60 and Over

2nd handle
xyz23 45 Reviews 6817 reads

I joined TER in '09. I had another handle that was related in an obscure way to a job I once had. I posted once maybe twice with that handle. I never wrote a review with that handle. By the time I wanted to write a review I needed to change the handle as someone knew who I was by that one. Nothing nefarious just needed to not draw attention to myself. I made contact with TER and told them about needing a change. They instructed me to submit 3 handles I would like to use and they would get back to me. They chose this handle from what I submitted. The 3 I submitted were similar. They include a sound I think comes across in a strong way.

was much thought put into it? I saw one recently called big prick  funny but would give me pause where huggybear just made me want to reach out  I kinda like the funny ones or the ones that make me think  could a handle by either a  provider or a hobbiest affect your  thinking  kinda predispose you whether you would want to meet that person?  What is the craziest handle  you have seen and how did you take it?

Look to the general board and feast your eyes on so many crazy handles being used. Yes, I have been given bad vibes by a man's handle after following his posts. Many times if you do a search on that member names post they pretty much follow a certain persona. My take is this man is a multiple personality diva with a different handle for every mood.

I also like the cute alias that pop up everywhere to share good tidings... the "followme family" .

Kisses Haley

I decided to run the names I liked through TER first.  So I used the "search reviews" section to run the names before choosing one.  Every single pretty name I chose was already being used by other ladies.  I was still very new to providing at that time, and I did not want to offend anyone by using their name.  So I kept trying.  When I decided to take a break.  I went to my refrigerator and there was my Betty Boop magnet.  Ah HA!  Betty!  I quickly ran it through and no other Betty's showed up in my area.  Yippee!  LOL!  

Since the DC Board represented DC, VA and MD at that time, I put Baltimore in front of my new name so people would know where I was located.  Hence, BaltimoreBetty was born.  I remained BaltimoreBetty here on TER for over 3 years.  I no longer reside in Baltimore.  So I changed my handle to BettyCocker.  I must admit I miss being BaltimoreBetty here.  So there is a chance I may go back to that handle.  Even with my handle change, my name has remained Betty.  That has not changed.  I am BettyCocker here on TER.  But I am still BaltimoreBetty on all the other sites.  

There are a lot of fun handles out there.  I would have to think about exactly which ones I like best.  But I can say I defintely like the cute/sweet/funny ones more than any of the others.

Betty I was wondering when you are picking a name are you also looking for an appellation that also captures and describes your personality as a provider or is it merely a pseudonym to use while you work? Because I thinking that you would have a name that would attract and capture a hobbyist's imagination. Just was asking the thought that goes in to choosing a name for work?

For me I wanted a name that was different than anyone elses out there.  There are other providers named Betty.  But I am the only Betty in the DC area.  I like that.

Initially I looked at a few different names.  Then I decided it was more important to have an original name than the prettiest name out there.  I wanted my name to stand out.  I do think Betty is a fun, and cutsie name.  That being said, I do not think the name makes the lady.  It's the lady who makes the name.  I am hoping that I took the old fashioned name of Betty and made some guys think about it in a sexy way when they remember and reflect on our time together.

15 years ago a co-worker said " georgous eyes, the rest eh"

so picking a name was a snap,

works well at M&G's too cause I usually get " pretty obvious who you are"  lol

Another great question by Victoria to keep this board interesting and fun. Thank you to our Arizona friend  - you have our admiration and good wishes!
Looking back, when I joined TER two years ago I was new and very hesitant, excited but nervous. I think that I must have said to myself, "wow", I am really doing this. Then the alarm bells went off in my head reminding me to be careful and I thought of Casius' (?) admonition to Julius Caeser, "beware the ides  of March". Thus was born wow0315. Today I would probably pick something more descriptive of me like "appreciatesfinewomen" or "never2old" but I hope as women get to know me they learn to appreciate me for being the person described by the handles that I didn't think of then.

-- Modified on 1/9/2012 1:06:48 PM

I do most of my hobbying on the road, so I went for that theme. I liked "contrails" but found that too many ladies didn't know what they were.

by a provider who wrote about a visit she had from Beverly Fisher, an escort with whom I am very close, and myself to her home.

She wrote a blog about it and said that she had been visited by Mr. and Ms. Fisher, so I told Bev:  "It looks like I'm Mr. Fisher now."

And that, morphed to mrfisher because Mr. Fisher was already taken, is how my handle came to be.

