60 and Over

a dichotomy..
LoboGris 3 Reviews 6053 reads

fresh out of the shower, hair washed... even still wet...

fresh out of the gym, still dripping sweat....

can be so intoxicating and is a big part of sensual pleasure. What fragrance if any would you select ...natural aroma, hint of fresh shampooed hair, light perfume, or don't wash it for the day before you see me.

Kisses Haley

fresh out of the shower, hair washed... even still wet...

fresh out of the gym, still dripping sweat....

I prefer "Fragrance Free"  No perfume-No "perfumy" soap-just a clean natural scent-all over!!

Don't know how you do it, and personally, I don't care. But that very first taste of that very special treasure stays with me far longer than the freshest of aromas. Just not long enough!!

One actually lives out of town and said he wanted to sleep with my pussy all night long and said this was the closest he could get to his fantasy.

Does anyone else feel the same way ?

Kisses Haley

Yes it's a job....but I like to believe that we see you as much for the memory, as we do for the now. So all the effort that goes into looking, smelling, and yes, tasting your best...are quite often the greatest part of the memories you give us....and why we keep coming back! To be totally addicted....then completely intoxicated...to the lure and past memory of our last time together!  We have 5 senses: to touch, taste, see, hear, smell. The more you appeal to all 5, the better the experience.
  Makes me want to check my calendar to see how long I have to wait...

I whole heartedly agree. Don't use any lube on that area either till I have had my treats. Would like to add that I love the scent of a freshly bathed beauty. But don't like wet hair.

Posted By: wp55285
Don't know how you do it, and personally, I don't care. But that very first taste of that very special treasure stays with me far longer than the freshest of aromas. Just not long enough!!

Just showered smells great. Don't need perfume but some are ok. I like Victoria Secret's "Encounter". Coty had a musk back in the 70's that was a favorite of mine. That stuff was an aphrodisiac for me. Don't know if it's still around. I don't like any fragrance if you have too much on or if it is simply a very heavy fragrance. Light is right.
Haley, I can identify with your client that wants to have you on his face all day and night. I like that fragrance. I don't want an artificial smell down there. Unless I'm going straight home and won't see anyone that day though I can't go without washing after the fun. I have done that with girlfriends and the wife (now an x) when we stayed in the rest of the day/night.

Sweaty quickly turns gross quickly.

The scent of arousal is intoxicating...   washing removes it for a few hours as far as my nose can tell.  But any guy who returns home without washing & wonders why the woman of the house heads right for him (whether she is aware or not)...  

My vote is for Natural.

I love a woman fresh out of the shower with her hair still a little damp, smelling of shampoo. I see one woman who uses a body spray that has no taste but a vanilla taste to it. Drives me nuts.

I absolutely adore the natural scent of a woman, it's the closest thing to an aphrodesiac I've ever encountered, although the taste can be a close second.

Sorry, but I like a little heavier scenct - not light.  I like remembering the smel and recalling that time when I detect a similar fragrance on another women.  

But then I like that that over the top approach on most everything.  A former SO accused me of being overly attracted to "the cheap hooker/stripper look.". Damn she was a smart woman....

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