levitra, vardenafil hydrochloride or just vardenafil, that’s supposed to be a lot cheaper than Levitra.

Are you just experimenting with Nitric Oxide at all?

"When we hum, oscillating sound waves may also affect the sinuses, leading to increased levels of nitric oxide in the nose. One study found a 15-fold increase of nasal nitric oxide from humming compared to exhaling quietly."
I saw that if you hum, you generate nasal nitric oxide. I have not found any citations that such NO will make it to your cock but I figured it's free so sometimes on my way to a sex session, I'll hum in the car.  I haven't noticed any obvious benefit, but on the other hand, I had normal erections, so not sure if it helped or not.

Yes, I'm using Nitric Oxide support supplements.  Two ways:  L-Citrulline 2g (that the body converts to L-Arginine) is a precursor to NO in tissues, and sodium nitrate 1g (Noxygen brand) that is converted to nitrite in salivary recirculation by oral bacteria.  So take the nitrate the day/night before and do not use mouthwash.  
This combo has made tadalafil much more reliable for me.  Since I nearly always schedule sex a day or more ahead, it's quite feasible to take "as needed".  I'm not sure what regular daily use of nitrate would do.  
The irony of this pleases me -- we heard as youngsters that institutions (schools, the Army) would add "saltpeter" (nitrates) to food as a sex suppressant.  Remember that?  Hah!

I recently bought some L-Citrulline.  I know they recommend it.  But a lot of these health food advocates recommend based on theory of contents rather than experimental studies.  So a lot of supplements are unproven, regardless of how glowing the recommendations.  
Anyhow my experience is too limited so far to say if I noticed any improvement.  I don't have ED per se, just the usual diminished staying power with age, so do take V beforehand.  So I am not sure what more improvement I could expect anyway.  I suppose if my ED was worse, benefits would be more obvious.
So it doesn't hurt to take the supplement.  Though I also don't know if you should take it days before, hours before, or what.  I'm pretty undisciplined with taking pills so I tend to forget to do them on a daily basis.

I get about 60 10 milligram off brand blue pills for $10.00. Amazon is a good place to check also.  

TheOldMuffDiver60 reads

I went to a ubiquitous pharmacy chain in the northeast to refill my 20 MG sildenafil tabs.

The cashier asked for a sidebar, during which he told me that I was batsh*t crazy to buy there. Think $50 -$60 for 30.  

I went to my HMO's pharmacy and paid $23.

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