60 and Over

For those who are over 60+…red_smile
QueenBia See my TER Reviews 11567 reads

How old are the women you target to date? I am 45. I am old enough to know better, but young enough not to care. lol Smile for me!  

I happily push my men in a wheelchair to a strip club with a huge grin. Don’t judge me.  

accommodate me as my infirmities grow makes me happy to hear.

I don't really target gals of any particular age, and make my decisions on other factors.

The real joy I get from a gal is from her personality.  

I prefer to see ladies over 40 and mostly later 40's to mid 50's. I'm much more comfortable connecting with this age group and find establishing ongoing relationships works best for me.

I enjoy your posts QB, so thanks for posting on this board. It's definitely less negative and judgmental than the general board.

I'm in my 70s but don't automatically exclude younger ladies. I'll read the reviews more carefully to see if maturity and interesting conversations are mentioned. That said, I have found that women in their late 30s through their 40s have given the most enjoyable overall experience. One of my ATFs provided the richest connection and conversations that I've had, and was also a skilled lover. She looked like a very fit and youthful mid-forty year old and I was blown away when she told me she was 60!

With a little help from genes and a good attitude, age is just a number and no one should let themselves be defined by it. Your posts and looks are a wonderful example of the attraction of a woman who has lived and learned a few more years.

Steve_Trevor59 reads

I know some mature 25 year olds and immature 50 year olds. But as a general rule I don’t go younger than 30 any more, and it’s been a long time since I saw someone younger than low 30s.

My ATF is in her late 40s, and my other current favs are 36, 43, and 56.

I  like mature ladies in good shape and this how I start my search. Attitude and reviews along with p-411 help to narrow things down. I recently took a chance on a young provider in Jacksonville Fl . She was on P-411 and had great reviews. We ended up meeting and we had a  absolute blast. I was able to change my traveling schedule a month later and see her again with excellent results. This experience has helped me seriously consider younger providers. Good ones do do exist but require work to find.  

I do appreciate QueenBia for keeping things going here on TER and adding value on the 60 + sight. Please keep doing what you do !!!!      

..... 40 & up as I prefer a more mature woman I can connect with intellectually & emotionally.  However, I may occasionally stray for a younger hard body but as a 64-year-old man older is more in my comfort zone.

Just looking at the past year, I've seen a couple women advertising as 20-21 who are plausibly around that, a provider who I've been seeing occasionally for years who I'm not sure about but I think is at least early 50s, and a variety of ages in between. I turned 63 a few weeks ago. I don't really have a set "type" in most respects. I just have to think she's hot.

Fun post😉
Generally my preference is 35 plus.  
Though for several years I've slowed down for various reasons. I prefer a bit more of a seasoned experience.
However, I did find a mid-20 with a mature wild side recently from a meet and greet. Always open 😉

HEIDEN69 reads

I'm an older gentleman so enjo the company of a more mature woman  40's or 50's.  My ATF was in her 50's so we related and enjoy hanging out and visiting as much  as playing.

I'm looking for companions over 35. minimum.....over 40 is preferred.
Met a firecracker who was mid 60's with a body of a 20 yo

Feels really weird if I date someone younger than my daughters.

Dating them, yes, that might feel weird, though I have not tried it.  
But fucking providers young enough to be my granddaughters does not feel weird at all.  The ones I have met are skilled entertainers and make me feel good things, not weird things.

I’m 67
I usually like over 40 up to 55 but my current atf is early 30’s., but she’s the exception.  Younger would make me feel more odd.  No frame of reference

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