I joined TER in '09. I had another handle that was related in an obscure way to a job I once had. I posted once maybe twice with that handle. I never wrote a review with that handle. By the time I wanted to write a review I needed to change the handle as someone knew who I was by that one. Nothing nefarious just needed to not draw attention to myself. I made contact with TER and told them about needing a change. They instructed me to submit 3 handles I would like to use and they would get back to me. They chose this handle from what I submitted. The 3 I submitted were similar. They include a sound I think comes across in a strong way.

I started in the hobby 7 months ago and had so much fun with my first encounters that I wanted to put reviews up right away as soon as I discovered TER. One of the providers suggested I stay away from body parts and anything that could possibly be perceived as offensive (I got the first impressions pep talk). Ok, here is where candor comes in and only on this board...lol...) My passion is making sure that who I am with is having more fun than me and as a newbie I thought I was the only one in the hobby that thought that way and wanted my 'uniqueness' to be immediately apparent... my choice seemed to be the best one because it describes me and because I was sure I was the oasis in the desert that providers were looking for. Of course the inevitable occurred... I became better versed in TER... realized that I was one of hundreds with the same bent and it dawned on me that I had labeled myself as a cliche... at times I have handle envy but only rarely and if it becomes an issue I pop some spinach, grab the corn cob and start walking around in a sailor suit saying: "I y'am what I y'am"

First, I was banned before I even had any reviews because of my name. Then when they had some conflict and wanted more explosure I found myself on here with a review but thought a stalker I had at that time had something to do with it, so had myself delisted for many years. Then a good friend told me I should try posting again.
Shortly there after I had 12 old reviews pop up.
I guess I could have them correct it at this point but its always been a hate/love name, some hate it, some love it. I've had it for so long it would be to weird to change it now bc I have thought about it.

An ex stripper friend picked it for me bc I never was good at picking stage names.
10 yrs ago it made since A for alphabeticlly listed places and Cash for google linking.

Why? Someone objected to Adora or to Cash? I'd like to hear that story. We are talkin' about P4P right?

Not sure what P4P means but it was a LONG time ago 8 yrs or more and no sense in rehashing. But yes, there was a post about my name and I replied with "its just a name, give me a call and lets chat". You may be able to do a seach, they also use to say I was FBI and LE which at the time I even had a little nitevision teaser clip of me getting sum smushing.

Unfortunately it has been compromized by childhood friends so I'm trying to think of 3 alternatives for a new handle.  I should have thought more carefully before choosing.

I ride a Yamaha RoadStar 1700, and not a Harley.  I wouldnt have a HD and most of the guys I ride with are HD guys. So they called me Roadie.  Funny thing is I know the NC and southern VA mountains and ended up the Road Captain. So I would always say 'Lets get this show on the road and ride.'  So my rides were called Roadie Shows cause I head for all the twisties.  So somehow I typed in Roadshow when joining, that didnt work and I added the 2 which did.  I didnt plan on posting at all but got addicted to 'Board Crack' . And now you know the rest of the story.

Love um all- boobies that is.

It could have been pussyluver, legluver, or assluver just as well.

A little over 6 years ago when I moved from a bath house, to providing independently, I just chose Naughty Nikki because it sounded cute. No research done, or long time mulling it over, just chose one. I changed my name once, but that didn't last long, so switched back, & it just stuck, lol. I've found over the years, there are quite a few other 'Naughty Nikki's'(nothing in my area) and have had to switch up the spelling to 'Nahty Nikkey' on most sites, as the regular spelling is usually taken.

dobie_doinat6075 reads

But it took a while to sort out the options.

G26474 reads

When I first started visiting this site in December, 1999 (I didn't register until a while later), it was all about information exchange.   At that time, it was obviously dominated by we older guys that did most of our partying in the pre-internet era of classified ads, word-of-mouth etc.

We had a very different experience of risk, LE, highs and lows, ROB's etc. than the guys today.  As a result, I picked a name that reflected the information sharing aspect of TER.  For those unfamiliar with the term, "G2" is the code name for military intelligence.  When I was in grad school, and later in my first full-time job, all the Viet Nam vets were returning and they used the term G2 as part of their normal conversation, as in "Do you have the G2 on this afternoon's meeting?"  So I picked up the habit myself after working with these guys for many years.

It's not a very good handle for today's TER, but I've been using it for so long I'm stuck with it now.

fast ffred8769 reads

When I was in the army.  Some German beer was involved, so I don't remember any of the story.

sensualsixty6283 reads

At one time it was an honest reflection of who I thought I was, but it is no longer truthful - at least the sixty part.  Why bother to change now?

to give to this hobby.......I was in a patriotic mood

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