Review: Toni Love

TER ID: 115982

Posted: August, 2014 by BIGJOE2002

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Nice place

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Terri Lynn is a great person. She is a straight shooter such that she will tell you what is on her mind, however, she shares her compassion and warmth towards the individuals. I been in different facets of hobbying and she is definitely one of the best I seen. Just be true and treat her right, and she will do the same back to you. Her drive and beloved towards the individuals needs helps make you become at ease about hobby and better chance to enjoy it. Well here is the story..... I first became interested in Terri Lynn in one of the post I have started on the discussion board. She showed her joking side with her response. I was intrigued about who Terri Lynn was and I try to research on the review board and checked her website out to get a better feel of her. I was interested in seeing especially reading the reviews from other reviews and through her pics. I contacted her to figure out her process in seeing someone. She responded to me and we started corresponding with one and another. We decided to make arrangement and meet with one another. We tried several attempts but based upon the logistics and other stuff, we had to cancel the meetings. For a minute, I thought that we wouldn't meet then we decided to set a hard date and meet. After we decided on the time and date, we continue with the corresponding. For the next few days, I was going back and forth because I was thinking that it was too good to be true with the personality and all, and I didn't want to be tricked and all. Long and behold, I had another engagement with some friends and all, but I decided to keep my appointment with Terri Lynn. As I arrived to the location, she gave me instruction of what to do when I get there. As I arrived there, I knocked on the door. With all of these things going on, I was having different thoughts in my mind and considered turning around, but I went ahead. As I finished knocking on the door, I saw the door open. As I walked through the door........ Non Vipers I would go ahead and see her as the very least once because you will have a wild time and I mean wild time. Vipers read on below........

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