Review: Vanessa Fontaine

TER ID: 200837

Posted: December, 2012 by EXENCINOMAN

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Session Location

My Hotel

General Details

I met Vanessa at a meet & greet party in New England and we instantly hit it off - flirting, banter and witty repartee (and that thing with the cream-filled chocolate eclair, but I digress...), but at all times she remained classy and elegant and maintained an alluringly appropriate, but friendly, reserve and did not cross any lines. I had to be in her town on business a couple of months after the party and so I contacted Vanessa. She agreed to meet me at my hotel. As noted in prior reviews, she lives way out in the 'burbs and doesn't have a car, so it was an effort (and an expense) for her to come into town for me, but she did so gladly. We met at the hotel bar and shared a pleasant drink, got to know one another and did some light flirting. Then it was time to adjourn upstairs where I was to learn just what Vanessa is like behind closed doors. . .

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