60 and Over

Session Request
feelinfrisky123 6 Reviews 2895 reads

So, when meeting a provider for the first time, what's the best way to clarify expectations? I have very specicific services that make for a great time but I also realize that providers don't want to get too explicit with someone they haven't met. And please, don't say wait until you meet. By then it's too late.

And when you ask, do it tactfully.  Use euphemisms - for example: Don’t say “I want to fuck you in the ass.”  Instead you can say “I’d like to visit the Greek isles.”

That should give you a pretty good idea of what she does. Beyond that, try PMing her reviewers for some back-channel guidance.

I agree. Read her reviews.
Some disagree with me, but I have suggested to carefully and tactfully refer to her reviews, if you think it's important. Let's say Reviewers A, B, and C say, explicitly, No CIM or do not mention CIM at all but Reviewers D, E, and F say CIM. You might say that you read her reviews and you're looking for an experience like D had (or E or F had). You do NOT need to say, "As far as I'm concerned, A, B, and C ended in disappointment. Do you catch my drift or do I have to spell CIM out for you?"

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Why not just read her reviews?
That should give you a pretty good idea of what she does. Beyond that, try PMing her reviewers for some back-channel guidance.

I like your suggestion. Just reading reviews can be misleading with some being great while others are underwhelming for the same provider. My preference is to have expectations agreed to up front directly with the provider beforehand.

It's true that reviews can be subjective and can vary widely. In a way it's like reading the reviews of restaurants or contractors, you have to develop a sense for BS and be suspicious of outliers. One way to get more value out of them (you may already do this) is to get a VIP membership and check the "juicy details" for providers you're interested in. You don't have to make a big investment or put your credit card out there; a $40 gift card gets you a month's access, and you can learn a lot in a month. One particular provider has gone to the top of my must-see list because of one unusual delight (not bbfs) mentioned in the details of a few of her reviews.

Reviews are a great way to start.  However, I prefer to see ladies that actually like the same things I do rather than them doing it because feel they need to.  It is also quite possible that the special services feelinfrisky123 mentioned are not often mentioned in reviews.  That is where using a site where one can customize their own profile with likes can come in handy.  

I understand some things can’t wait until the date. If I have verified you I have no problem. If it is something that can not be answered by reading my fantasy reviews, or not on my website. I ask for a small token of appreciation to answer any questions. Sounds reasonable to me.

I have consistent reviews that anyone can read and know what kind of atmosphere to expect....and it's helpful to be with that one lady you KNOW you can feel comfortable discussing and getting to know one another.  Sometimes,  it's not to late after you're already there IF you've done your research dear.

Thanks for your input and no disagreement from me regarding checking reviews and a preference for ongoing relationships.  
However, in my case several regulars of mine have moved on in the past year or so and I'd like to meet some new ones. I prefer mature providers but many have few or inconsistent reviews. I also don't live in an area like Atlanta where there's a plethora of local providers to choose from. In this case, finding a new provider for an ongoing relationship isn't quite as easy as you suggest and I'd like to respectfully ask for clarity on services before a session.
After looking at your profile, if you'd like to visit regularly ..... problem solved!

I never try and discuss activities with a lady in advance or even during.  Some ladies are very touchy about that and there are good reasons for that.  Also, the last thing I want to do is for a lady to feel pressured to do something she is not particularly into.  I go by reviews for the most part and I typically let the lady take the lead.  On sites where you can have your own profile, you can drop hints about activities you like to do.  If she takes the time to read the profile, then she will know.  Also, if the lady does not have reviews, she can check your profile to see if she thinks you two are a good match.  That is basically what I do on P411 and it has served me well.  If a lady reads my profile and really likes the same things, it can be very obvious.  Often they will write back with "Oh, I think we will get along just fine" or "I think I'm going to have as much fun as you" etc.  Sometimes they will be more explicit, but I leave that up do them.  Ones that are really into what I am will also often make multiple trips to my profile to reread it over the next day or two which you can tell if you are using a site that tracks who views your profile.  Ladies that make such multiple visits to my profile quickly get moved to the top of my list for that reason.  

Excellent suggestion! I took your advice and updated my P411 profile to be more specific as to what I prefer in a session ... tactfully of course. My previous one was too general. Thanks for the solid advice!  
I also completely agree with your other point on finding a provider who enjoys the same things. I realize it's a business, but it always works better if both sides enjoy the time spent together.

I'm open to have that talk , just be Tactful Respectable Gentleman ..

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