Review: JC

TER ID: 43437

Posted: January, 2008 by RLBPRN2

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One of my unfulfilled fantasies has always been having a threesome. While visiting Sage, she suggested JC. I had checked out her website before, so now I was more interested. I figured that I should first see JC before exploring further. I sent in the required info and with Sage’s reference. I was in. Set the date and time and then waited patiently. A couple of confirming e-mails show me what to expect. I hadn’t spoken to JC yet, but had all the info needed as we were using Sage’s place. I arrived, but no answer. Checked my voice mail to find she was stuck in traffic. I decided to wait it out and was I ever glad that I did. When she arrived she let me in while she went to freshen up. I opened a bottle of champagne left over from New Years. We sat and talked and I found a great conversationalist. She made me feel completely at ease before going into the candlelit bedroom. JC had music playing, but she allowed me to switch it out with mine about halfway through. She really got into the music that I had selected for her. LFK turned into DFK and the clothes quickly came off. VIP’s read on . . .

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