60 and Over

Anything that helps you bounce back faster
chubnup 8 Reviews 3133 reads

I am in my mid to late sixties and was debating on going to an event called Club Curiosity. From what I have inquired about it is a four hour event with multiple providers.  I have never been to an "orgy" but would like to try it. It's on my private bucket list.
Right now my HMO prescribes Sildenafil. It works good but not great but I am basically one and done and I become Mr. Softy for quite a while.
Is there something on the market where I stay hard or can bounce back quicker ?


I am just turning 65 this year and have found a lot of positives with cock rings. I earlier posted about a harness type device but have switched to  two separate rings. I am a one and done guy like you. A cock ring might be a positive in your new adventure ? Practice before you go on stage      

Guys in the swinger community know how to play with multiple ladies and hold their orgasm for end of the evening.

In my mid 60's I attended an event with 11 or 12  women and about 10 guys. I was shocked that I didn't get off until the end of the night. Meanwhile I had been with 6 or 7 different women. No idea why.. maybe sensory overload..but hard all night.. viagra helped..the best night of my life

Black maca powder.  
Lots of water.  
Plenty of rest.  
Adequate exercise so that physical flexibility, strength and endurance are not issues.  
And, if you use Cialis, which for me allows me to enjoy an entire weekend of debauchery, but also can make me prone to headaches, keep ibuprofen on board.  

Take it (maca) every day for 3 days if you can for maximum effect.

-- Modified on 8/21/2022 11:54:55 AM

-- Modified on 8/21/2022 12:15:25 PM

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